Charismatic Charlie Wade Novel Chapter 1345 – 1346

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Chapter 1345

Sara opened the package of JX Weisan, which contained only 1.3 grams of powder. The moment the package was torn open, she smelled a very strong scent of medicine.

Although similar medicines such as Kobayashi Weisan and Otian Weisan also have a relatively strong medicinal fragrance, Sara felt that the other two flavors were far less pleasant than those of JX Weisan.

August on the side also smelled the smell, and said nervously, “Sara, this medicine smells so good, won’t you add any flavor?”

Sara gave her a white look: “Don’t talk nonsense, this is obviously an authentic herbal scent, which proves that this is all the best medicinal materials.”

With that, she raised her head and poured the powder in the bag into her mouth.

In an instant, a refreshing scent quickly dissipated in her mouth.

Sara hurriedly took a sip of warm water and took the powder into her abdomen.

In the next moment, she felt her stomach become warm, just as it was three or nine days in winter. After walking outside for a long time, she came home and soaked her cold feet in warm water. It felt very comfortable.

She couldn’t help but exclaimed: “The effect of this medicine is amazing! My stomach feels a lot more comfortable!”

“Really?” August asked in surprise, “Is it so magical? Is it really better than Kobayashi Weisan?”

Sara said decisively: “Of course it is! This one is much more comfortable than Kobayashi’s stomach powder! God! The warm current in my stomach is still there, and it seems to be flowing in my stomach. This feels great… In the past month, my stomach has never been so relaxed! It’s almost like returning to normal!”

“I have taken so much medicine, every time I take it, it can only relieve the pain to a certain extent, but it has never been so complete. The effect of this medicine is really amazing!”

As Sara’s agent, August stays with her every day. Naturally, she knows that Sara has suffered from spleen and stomach disorders in the recent months.

She also know how much Sara has tried and worked hard to cure the stomach discomfort.

Unexpectedly, what really gave Sara a lot of relief was a new domestic drug that was unknown.

Sara couldn’t help saying: “I have to observe carefully to see how long this medicine lasts!”

August said: “Then what do you plan to do now? Go home or?”

“Go home.” Sara said, “I have been taking pictures for several hours. I am really tired. I want to go home and rest first.”

August nodded, “That’s all right, I will let the driver drive to the elevator right now!”

Sara asked her to pack her things. Go downstairs and take the car back to villa.

Along the way, she had been worried that her stomach discomfort would reappear, but she did not expect that her stomach seemed to be back to normal, and she never repeated it.

She got home and rested for an afternoon.

The disorder of the spleen and stomach didn’t make trouble for her.

This made Sara very happy, and the whole person was finally relieved.

Until the night before going to bed, Sara’s spleen and stomach irregularities did not recur.

Chapter 1346

During this period of time, she has been very painful every night, because at night, the feeling of stomach discomfort will come, more intense and more frequent.

So it’s impossible to get a good night’s sleep at night. Generally speaking, she will wake up with pain in one or two hours, and then take a pack of Kobayashi Weisan and then sleep. After sleeping for one or two hours, she will wake up again, and so on.

After such a night, it is almost no different from just after a battle, which consumes a lot of physical strength and energy.

However, this night, she finally realized the happiness of waking up naturally after sleeping!

From going to bed at 10 o’clock in the evening to 8:30 in the morning the next morning, Sara didn’t feel any discomfort.

At half past eight, after she woke up, she got up from the bed, only then did she feel a little discomfort in her stomach again.

She couldn’t help but marvel, but she didn’t expect that a small packet of JX Weisan could have such a good effect. The effect lasted for almost twenty hours!

You know, the same small packet of Kobayashi Weisan can only last about two hours.

Moreover, the two-hour medicinal effect of Kobayashi’s Weisan can only be relieved to a certain extent, not completely, but the 20-hour medicinal effect of JX Weisan is completely relieved!

In this comparison, Kobayashi’s Weisan is too far behind JX’s Weisan!

Sara was shocked, but also looking forward to it. She could seize the time to get a bit of JX Weisan, and take advantage of her stomach not feeling uncomfortable, so she rushed to take it first!

However, she only remembered at this time that JX Pharmaceutical only sent a packet of samples to August!

Sara couldn’t help but mutter to herself: “What kind of stingy company is this JX Pharmaceutical?”

“They wanted to find me for the endorsement of their medicines, but only gave a small package of samples? Excessive!”

“Give me a box anyway!”

“It’s really annoying!”

After speaking, she immediately took out her mobile phone and called August: “August, that JX Weisan, is it on the market now? Where can I buy it???”

August said: “The information they gave me said that they have now obtained the approval to start mass production, but they did not go on sale immediately, saying that they will not promote the listing until the endorsement is finalized.”

“Oh, it’s so annoying!” Sara said: “You call them and say that I am willing to endorse this medicine, but the premise is that they must immediately find a way to send me some more!”

August exclaimed: “Sara, are you really going to endorse this medicine? To be honest, this medicine does not fit your image positioning!”

Sara asked: “Why doesn’t it meet? Can’t I endorse stomach medicine?”

August hurriedly said: “You can endorse, but not endorsement… Listen to the name, JX Weisan, it needs more ground, and someone like you, a big star who goes internationally. Being together, it’s completely soiled and sc*m, it doesn’t match your style!”

Sara said angrily: “Don’t understand nonsense! This name is so downgrading! Didn’t I tell you? JX means nine days, do you know that it is written in the poem of a great man, but it can go to nine days? To capture the moon, you can go to the five oceans to catch turtles. The name JX can be said to have the essence of our culture!”

“Also! The effect of this medicine is so good. It is the best stomach medicine I have personally experienced. It is such a good thing. Of course, I am willing to endorse and recommend such good things to the people of the whole country and the world. Little contribution from me!”

August said: “Okay, okay…I will contact this pharmaceutical company and ask them to prepare more samples, and then I will talk to them about the endorsement contract.”

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