The Proxy Bride of the Billionaire Chapter 3242

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Chapter 3242

Christel stiffened. In fact, she also thought of this.

She was there when Melisa’s knife went down.

Even if he saved his life, she was afraid…… . The body will also fall disabled.

Now Elder Zhang’s words have confirmed her conjecture, he was really hurt.

This is a fatal blow to a man.

At this time, Elder Zhang continued, “Actually, in the past few years,”

“I know that Jetter and Melisa have not obtained a marriage certificate,”

“And he has not touched her. I can ignore how he plays outside, but I have one condition,”

“That is, I hope he can spread more branches and leaves for the Zhang family and give birth to two more children.”

Elder Zhang’s eyes fell on Christel’s face, “Miss Lin, now you know what Lisa is to me,”

“For Jetter, and the whole Zhang family. How important it is, even if we go to a lawsuit,”

“The judge will give Lisa to us even if we have no children like Jetter.”

Christel lowered her eyes, just as Elder Zhang said, If there is a lawsuit,

Lisa’s custody will definitely be awarded to Jetter.

She also didn’t want the Zhang family to have a war with her brother, and she didn’t want to see any casualties.

Christel was silent for a moment, then raised her head,

“Where’s Jetter?” Mr. Zhang looked at her.

Christel calmly looked over, “What about Jetter, I haven’t seen him since he woke up, I want to talk to him.”

Lisa belongs to her and Jetter, so she needs to talk to Jetter about her,

Mr. Zhang, “Okay, I’ll take you to see Jetter.”

Elder Zhang took Christel to a room. As soon as he arrived at the door,

The tableware fell out with a bang, and there was Jetter’s angry voice,

“Take all these away, I don’t want to eat them, can you even cook, the food you cook is too bad!”

The maid tremblingly cleaned up the mess on the ground,

“It’s the young master to decide, let’s go to replace the cook immediately.”

Mr. Zhang whispered to Christel, “Since Jetter lost his memory, he has become extremely irritable,”

“This is already a change As for the 17th cook, be careful and don’t provoke him after entering.”

“What will happen to him?” Mr. Zhang shrugged, “He will beat you.”


Christelcai In disbelief, she walked in.

Jetter was half lying on the rattan chair in the room, with his hands behind his head,

And his eyes stared at the ceiling lazily. He was wearing a black dress,

With a neat short head, handsome and arrogant, very difficult to offend.

He didn’t look up when he heard the footsteps, but said irritably,

“Don’t you understand me, get out of my room immediately!”

Christel stood beside him and called out his name, “Jetter. Jetter raised his head, his faint narrow eyes looked at her,

Glanced at her, and then frowned, “Where’s the maid from, you don’t know the rules,”

“My name is what you can call, here it is.” You want to call the young master, do you understand?”


Did this young master really have amnesia?

Christel looked at him suspiciously.

Jetter’s brows furrowed deeper, and he was a little impatient,

“Why are you looking at me like this, take another look and believe it or not, I’ll gouge out your eyes!”

Christel’s shoulders shook in fright, “Jetter, I’m not the maid here,”

“I’m Lisa’s mommy, I came here to take Lisa with me.”

Jetter looked at her seriously after hearing this, and looked up and down, “Oh, so you are my wife.”

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