Charismatic Charlie Wade Novel Chapter 1115 – 1116

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Chapter 1115

At this time, the Willson family had no idea what they were doing to vomit and having diarrhea so painful.

Narcissus in daffodils is a very powerful and poisonous substance.

If it is purified narcissus, then only a very small amount is needed, and it may be fatal.

However, the content of this alkaloid in the daffodil itself is still relatively small, so eating too much will cause a very strong sign of food poisoning, but generally speaking, as long as you don’t eat too much, it will not be threatening for life.

Although it is unlikely to be fatal, the pain is definitely not something ordinary people can bear.

It not only causes vomiting and diarrhea, but also fever, convulsions, and nervous system disorders.

If it is eaten hard, it may also cause shock, and then life-threatening.

Everyone in the Willson family ate a lot today, and it was indeed a bit dangerous.

Even Charlie didn’t expect that the Willson family could eat so much.

It is often reported in the news that some people mistake daffodils for leeks and were poisoned and hospitalized after eating them.

This kind of thing is really easy to confuse.

When 120 arrived, three of the five members of the Willson family had passed out.

Only Jacob and Wendy were barely conscious.

But at this time, although they still have a weak consciousness, they can no longer control their bodies, so everyone’s crotch is full of excrement.

The living room was so stinky that no one could get in at all. A few 120 emergency doctors immediately turned around and vomited.

Five people vomited and have diarrhea, this kind of smell is really very disheartening.

But there was no way. It was important to save people. They still resisted the disgusting smell and rescued the five incontinent Willson family from the villa.

The medical staff hurriedly rushed the Willson family to an ambulance and took them to Aurous Hill People’s Hospital.

After a gastric lavage and infusion, the Willson family finally got some relief and temporarily recovered and was arranged to continue the infusion in the emergency ward.

The Old Mrs. Willson and Horiyah’s beds were next to each other, and Noah and others were in the innermost.

At this time, everyone had an earthy face, a sickly look, and they couldn’t beat any energy at all.

A doctor wearing a mask came in and asked, “What did your family eat at night? We initially suspected that you should be food poisoned, so you have to think carefully about what you have eaten? We can also determine the scope. Reduce it a bit. If you can’t find, it’s because of some poison, then we can’t prescribe the right medicine.”

Old Mrs. Willson couldn’t help muttering: “Our family didn’t eat anything else at night, just a meal of dumplings.”

“Mom, there is definitely something wrong with this dumpling, otherwise we won’t all be food poisoned.”

Horiyah couldn’t help but complained to Mrs. Willson. She knew that this was the case. What kind of dumplings she would eat with her. Isn’t this asking for trouble?

Mrs. Willson also felt that there was a problem with the dumplings at this time, but there seemed to be no problem in every aspect, so logically speaking, there should be no food poisoning…

Thinking of this, the Old Mrs. Willson said: “We made the dumplings by ourselves. There is no problem of deterioration. What could go wrong?”

Harold on the side said bitterly, “Grandma, I heard that many unscrupulous merchants use poor quality pork as a good buy. Is there a problem with pork?”

Chapter 1116

“Pork? Then you have to ask where your mother bought it.”

Old Mrs. Willson frowned and looked at Horiyah, and asked: “Did you go to the black mall to buy water-infused pork?”

Horiyah hurriedly shook her head: “It’s impossible. I watched the vendor cut the pork from the half fan. There is absolutely no problem.”

When Wendy heard this, she said weakly, “What about that noodle? Were the dumpling noodles right?”

Horiyah shook her head again: “The noodles are fine, I had eaten it a long time ago.”

The noodles are okay, and the pork is okay. Could it be that the problem lies with the leeks?

Thinking of this, Horiyah couldn’t help but open her mouth: “There must be something wrong with the leeks, maybe there are pesticide residues.”

Old Mrs. Willson frowned and said: “The freshly cut fresh leeks can’t be a problem, and the sea dragon has also been washed. Even if there are pesticide residues, they are all washed.”

Harold said: “I take the washing seriously. I stroked and did the washing one by one.”

The Willson family repeated each sentence several times, and no one could tell why, so they could only observe.

The doctor said helplessly: “If you can’t figure out what it is, you can only temporarily wrong you for a while. We will send your blood and secretions to the testing department for testing. If the test results come out, then I can know what poisoning it is.”

Old Mrs. Willson nodded weakly, and said, “Then you should have a test quickly!”

After waiting for about an hour, the doctor came over, still holding a few test sheets.

As soon as he entered the door, the doctor said to everyone: “Your test report came out. All five of you are daffodil poisoned, and the poisoning dose is quite large. What’s the matter? Are you growing a lot of daffodils in your family garden? “

Hearing this, the Old Mrs. Willson was stunned, frowning and asked: “Daffodine poisoning? What is that?”

The medical staff said lightly: “Daffodils are a kind of plant, which is often used as a flower for decoration. When it is not in bloom, it looks like a leek. Many people eat it by mistake every year.”

With that said, the medical staff took out their mobile phones, searched for pictures of daffodils, and handed them to Mrs. Willson.

“Here, this is it.”

Old Mrs. Willson saw the picture of the daffodils, her face turned green, and she trembled and said, “This…isn’t this…isn’t this the new leeks grown by the Charlie family today? This thing turned out to be a daffodil!!!”

Speaking of this, the Old Mrs. Willson could not wait to look up to the sky and curse: “Charlie, you are so poisonous! How can there be a devil like you in the world!”

The doctor asked in surprise: “What’s the situation? Has anyone poisoned you? If someone poisons you, you should call the police!”

Harold immediately cursed angrily: “Grandma calls the police! Call the police now! Call the police to catch evil Charlie day!”

Old Mrs. Willson was also mad, and immediately took out her cell phone, pressed 110 tremblingly, and then dialed.

After the call was connected, the operator immediately asked: “Hello, Alarm Center, what problem do you encounter and need to call the police?”

Old Mrs. Willson said immediately: “Comrade police, our family of 5 has been poisoned, and it is poisoned by someone, you must help us uphold justice and catch the b@stard!”

When the operator heard this, he immediately became nervous, and blurted out: “What’s the situation? Can you tell us in detail?”

Mrs. Willson said: “There is a b@stard named Charlie who lives in Tomson Villa A05. This b@stard grows daffodils at home to pretend to be leeks!”

“I cut off his family’s daffodils in the afternoon and went home to make dumplings. After eating, our family was poisoned. We are now lying in the hospital. You must be fair for us!”

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