The Proxy Bride of the Billionaire Chapter 3206

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Chapter 3206

Elena looked at the time, “I have an operation later, so I won’t go to dinner.”

“Mom, have a meal, it won’t be delayed. There’s time.” Liam retained.

Elena smiled and said, “Next time, there will be plenty of time in the future.”

“I have a gift for Aelius in my car. Liam, come with me to bring it in.”

“Okay.” Liam followed along.

At this time, Jolie said, “Mom, I’ll go with you too.”

Elena glanced at Jolie, “Jolie, you just had a hypnotism operation,”

“So you don’t need to come with us. You can rest here.”

Hypnosis Operation?

Hearing these two words, Liam froze for a moment.

Jolie nodded obediently, “Okay, husband, then I’ll wait for you here.”

Elena took Liam downstairs, and Liam immediately asked, “Mom, what kind of hypnotizing surgery did Jolie have? I don’t know about this.”

Elena stopped in her tracks, “Liam, she lost her memory three years ago,”

“And today I used hypnotism to help her regain her memory.”


Liam looked at Elena in a daze. In fact, when he was there just now,

He felt that his mother-in-law had deliberately pushed Jolie away. She should have something to say to her son-in-law.

Now he’s more certain, he doesn’t seem to know many things.

“Liam, haven’t you ever noticed that Jolie has lost her memory?”

Liam nodded, “I didn’t think that Jolie would lose her memory.”

“Then what do you think is the reason why Jolie has not shown her face in the past three years?”

“Why do you think she abandoned you and Aelius so cruelly?” Elena asked.

Liam pursed his thin lips, “Mom, the love she has given me has always been unreal, she made me feel very insecure,”

“I was always afraid that she would suddenly leave me, these three years,”

“I thought she did not love me, she doesn’t want Aelius so she did not show up.”

“Sometimes I really hate her. I don’t know how cruel and heartless a woman can be,”

“Who can abandon her husband and child like this.”

Elena looked at Liam’s pain. It looks like she knows that this man has been silently admitting all this.

“Liam, Jolie didn’t abandon her husband and son.”

“Do you still remember the poison you got in your body three years ago?”

“Where do you think the antidote for you came from?”

The blood poison?

Liam completely froze, “What kind of antidote?”

“Liam, Jolie took three drops of her own blood to save you,”

“But she was pregnant at the time, and among her and the child could only live one,”

“I asked Jolie. She wants to give birth to this son and give it to you.”

“Aelius was born healthy, but she was dying of illness.”

“At that time, I sealed her with a silver needle.”

“The acupoints brought her into the secret clinic and started various treatments.”

“It took about half a year of treatment before she escaped death and came back to life.”

“However, when she woke up, she lost her memory, and it was my mistake,”

“I didn’t take good care of her and let her run out of the consultation room by herself.”

“Jolie had been wandering outside for more than two years, and we have been using various forces to find her,

But who thought that everything is destined to meet again,”

“Even if it is separated by thousands of mountains and rivers,”

“You actually saw Jolie first, and then you know what happened next.”

Elena told Liam what happened between the time Jolie left him and met him again.

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