The Proxy Bride of the Billionaire Chapter 3150

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Chapter 3150

Jolie by these two people to a squeeze, suddenly feels that they have never been so redundant, “……”

This time the little milk bag’s milk voice said,

“Is that I let my mommy come together to eat dinner, Auntie Liu if you are angry then you can go ah,”

“No one wants you to stay, it happens that I and my dad and mommy together can eat dinner.”

Claudia immediately hummed with dissatisfaction, she pulled Liam’s sleeve, voice line whispered,

“Liam, you see Aelius young master”

This sound “Liam” heard Jolie all goosebumps, is Liam like this type?

Liam was really pleased, he reached out and touched Claudia’s head, softly comforted,

“Okay Claudia, don’t be angry, let’s eat dinner.”

Claudia pushed the steak in front of her to Liam’s hand, “Liam, my hand has no strength,”

“I can’t cut the steak, can you help me cut it?”

“Of course, I can.” Liam cut the steak into pieces and handed it to Claudia.

Claudia opened her mouth, “Liam, ah.”

She wanted Liam to feed her.

Liam then picked up the fork and fed her a piece of steak.

Claudia elegantly chewed, and did not forget to shyly say, “Liam, so delicious, thank you.”

Jolie looked at these two people’s intimate flirting, and suddenly felt that the taste is the same as the wax, she did not have any appetite.

“You guys eat slowly, I’m going to the bathroom.” Jolie got up and went to the bathroom.


In the washroom, she patted her little face with cold water then walked out,

She did not intend to return to the restaurant, but wanted to find a place to blow the wind,

And when the little milk bag finished eating she would take the little milk bag back.

But walking in the corridor, a long and handsome body came in front of her, it was Liam.

Did he also go to the bathroom?

Jolie did not intend to greet him, she passed by him with no expression.

But then he suddenly blocked her way, “What, pretending not to know me?”

Jolie was forced to stop, she raised her eyes to look at him,

“Mr. President, please get out of the way, you are blocking my path.”

The dim light of the corridor hit her stunning little face, her skin was glistening and clear, even the small layer of fluff on it was clearly visible,

Liam suddenly wanted to reach out and pinch her little face, but he held back,

“Princess Jolie, why do you seem to be angry, is it because I am not as good to Claudia as I am to you?”

“…… Mr. President, please get out of the way,”

“If Miss Liu sees us together then maybe she will get angry again, then you will have to coax her again.”

Liam shrugged his shoulders, “Just coax, Claudia is like a little girl, especially cute and good to coax.”

Hearing him praise Claudia, Jolie’s heart was not pleasant,

She reached out against his chest and pushed him away, “Get out of the way!”

Liam pinched her wrist and pushed her against the wall, blocking her in his arms,

He lowered his voice and said, “Why don’t you stay t0night and I’ll coax you too?”

What did he say?

Shameless and nasty!

Jolie’s body trembled with anger, and she raised her small hand to hit his handsome face.

But Liam intercepted her hand and did not let her hit himself,

“Princess Jolie, do you really think you are still the old Jolie, I am still the old Liam, let you hit whenever you want, call me and wave me away?”

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