The Proxy Bride of the Billionaire Chapter 3058

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Chapter 3058

He hugged her really too tightly, almost she could not breathe.

The last thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you are getting into.

It took a while for him to slowly release her, and his gentle k!ss fell on her forehead, “Sleep, my Princess Jolie.”

Jolie turned around, her back to him, and then closed her eyes.

She was now more than nine months pregnant,

And it was late at night, so she was indeed very tired, and she felt sleepy.

As she slept she felt the man behind her turn sideways and press up,

He hugg3d her from behind and a large hand fell on her raised belly rubbing it back and forth.

The baby in her belly was tossing and turning, very active, perhaps sensing the presence of her father.

And expressing her happiness and joy in her own unique way.

The actual fact is that you can feel the strong love and affection he has for this child.

Jolie let the father and child communicate, soon she went into dreamland.

Don’t know how long it took, she was awakened by a strange feeling.

She felt like she was sleeping in a furnace, the body temperature of the man next to her was very burning.

Jolie was too sleepy to open her eyes when her body was turned around and the man’s k!sses fell on her face,

Buried deep in the nook of her neck k!ssing her hair.

Two small hands against his ch3st trying to push him away,

She said in a daze, “Liam, what are you doing, I’m so sleepy, I want to sleep.”

Her dazed voice is extra soft and nice, Liam’s voice is hoarse, “Jolie, I can’t sleep.”

“Why can’t you sleep?”

“What do you think? We have not been together for how long, I …… miss you.”

The two of them are the same as the other two.

It is really embarrassing, the body of the princess Jolie since childhood by the education of an experienced lady, she has never done so.

However, he unexpectedly came to her.

“Liam, you do not mess around, I am more than nine months pregnant,”

“Are you a beast, you can not just care about yourself, right?”

He pursed his thin lips.

“You go take a shower quickly, just take a shower.” Jolie urged him to take a cold shower.

Liam, “I’ve already gone to shower twice, but I can’t.”

“Then I can’t either, even if you don’t care about me, you have to care about your child.”

Liam hurriedly grabbed her small hand, “Jolie, give yourself to me, give the baby to me too, you and the baby I will take care of both.”

“……” She didn’t believe it, Jolie wanted to pull back her small hand with force.

But it was no use, Liam didn’t give her a chance to escape at all.


The next day early morning.

Jolie was sleeping until she woke up naturally, this sleep was extraordinarily comfortable, she had no dreams all night.

Her eyelids trembled, she opened her eyes, this time Liam’s handsome face was infinitely enlarged in her sight, and now she was sleeping in his arms.

Jolie stretched out her slender white fingers and slowly caressed his handsome face,

She hadn’t seen him for a long time and only felt that he was even more crowned and incomparably handsome than before.

Her fingers went from his forehead, nose all the way down to his thin lips.

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