The Proxy Bride of the Billionaire Chapter 3094

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Chapter 3094

This is the most problem that Aelius could not figure out in the past three years,

Three years, why Mommy did not come over to see him once?

He all relied on imagination, imagining how good-looking and gentle and loving his mommy was,

But what was imagined was not real, and he felt that his mommy was too far away from him.

“Grandma, it must be because my tyrant daddy did something wrong to my mommy and made her angry,”

“That’s why my mommy didn’t come over to see me because when she saw me she saw my daddy,”

“It’s all my dad’s fault, my mommy loves me very much,” Aelius said in a milky voice.

Aunt Zhou laughed, Aelius the little leather jacket is really has the most love for his mommy, no matter what happens, it’s daddy’s fault right.


“Grandma Zhou, I decided, this time I must see my grandparents,”

“Before I was too young, no autonomy, this time I not only want to see my grandparents,”

“But also go home with my grandparents, so I can see my mommy!”

Aunt Zhou hastily covered Aelius’s little mouth and cautioned,

“Young master, just talk to me about this, don’t say anything to your dad,”

“Your dad will probably be furious when he hears about it, and he will beat you up again.”

The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you want to do.

“Hello, are you here for piano lessons?” At this time a staff member came out.

Aunt Zhou nodded, “Yes, we have come to learn piano, and we want to find the best teacher you have here,”

The staff laughed, “Our teachers here are very professional, recently a new teacher Belly Bai joined us,”

“Her piano attainments let us talk about it, and this teacher Belly is also very loving and patient, very suitable for you.”

“Okay, where is that teacher, can you take us to see her?”

“Of course, this way please.”

The staff took Aunt Zhou and Aelius to find Belly.

Belly was teaching a little girl about piano when the staff came over,

“Belly, this little kid wants to learn piano, you can be his teacher too.”

Belly looked up at the sound of the voice and instantly saw the little milk bag Aelius.

Aelius opened his big, dark eyes and looked at Belly.

Belly then felt her heart was hit hard, there is an indefinable feeling quickly filled out of the chest,

Her gaze was attracted by the Aelius in front of her, and she could not control her footsteps, has unknowingly came to the front of Aelius.

“What is your name?” Belly squatted down and asked Aelius.

Her voice was soft and a little trembling.

Aelius so like this Belly teacher, although it is his first time to see this teacher, but probably at the first eye contact, he liked her at once.

Aelius said nicely, “Teacher, my name is Aelius,”


The word immediately came to Belly’s mind, is it not …… Is it bright and beautiful?


Little Aelius.

Belly felt that this name was so familiar, familiar as if this name was created by her.

She stretched out her hand and slowly touched Aelius’s head,

This little milk bag’s hair was so soft, her eyes were suddenly a little red, “Little Aelius ……”

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