The Proxy Bride of the Billionaire Chapter 3095

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Chapter 3095

She called out the name softly.

Aelius blinked his big eyes and looked at Belly, “Teacher Belly, how are you?”

Aunt Zhou also liked Belly very much, this is probably eye contact,

So she asked Aelius, “Young master, then let teacher Belly teach you piano, okay?”

Aelius nodded vigorously, “Yes.”

“Then you must listen carefully in class and follow teacher Belly to learn piano seriously.”

“Okay, Grandma.”

Aunt Zhou was relieved to let go of Aelius’s little hand and let Belly take him into the classroom to study.


The classroom.

Belly found that Aelius was very smart, she taught the piece once and he could perform it perfectly

She was surprised, “Aelius, have you ever learned piano before?”

“No, this is my first time learning, what’s so difficult about playing the piano,”

“It’s very simple,” Aelius’s little fingers jumped on the keyboard, smart and clever,

And at a young age, he had an inherent elegance, a full royal air.

The more Belly likes Aelius, who can refuse such a small milk bag,

“Aelius, in the future you can come here every day after school to learn.”

“Uh-oh,” Aelius called out, “Teacher, I might have to go out recently, I’m going to see my grandparents.”

Looking at Aelius’s excited expression, Belly laughed, “It seems like you like your grandparents a lot.”

“Of course, my grandparents love me very much, by the way, this is a photo of me and my grandparents,”

“Let me show you, teacher.”

Aelius has a small photo album in his school bag,

Which he carries with him every day as a treasure and looks at it when he has nothing to do.

He had grown up with his father and had very few family members around him,

So he treasured the time he spent with his grandparents and took many pictures, which he couldn’t wait to share with Belly.

Belly took the small album book and reached out to flip it open.

She soon saw a picture of Aelius and Elena,

Grandma Elena was holding little Aelius in her arms, the two of them were riding the merry-go-round in the playground,

While Grandpa, the richest man in the world, was taking pictures of them with his cell phone at his waist,

The famous scene of grandparents and grandchildren just burst into Belly’s eyes.

Belly stiffened, her mind suddenly ran out of an image,

About two years ago she woke up in a strange little lodge,

When she sneaked out far away to see someone coming, the two people in front seemed to be these two people in the photo.

They were talking.

“Where is Jolie? Where did she go? Didn’t I say that she is likely to wake up in the near future,”

“I told you to watch her 24 hours a day and night, now where did she go?”

“Sorry Prof. Xia, we just went out for a moment and Princess Jolie disappeared.”

“Ã’Ã’, don’t be anxious, we’ll go find her immediately.”


Belly huffed, she hurriedly reached out and clutched her head in pain, her head hurt so much.

“Teacher! Teacher what’s wrong with you!” Aelius freaked out and quickly hugged Belly.

A lot of images flashed through Belly’s head, walking around like an accelerated version of the movie flashed through her head,

She saw a lot and wanted to grab something, but her head hurt so much, her head seemed to be splitting open!

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