The Proxy Bride of the Billionaire Chapter 3063

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Chapter 3063

Jolie hemorrhaged.

Elena had already prepared her heart, after all, Jolie’s situation is very unpromising,

She immediately calmly instructed, “Do not panic!”

Said Elena held Jolie’s small hand, eyes firm, “Jolie, you must persevere, Mommy will save you,”

“You do not give up your life, you have to have strong perseverance to overcome all this.”

Jolie then felt so tired, really tired, all over the body in pain, she just wanted to close her eyes and sleep well.

She took one last look at her son, her little Aelius, beside her.

The name was chosen by Liam, so nice, she wanted her son to be like the sun.

“Mommy, give little Aelius to Liam, I believe he will be a good father,”

“He will love Aelius well, along with my share to compensate Aelius well.”

Jolie’s words were now more like an explanation of his last words.

“Jolie, I will give Aelius to Liam, but you can’t sleep, understand?

Don’t you want to see him grow up with your own eyes, Liam is still so young,”

“If you leave, he will definitely marry again, with a stepmother, he will have a stepfather, can he feel at ease?”

Elena wanted to stimulate Jolie’s fighting strength.

But Jolie is really tired, both ears are buzzing, her eyelids are fighting, she wants to sleep,

“Let him forget about me, forget about me …… that is good ……”

Said Jolie’s hand dropped and closed her eyes.



Little Aelius cried out along with him.


Liam stayed in the room, he sat on the bed and smoked several cigarettes, just a short time ago, Jolie was sleeping here, in his arms.

Now, she is gone.

At this time there was a commotion outside, Eleven knocking on the door, “Master.”

Liam walked over and opened the door to the room.

Eleven was holding a small baby in his arms and said with excitement, “Master, Princess Jolie has given birth, a big fat baby, look!”

Liam’s long body stiffened, and his gaze quickly fell on the little Aelius in Eleven’s arms.

He did not expect Jolie to give birth so soon, there were still several weeks before the due date, how come she suddenly gave birth.

This is …… His son!

Liam reached out and took little Aelius, and when the baby’s soft little body passed into his arms,

His whole body looked clumsy, moving carefully, not able to hold the child, afraid of hurting him.

Eleven said happily, “Master, congratulations, you’ve been upgraded to become a father!”

Yes, he became a father, he has a son!

Liam’s eyes were red as he looked at little Aelius, who was also looking at him with a pair of slinky eyes, father and son facing each other.

This moment is definitely the happiest moment in Liam’s life, little Aelius is the legacy of his life, he has a son!


Wow, wow, wow.

At this moment little Aelius suddenly cried.

“Little Aelius, why are you crying?” Liam was inexperienced as a dad for the first time,

As when his son cried, he was confused and directly panicked.

Eleven is also a brown man, he went around and looked at little Aelius and strategized,

“Master, is the little young master hungry and wants to have milk?”


Yes, yes, yes, that must be it, his son is hungry, Liam said, “Where is Jolie?”

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