The Proxy Bride of the Billionaire Chapter 810

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Chapter 810

Elena stood aside and watched the show, and must open a breakthrough in everything so that she could regain the initiative.

So Mr. Ye, she chose Rena, and Brian, she was weak and she was probably kicked out before she took the stage, so she chose Helen, who was eager to protect her.

With Helen helping her take the lead, the next thing will be much easier.

Now Helen is watching her hard-earned son be deceived by Avella, pushing her and scolding her. Today, Helen and Avella’s enmity has formed. With Helen’s temperament, she will not give Avella in the future. She won’t let go of bloodshed.

Elena suddenly felt that Helen’s chess piece was easy to play as long as she played well.

At this time, Brian had already stepped forward, and he lowered his waist to support Avella, and still protected her in his arms, “Avella, are you okay, ignore the crazy woman.”

At this time, the crazy woman Helen began to tremble with her teeth, she looked at Elena, “Elena, what are you doing in a daze, save my son!”

Only then did Elena raise her foot and stepped onto the stage step by step, and came to Brian’s face, “Brian, you follow me, I will save you.”

Brian looked at Elena in disgust, and coldly gave Elena a word, “Get out!”

Helen on one side suddenly felt more uncomfortable.

“…” Elena looked at Brian with great pity, “Brian, originally I didn’t plan to be… obedient.”

Speaking of Elena quickly raised her hand, when Brian reacted, a silver needle in Elena’s hand had plunged into Brian’s acupuncture.

Brian closed his eyes and fainted.

“Brian! Brian!” Helen anxiously guarded Brian’s side. She looked up at Elena, “Elena, what did you do to my son? If you didn’t do so many things. , Ye Family has no chance to take advantage of the vain to attack him, he can’t be destroyed like this, so you must save him, this is the envy of you!”

Elena nodded. She did not deny that if Brian was not hurt by her, then Darren wouldn’t be able to succeed with his talent.

Elena looked at Helen, “Mrs. Lu, I will save him.”

At this time, the door was pushed open, and a group of medical staff in white coats ran in an orderly, carried Brian on a stretcher, and took him away.

Mr. Ye watched these medical staff’s complexion change, he immediately narrowed those turbid eyes, “Elena, who are you?”

Elena made a shallow arc of her red l!ps, “Who am I? Mr. Ye follow along and take a look.”

“Where to go?”

“Underground scientific research base,” Elena uttered a few words slowly.

Mr. Ye was shocked. In fact, he had already noticed that these medical staffs were not ordinary doctors at all, they were like front-line scientific researchers.

Moreover, he just saw Elena taking a shot. This was the first time he saw Elena using a needle. Elena’s needle technique was superb.

She has been in the Imperial Capital for so long and has not exposed her medical skills. Now Mr. Ye knows that she has amazing medical skills!

Elena looked at Mr. Ye’s unpredictable eyes and smiled, “Mr. Ye must come because your grandson Darren is already drinking tea there.”

After speaking, Elena left.

As soon as she left, the audience was boiling.

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