The Proxy Bride of the Billionaire Chapter 3279

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Chapter 3279

The family of three got into the jeep, Jetter was driving in the front,

Christel and Lisa were sitting in the back, and the mother and daughter were still eating ice cream.

This ice cream is too big, and she can’t finish it no matter how she eats it.

Christel’s stomach feels a little uncomfortable.

“Mummy, why don’t you eat?” Lisa asked in a soft voice.

“Mummy can’t finish eating.” Christel wondered.

“So what do I do? Well, Mommy, give Daddy the rest of the ice cream.”

Lisa, a smart little head, immediately came up with a good idea.

Feed him again?

“This… is not good…”

“Are you going to throw away the ice cream, Mommy, you can’t waste it.”

Christel looked up at the man in the driver’s seat,

With two big hands on the steering wheel, he looked at her through the rearview mirror.

Although the two of them had been fed just now, he shouldn’t eat the rest of her ice cream, right?

Christel asked symbolically, “Well, do you want ice cream?”

Christel waited for him to refuse.

But Jetter curled his thin lips, “You feed me.”


Christel looked at him in shock.

Jetter pointed at the steering wheel in his palm, “I want to drive, you feed me.”

He actually wanted to eat the rest of her ice cream?

At this time, Lisa urged, “Mummy, Daddy wants to eat, hurry up and feed him, or the ice cream will melt.”


Christel felt that she had dug a hole for herself to jump in.

She moved her body and approached the driver’s seat,

Then stretched her hand forward and fed the ice cream to his lips, “Hey.”

Jetter opened his mouth and bit A bite of ice cream.

A very sweet taste spread into his mouth.

Christel was still waiting for him to continue eating, but then he frowned,

“The ice cream is on my mouth, it’s dirty, hurry up and clean it up for me.”

“Oh.” Christel quickly pulled out a tissue to help him wipe.

The ice cream touched the corner of his right mouth,

She wiped it with a tissue, and then said, “Okay, it’s clean now.”

She raised her head and suddenly met his black eyes.

It turned out that the two of them were already very close to each other before she knew it.

She circled her body in front of him, and the two of them were breathing entwined.

Now her soft and slender fingertips still landed on the corner of his lips.

Ambiguous posture.

She immediately withdrew his hand like lightning, and Jetter also broke the silence, “Continue to feed me.”

Christel shoved the remaining ice cream into his mouth without hesitation.

Could he eat it, then she backed away.

“Mummy, you!” Lisa wanted to speak, but Christel had already covered Lisa’s mouth, meaning,

“No, Lisa, you don’t want to talk now”.

Lisa blinked her big black eyes and looked at her mommy in puzzlement—Mummy, why is your face so red?


Back home, Jetter went to the study to work,

Christel probably knew that he had come back suddenly,

And there must be a lot of work to do, so she took Lisa into the master bedroom.

The mother and daughter took a bath and told Lisa a story, and Lisa soon fell asleep.

Christel hugged Lisa to her side and left the outside area for Jetter.

She originally said that she would sleep in separate beds,

But Lisa wanted to sleep with Daddy and Mommy, so tonight she will sleep again in the same bed.

Christel shrunk herself inside and closed her eyes.

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