The Proxy Bride of the Billionaire Chapter 967

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Chapter 967

The sweet and sour taste quickly spread on the taste buds. She was no stranger to this taste. Holden had given it to her before, and it was exactly the same.

At that time she thought it was delicious, but now, she thinks it is not delicious at all.

Elena’s white eyes slowly turned red. In fact, she lied on the phone that day, she was not good, she was not good at all.

She wanted to hear his voice very much.

Just listen.

Elena raised her eyes to look at Pollard, “Pollard, I’m going to West Repal.”

Pollard quickly furrowed his sword eyebrows and refused directly, “No, Roderick doesn’t like Melisa at all. This wedding is for you. Roderick wants to wait for you in West Repal to vote for you, why is Holden? He agrees with this big marriage, but also waiting for you, everyone is there waiting for you, this trip is quite dangerous, a trap designed just for you.”

“Pollard, I admit that I went to go to West Repal to find Holden. I want to know what he wants to do, but there is still a mystery in my heart. This mystery involves Holden and even that forbidden area.”

Pollard looked at her, “Elena, what do you mean?”

Elena nodded gently, “Pollard, I seem to…find the way home, we can…go home.”

Pollard was silent for a few seconds, “How do you go to see Holden in your current state?”

“There is a rejuvenation needle in the first book of Mommy’s medical classics. When this needle is pierced, it quickly restores the girl’s face, but it can only last for eight hours. After eight hours, I will regain this aging appearance. So, Pollard, this is my last eight hours. I want to say goodbye to Holden, and to all the past, and then we will go home.”

“Well, we set off tomorrow, just in time for the big wedding.”

West Repal.

Today is the big wedding of Holden and Melisa. The whole Repal state is decorated with lights and red carpets. The road is full of romantic flowers and veils. All the people are crowded on both sides, waiting for the floats to pass by. The demeanor of the princess and her husband are admirable.

Elena arrived, she used the rejuvenation needle, and the whole person had restored the slender and beautiful girl’s face, her long black hair was fluttering, and her head back was 100%.

Now she is mixed in the crowded crowd, waiting for the float to come.

At this moment, there was a commotion in the ears, and someone screamed excitedly, “Look, your Royal Highness and the Madam are here!”

Elena looked up and saw a float full of flowers slowly drove over. On the float were two familiar figures, Holden and Melisa.

Elena hadn’t seen Holden for a long time, and now her pupils were full of his handsome face, and it was hard to move away.

Today, Holden wore a hand-made black suit. He was handsome and attractive. She hadn’t seen him for a long time. He became more silent. Now he is pursuing his thin lips, and his high-rise posture reveals an impersonal indifference and alienation.

Melisa is proud of the spring breeze today, ushering in excitement in her life. She is wearing a princess dress and a crown. Now she is sitting next to Holden, waving her hands, as if to tell the world that she is the happiest being.

The float came over and went far.

Elena squeezed forward quickly but was quickly stopped by the bodyguards on the inside and outside. “Who are you, step back quickly. This is the cordon.”

“I want to find your Royal Highness the eldest princess and Madam, I am their friend,” Elena said.

“Hahahaha, you are their friend, I’m still their brother, all right, don’t brag, how can your Royal Highness and the Majesty be seen by mortals like you?”

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