The Proxy Bride of the Billionaire Chapter 3086

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Chapter 3086

The owner was in his fifties and very affable, “Belly, back? Did it go well today?”

“En, it went well.”

“That’s good.” The owner took the stack of money and counted them,

Then pulled out five out and gave them to Belly, “This is your reward for today.”

Belly showed a soft smile, “Thank you, pavilion master.”

She took the money, now is not the time to be polite, she originally did not have a generous hand,

This sixteen hundred yuan is her own advance, originally she intended to pay the rent.

Now that the rent is gone, she needs to work harder to earn money, or she will be evicted by the landlady.

“Thanks for what, those who enter our Bai family martial arts school are all family, go, go eat.”


Belly went outside with the owner when a man hurried in,

“Sir, it’s not good, something big has happened.”

The pavilion master stopped in his tracks and immediately asked, “What happened, tell me slowly.”

“Pavilion Master, just now a group of people came over and said that,”

“They want to take back the venue of our Bai Family Martial Arts Hall, he won’t rent it to us anymore.”

“What? But our rent contract hasn’t expired yet. ……”

“Master, I said the same thing, but those people said they don’t care, we have to move out first thing tomorrow morning or they will come and smash the venue ……”

“How outrageous! Where are they, I’m going to go to them now to talk,”

“There is a legal system and we live in a society now ……” The owner of the pavilion is going to go outside.

“Pavilion owner, you do not go, I see those people arrogant, very snobbish,”

“Just now they almost fought with our people, they are not afraid of anything, really make things bigger, the loss is still ours!”

Belly quickly stepped forward, she pondered for a moment then spoke,

“Pavilion master, Calvin is right, those people should be emboldened, we have to stay calm.”

“How do you guys make me stay calm, moving out tomorrow is simply not realistic,”

“So many disciples in our pavilion, I’ve also been here for decades, I got used to it long ago ……” The pavilion owner sighed.

Belly wrinkled her eyebrows as she looked to Calvin,

“Didn’t those people say anything? How can they come to make trouble for no reason, there must be some reason.”

Calvin scratched his head, “Those people said that someone in our pavilion has offended someone big, this is a disciplinary action for us!”

Offended a big shot?

Belly’s heart thumped, she was already 100% sure that Tracy and that man had done it!

She didn’t expect them to be such despicable and shameless people!

“Pavilion master, Calvin, today I had a little incident on the set and offended that big star Tracy, they must be coming for me.”

“What?” The pavilion owner was startled.

Belly quickly reassured, “Pavilion master, you take it easy, one person does what one person does, I’ll go find them now!”


Belly hurried to the set, the set was shooting a night scene, Belly found the producer.

“Producer, please ask, where is Tracy now?” Belly asked directly.

“Miss Bai, why are you here again?” The producer had a good impression of Belly,

“Are you looking for Tracy, she’s not in the crew.”

“Not in? Then can you tell me her home address?”

The producer immediately gave a laugh, “Miss Bai, Tracy is not in the crew should stay at home?”

“You are too simple-minded. I guess the two went back to the hotel after their date.”

The belly is so stupid to understand the meaning of this “hotel”, she in her heart fiercely despises the two people, especially the man.

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