The Proxy Bride of the Billionaire Chapter 40

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Chapter 40

Elena was in a terrible state. While guarding Aunt Lin, Aunt Lin was still in a coma, and on the other hand was unconscious.

Holden never returned after slamming the door that day. Two days have passed. The old lady told her that he had gone on business again.

Elena knew that he it was not a business trip, but an excuse not to worry the elderly, and on the other hand, she also gave her respect.

This state continued until the afternoon, when Yoselin called.

Elena pressed the button to connect the call, and the proud voice of Yoselin’s spring breeze passed quickly, “Elena, come to the 1949 bar tonight, dare you come?”

Elena didn’t want to let herself be decadent anymore, she would not forget her original intention of coming back this time, she still had a lot to do.

“Okay, I will be there on time in the evening.”

1949 bar.

Elena entered the box, Yoselin had already arrived, and Zheneria alongside her.

Yoselin couldn’t wait to put up her hand, “Elena, what do you see on my ring finger?”

Yoselin wore a big diamond ring on her hand.

Elena hasn’t spoken yet, Zheneria has already said “Wow” and asked instantly, “Yoselin, did Pollard give you this diamond ring? Pollard gave you a diamond necklace for your birthday, and now he gave you another one. Big diamond ring, Mr. Pollard really loves you so much.”

Yoselin looked at Elena proudly, wanting to see a trace of envy from her face, “Yes, this is the diamond ring given to me by Pollard. The point is, I will talk to Pollard in two days. My brother is about to hold a grand engagement, where Pollard will also propose me.”

“Yoselin, I really envy you. Marrying the Su family as a young woman is what the ladies of Darenvil dream of.”

Yoselin looked at Elena, but it was a pity that Elena didn’t show any envy, she just listened indifferently, she felt her fists hit the cotton.

“Elena, you pretend to be so calm on the surface, you actually envy me I know, Pollard belongs to me, and he loves me too, you can’t take him away!”

Elena looked at Yoselin and smiled faintly, “Don’t worry, I won’t steal your Pollard, and I will give you a mysterious gift for your engagement!”

What mysterious gift?

Yoselin felt that Elena, a hick, couldn’t afford to give an empty box, let alone some mysterious gift.

With a “ding”, Elena’s cell phone rang, and a text message came.

From Pollard.

Elena clicked to take a look… come over to the 1949 bar and I’ll show you a good thing.

What a coincidence, she is in the 1949 bar now.

Elena glanced at the opposite Yoselin and Zheneria, and then replied one… I’m in the 1949 bar now, and you can find me in the box.

Putting the phone in her bag, Elena said, “Yoselin, come out, I have something to tell you.”

“Is that something you can’t say here?” Although Yoselin was muttering in her mouth, she was too curious and followed Elena.

Zheneria was left in the box.

Zheneria felt very boring alone, Yoselin ordered a lot of good wine, and she secretly drank two glasses.

This wine is tastes really good, but the alcohol content is too high, making it easy to feel drunk.

When Zheneria’s face was red with drunkenness, the box door opened, and the handsome and alluring Pollard walked in.

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