Charismatic Charlie Wade Chapter 3582

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Chapter 3582

Aman Ramovich panicked and said, “Mr. Wade …… I …… I really don’t mean anything else …… you must not think too much ……”

Charlie waved his hand: “I don’t want to listen to your nonsense, slap your own mouth, when both sides of the face are swollen, then stop, and then carry the chair and get far away from me!”

Aman Ramovich at once do not know what to do, Richard at this time hurriedly said and, smiling, “Mr. Wade, such a little thing, please do not take it to heart, we might as well hurry to turn this page, so as to enter the banquet session ……”

Charlie glanced at him and said coldly: “The face of my Wade family, how can he insult? And you are the same, a nominal royal family. Do you think you are also worthy of being shady and bossy in front of me? Who gave you the courage?”

Richard was also flustered.

The stronger Charlie was, the stronger he was in his judgment and decided that Charlie had the backing of the Cataclysmic Front, so he dared to be so arrogant.

The more this was the case, the more he was afraid that Charlie would really get angry, otherwise, if he really let the Cataclysmic Front come against him, he would not be able to fight.

So he hurriedly said, “Mr. Wade, just now it was my attitude that was problematic, I apologize to you, and I also hope that the adults are generous and do not see eye to eye with me in general ……”

Olivia did not expect her father to give in to Charlie, and said with anger, “Dad! How can you apologize to him?!”

Richard scolded in anger, “Shut up!”

Olivia did not expect her father’s attitude to change so quickly and was about to ask what was going on when Aman Ramovich, who was beside Richard, started to whip his own cheeks left and right.

He was really frightened by Charlie, afraid that Charlie was not satisfied and directly let the Cataclysmic Front to deal with him.

Olivia froze, really can’t understand why dad and Amanramovich would be so afraid of Charlie.

And Amanramovich, after slapping himself hard dozens of slaps, indeed swelling both cheeks, only then asked Charlie vaguely: “Wade …… Mr. Wade, now you are satisfied with it …… “

Charlie looked at him, impatiently waved his hand, indicating that he hurriedly get out.

Aman Ramovich as amnesty, hurriedly moved a chair, far away to the farthest side of the long table, and honestly sit down.

At this time, he did not have half a thought of revenge in his heart, but only silently prayed, hoping that Charlie would not find him in trouble again.

As for Helena, if he can’t get married, forget it, he can’t offend the Wade family for her.

Who would have thought that the reigning European oligarch Aman Ramovich, now in front of a Chinese, was reduced to constantly slapping himself to get forgiveness?

Olivia could not understand, lowered her voice, and asked her fiancé William: “What the hell is going on here? Why can’t I see it?”

William shook his head, amazed, and said, “I don’t know, can’t figure it out.”

William’s parents were both human beings, and they instantly thought together with Richard, so his father George Ruthschild hurriedly whispered, “William, at this kind of time, you have to talk less and not to provoke that guy named Wade.”

George knew very well in his heart that although his surname was Ruthschild, he was very far away from the real core family, so far that he had been trying to find ways and could draw a little closer.

In this case, the energy that his own family can mobilize, then Charlie is naturally much worse.

What’s more, people are likely to have the backing of the Cataclysmic Front behind them.

So, if you can’t afford to mess with people, don’t try to be a hero, otherwise, it will definitely not end well.

William could not understand why his parents were also afraid of Charlie and wanted to ask what was going on, but he was reprimanded by his father’s stern eyes, so he had to give up.

Olivia was even more confused and thought to herself, “Why are my father and William’s father both a little afraid of Charlie? This is Northern Europe, is it necessary to be so afraid of him?”

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