Charismatic Charlie Wade Novel Chapter 1427 – 1428

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Chapter 1427

Nanako is also very sorry in her heart.

Knowing that she was sitting in the well and watching the sky, what she wanted most was to jump out of this well, but Charlie didn’t give her this opportunity.

Yamamoto Kazuki saw her look down and hurriedly calmed down: “Nanako, it’s not the time to consider this issue. You will win this game first, and we will discuss the rest!”

Nanako nodded heavily, and immediately said to Yamamoto Kazuki: “Master then I will be on the stage.”

“Go!” Yamamoto Kazuki encouraged: “This game must go all out, whether Charlie is willing to accept you as a disciple. You must let him see your strength, so in this game, you play as beautifully as possible!”


“Yes!” Yamamoto Kazuki said firmly: “Nanako, the last time Aoxue defeated Joanna with a single move, she was very popular on the Internet. I hope you will do your best when you play and give your opponent no chance. Control the enemy with one move!”

Nanako sighed: “Master, Michel is the second seed. We have played against each other before. Although I have beaten her every time, I cannot avoid a fierce battle every time. It is difficult to defeat her with one move… ….”

Yamamoto Kazuki said: “If you can’t control the enemy with one move, you have to do your best to defeat her in the first game. You want Charlie to see your strength and let him look at you with admiration!”

“Even if it is impossible for him to accept you as a disciple in his life, you must let him know that your talent is far above Aoxue! Not accepting you as a disciple is his loss, not yours!”

Nanako immediately resolutely said: “Okay Master!”

One minute later.

The four players participating in the semi-finals are already waiting to play in their respective channels.

Aoxue and Nanako coincided with the same mentality: they must do their best to win with one move, let Charlie look at them with admiration!

After the host finished his opening remarks, he first announced: “First of all, let’s invite our Chinese player, Aoxue!”

Aoxue took a deep breath and stepped out of the passage first.

Subsequently, the host announced: “Next, I will invite Aoxue’s opponent this time, the Australian player Victoria!”

As soon as the voice fell, a blonde Australian female player also walked out of the passage.

The Australian player’s expression was a bit nervous, and the overall momentum was much weaker than Aoxue. It can be seen that she should have no confidence in today’s game.

Then, the host called Nanako’s name and her opponent, Michelle from the United States.

Nanako and Michelle are both very calm, and their eyes are full of desire to win this game.

Michelle was originally the second seed in this game, and her strength was not much weaker than Nanako. After watching Aoxue’s last game, she also realized that she had no hope of competing for the championship this time, so she and Nanako’s strategy is the same, all hope to win this game as much as possible and secure the silver medal for the runner-up.

Even Michelle thought more realistically.

She felt that as long as she wins the game, when she faces Aoxue in the final, she could directly abstain and admit defeat on the spot.

Not only will this not affect her from getting the silver medal, but it will also not bring her any risk of injury.

After all, Aoxue’s strength in the last game was too strong, and Michelle was afraid that when she finally meet in the final, she would be injured under her hands.

An athlete has to participate in many games a year, and losing one is actually not a pain, but if you are unable to participate in a year of competition due to injury, it is really not worth the gain.

Chapter 1428

At this time, the four contestants respectively boarded two arenas.

The two arenas are on the left and the other is on the right. Each arena is surrounded by the audience.

Today, there were no empty seats, and the applause, whistles and applause before the game started, it was endless.

Charlie stood under the ring behind Aoxue, which was also the position of the coach in the Sanda competition.

The opponent’s coach looked at her nervously at this time, and looked at Aoxue on the ring from time to time. The towel in his hand was always ready. Once his apprentice couldn’t support herself on the stage, he would be the fastest to throw the towel in time and admit defeat.

On the ring, Aoxue looked at her opponent Victoria with a grim expression.

Before Charlie didn’t help her improve her physique, she was not an opponent of Victoria. After all, this girl was tall, and her physical function was better than Aoxue before.

But now, she has full confidence in defeating Victoria.

She was just thinking about what method she should use to achieve a victory against Victoria.

At the same time, in another ring, Nanako is also considering the same issue.

Her eyes were not on the opponent Michel, but on Charlie by the side of the other ring.

Although Charlie was not watching her at this time, she firmly believed that if she performed well enough, Charlie would definitely see her!

What is good enough?

It seems that she has to defeat Michelle with one move, just like Master Wade said!

At this moment, the referees on both sides of the ring announced the start of the game at the same time!

Here, Aoxue observed at Victoria, ready to find the opponent’s flaws.

Victoria was quite jealous of Aoxue, so she would not dare to take the initiative to step forward for a while, she had been doing a defensive posture, watching Aoxue vigilantly.

On the other hand, as soon as the game started, American player Michelle yelled and immediately attacked Nanako!

For Michelle, she had long been eager to defeat Nanako, and she also knew that her strength was too far behind Aoxue, so she concentrated all her energy on Nanako.

The American fighting mentality itself is very fierce, open and close, and attack with all strength as soon as it comes up. Nanako can only retreat quickly and dodge the raindrops of the opponent’s offensive.

At this time, Nanako did not dare to fight back, because she has an obsession in her heart, and wants to defeat Michelle by one move for Charlie to see, so she must not blindly shoot, she must find the best time to solve the battle at once. !

Aoxue was already approaching Victoria at this time. While swinging her body to prepare for dodge, she kept shortening the distance with Victoria, and was also looking for the best time.

But Victoria was quite wary of her and kept backing away, hoping to keep a safe distance.

Just when Victoria was forced to the corner of the ring by Aoxue, Aoxue suddenly seized the opportunity and rushed towards Victoria like a rabbit.

Victoria was nervous, with both hands in front of her, ready to resist Aoxue’s first offensive in time.

Aoxue strode quickly, and after her left leg stepped out, she suddenly took a step forward for more than half a meter, her body rotated in the air, and her right leg quickly drew towards Victoria!

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