Let Me Go Mr Hill Chapter 2908

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Chapter 2908

It’s time to eat soon. The servant brought the dishes, and tonight’s meal was quite hearty.

Ji’s mother eagerly served her son’s dishes, and Ji Ziyuan didn’t know what Ji Zehao and his wife wanted to do. In short, after the meal, they should be able to enter the theme.

Just after eating a few chopsticks, Ji Ziyuan frowned, “Is the dish a little

salty?” “Is it salty?” The cooking aunt rubbed her hands nervously, “I usually do this. “

I asked her to put more salt.” Ji Zehao said quickly, “the taste is important, it’s easy to eat, and besides, I don’t think it’s salty.”

Mrs. Ji also agreed, “I often eat like this with your dad, I’m used to it .” , I don’t think so.”

Ji Ziyuan’s mouth moved slightly, as a son, he really didn’t want to care about these things, but as a doctor’s professional ethics, he couldn’t help reminding: “Eating too much salt is not good for your health, especially when you are old, You need to eat lightly, otherwise it will easily cause three highs. In addition, I advise you to go to the hospital for a physical examination, whether your taste is a little out of balance.”

“Listen to you.” Mrs. Ji smiled and said to the cooking aunt, “Next Put a little less salt next time, and eat lightly.”

Ji Ziyuan was very uncomfortable eating this meal, the dishes were too salty, so he drank two glasses of white water to quench his thirst.

After the meal, Ji Ziyuan rarely made a detour with them, “Since I’ve come here and I’ve eaten, Dr. Wang’s granddaughter can be put back.”

“It’s been sent back long ago.” Ji Zehao said, ” You haven’t come back for a long time, sleep at home tonight, I have the servants clean your room.”

“What are you doing here, let you destroy my other leg.” Ji Ziyuan was impatient “What do you want to do when you called me here?”

Ji Zehao and Ji’s mother looked at each other, and after a while, Ji Zehao coughed lightly, “I recently took a fancy to a project, but I have all the money in my hand. Take it to invest, can you give me some first…” “Impossible. If you are short of money, ask Tang Qin to ask for it. Didn’t you fund her a lot.”

Ji Ziyuan picked up his cane, stood up and planned to leave.

“I just want you to give me two billion.” Ji Zehao stood up angrily, “I am your father, if you hadn’t taken over the property in my hands, would you have today.”

Seeing this, Tang Kai immediately protected Ji Ziyuan before.

“For the rest of your life, take care of yourself and take good care of the money left in your hand for retirement. My money is not for you to spend casually on outsiders.” After Ji Ziyuan said coldly, he turned around and walked away.

As soon as he walked out the door, the gardener who was watering the flowers with a hose at the door suddenly poured all the water on Ji Ziyuan.

“Sorry Ji, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to.” The gardener apologized in a panic, “I didn’t expect you to come out suddenly.”

“Son, why don’t you go up to take a shower and change your clothes.” Mrs. Ji hurried up when she saw it. Water him before.

“…Okay.” Ji Ziyuan took a deep look at Mrs. Ji, and that eye looked at Mrs. Ji as if her body had not penetrated.

When Ji Ziyuan walked upstairs and Tang Kai wanted to follow, the bodyguard downstairs stopped him, “Brother Tang, Ji’s family rules, we can’t go upstairs.”

Ji’s family does have this rule, Tang Kai is embarrassed to see With Ji Ziyuan.

“Wait downstairs.”

It wasn’t that Ji Ziyuan didn’t notice something was wrong.

He thought before that Ji Zehao and his wife called him for money, but when the gardener drenched him with water just now, he suddenly felt that he might have guessed wrong.

As for the real reason, it may be known later.

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