The Proxy Bride of the Billionaire Chapter 3297

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Chapter 3297

Jetter raised his eyebrows, “What’s wrong with my wife, we have a license to drive legally.”

Christel, “…”

After a moment of silence she said, “Are you still doing anything? I’ll hang up if it’s all right.”

“It’s nothing, just tell you that tomorrow we will go into the deep mountains to complete the mission.”

“There is no signal in the deep mountains, so don’t worry if you can’t reach me.” Deep in the mountains?

Christel’s heart tightened. Although he did not say whether the mission was dangerous or not,

She had already sensed the danger. “Which deep mountain can I ask?”

Jetter looked at her with bright black eyes.

This was the first time she took the initiative to ask him, but he couldn’t say it because it was confidential.

“Can’t tell,” he said.

Christel shivered, “Oh, forget it, just pretend I didn’t ask.”

“I can’t tell you which deep mountain, but in the Yuchuan area.”

Jetter said a general direction.

Christel’s eardrums moved and remembered the address he said,

“Don’t worry, I won’t tell no one else, then you pay attention to safety, and we will contact you when you come back.”


He should have hung up the video, but Seeing that he didn’t hang up, Christel asked, “Do you have anything else to do?”

Jetter stared at her beautiful little face, no matter how he looked at it,

He couldn’t get tired of it, so he wanted to take a few more glances, “No, you hang up first.”

Is he talking about love?

The atmosphere between the two suddenly became a bit ambiguous and hot.

Christel wanted to hang up the video, but in his hot and straightforward eyes, she forgot to react.

At this moment, there was a voice-over there, “Boss, we are all waiting for you,”

“Have you finished the phone porridge with our sister-in-law?”

Everyone was urging.

“Then I’ll hang up first.” Christel hung up the video, his handsome face suddenly disappeared from her sight.

Lisa came back, “Mummy, what did Daddy tell you, why are you smiling secretly?”

Only then did Christel realize that the corners of her mouth were raised and she was indeed smiling.

She quickly flattened the corners of her mouth and lied, “Lisa, I didn’t laugh.”

“Mummy, you laughed. That’s how you laugh. It’s sweet and charming.” Lisa gestured.

“Lisa, hurry up and sleep.” Christel tucked Lisa into the quilt, her face was already red.

Christel continued to make her own designs.

Jetter had not contacted her for a week, which meant that he had been in the mountains for a week.

This task has not yet been completed.

The longer the time passed, the more absent-minded Christel became.

They all said that a woman’s sixth sense was very accurate, and she always felt that something bad was about to happen.

Sure enough, she saw the news. The news said that an earthquake occurred in a deep mountain in the Yuchuan area.

The search and rescue are still in progress, and the casualties are unknown.


The cup in Christel’s hand fell to the ground, and the glass was all shattered.

Did something happen to him?

She took out her mobile phone and sent him a WeChat, “Are you back?”

There was no reply from the other end.

“Why didn’t you reply to me?”

There was still no reply.

Christel’s fingertips were trembling. No, she had to go to Yuchuan immediately to see the situation.

No matter what, she wanted to see him alive, corpses if dead, but wanted to see him.

She immediately took out her mobile phone and sent a message to Jolie,

“Jolie, I’m going to a faraway place, and I want you to take care of Lisa for me for a few days.”

Jolie’s reply came soon, “Good sister, leave her to me, you can rest assured.”

Christel rushed to a rescue team in Yuchuan at the fastest speed.

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