The Proxy Bride of the Billionaire Chapter 3059

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Chapter 3059

She didn’t know if she would be able to look at this handsome face again in the future, and if she would be able to wake up in his arms.

At this time her little hand was suddenly tugged by a big palm,

Liam opened his eyes at some point and was looking at her with a doting face,

“Princess Jolie, you’re peeking at me, I caught you red-handed this time, right?”

Jolie’s face was red when she was caught, she hastily drew back her small hand,

“You are nonsense, I am not peeping at you, I am looking at you openly!”

Liam rolled over, “Fine, I’ll let you look now, take a good look.”

“What do you have to look at, just now I just casually looked at you twice,”

“You are really a narcissist.” Jolie laughed.

Liam held her in his arms, full of joy, such an early morning when he is really too happy.

At this time Jolie suddenly felt a pain in her belly, at first it was not obvious,

But soon it turned into a throbbing pain, and it became more and more intensive,

It seemed like she was going into premature labor.

This time her mommy took very strict care of her, and her mommy said that she was likely to go into premature labor.

In the next few days, so she couldn’t afford to delay her body one bit.

Jolie’s face turned white.

Liam quickly found the embrace of the wrong, looking at Jolie pale face he stiffened, immediately nervous and concerned asked,

“Jolie, what happened to you, is your stomach uncomfortable?”

“I ……”

Jolie was shocked, her mommy was looking for her.

Liam immediately sat up, he knew that the Lu family would find this place soon,

But he didn’t expect it to be so fast, after just one night the Lu family had arrived.

“My mommy is here, I want to go home.” Jolie struggled to sit up.

Liam pressed her fragrant shoulders and controlled her on the b3d, his attitude was strong and domineering,

“Jolie, which home do you want to go back to, this is your home, except here, you can’t go anywhere.”

Jolie’s hand was on her big belly, she really felt her belly hurt, she was really going into premature labor,

But she couldn’t tell him because the day the baby was born was the day she would leave.

She didn’t want him to watch her go, the one who is left behind is the one who suffered the most.

“Liam, you can’t keep me like this, even if you keep my body you can’t keep my heart, why bother?”

A cold laugh rolled out of Liam’s throat, “Jolie, you listen to me clearly, whether it’s your body or your heart,”

“I want it, even if you can’t give it to me, I won’t let you give it to someone else.”



The door of the room was quickly pushed open, the maid outside came in, Liam got up and got out of bed, dressed and ordered,

“I’m going out for a while, you guys watch her here, don’t let her run around!”

“Okay, master.”

“Liam, my mommy is already here, just let me go.” Jolie pleaded.

Liam put on his clothes, “I’ll go meet your family now, don’t worry, they can’t take you away.”

After saying that he disappeared from her sight.

Jolie sat on the edge of the bed, a dense layer of sweat had appeared on her fair forehead,

Her stomach was getting more and more painful, the baby was really going to be born.

She can’t give birth here, she must go back to mommy’s side, but Liam won’t let her go.

What should she do?

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