The Proxy Bride of the Billionaire Chapter 3054

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Chapter 3054

Jolie instantly felt very apologetic, all this time Mommy was with her, she is a healer.

Saving lives, her time is too precious, but she has been hogging Mommy’s time.

“Mommy, then you hurry up and get busy, there is Aunt Li here,”

“You don’t have to worry, I will take care of myself.” Jolie smiled.

Elena nodded, “Okay, then I’m ready to go.”

Elena was ready to go, she had to go out before her own daughter went into labor.

Because she not only had to save her grandson, but also her own daughter.

All this time she had been thinking of a plan to save both the little and the big,

And now she was missing a medicine, so she had to go out personally.

Elena went away and soon it was evening, Aunt Li brought in a delicious meal, “Princess, it’s time to eat dinner.”

“Okay.” Jolie sat down and started to eat.

But soon she let out a “yelp”, the baby in her stomach kicked her again.

Aunt Li quickly rubbed Jolie’s stomach, “Princess, the baby kicked you again,”

“I think this little one is as bad as his father.”

Aunt Li has a vivid memory of Liam, a few months ago he brought Jolie back to his residence and gave her a bullying.

It seems that this little one has inherited from his father.

But Aunt Li also felt wrong, “I see that the young master does not look like a lively and naughty character,”

“Princess you are naive, but also do not know who the baby’s character actually followed.”

Jolie has not heard of Liam’s name for a long time, now abruptly heard, she also felt strange

Aunt Li saw Jolie’s expression and immediately realized that she had said the wrong thing.

So she apologized, “Princess, I’m sorry, look at my mouth, I’ve brought you sadness again.”

Jolie hooked her lips and smiled, “Aunt Li, what are you talking about, I’m fine.”

“Then let’s continue our meal.”

Jolie took a bath after dinner and then lay down on the bed to sleep, she dreamed about Liam.

She dreamed about when he was a teenager, the chilly and handsome teenager.

She also dreamed about when he matured and entered into a marriage contract with her.

And later she also dreamed about when she was pregnant and he was going to be a daddy.

She and he have gone through the best years of their lives over the years.

From meeting and getting to know each other to fall in love, and now looking back on this journey, she and he have no one but each other.

Jolie felt sweet and sour in her heart, her eyes steamed with watery mist.

And as soon as her eyelashes trembled, two tears slid down from the corners of her eyes.

She cried.

At this time in her sleep, she suddenly felt that someone had entered her room.

Came to her bed, and was quietly looking at her.

Those deep and fiery eyes fell on her body, who was it?

Jolie wanted to wake up, but she struggled desperately and couldn’t open her eyes.

That’s when she felt a piece of her side collapse, the man sat on the edge of her bed, and then a hand gently caressed her face.

He was wiping the teardrops from her face, and he moved so gently, with careful love and pity, helping her to wipe her tears clean.

Jolie seemed to realize something, this feeling is too familiar, is it him?

Is it him?

Did he come to her in her dream?

Jolie’s fingers moved and suddenly opened her eyes,

Her teary eyes immediately bumped into a pair of familiar and clear black eyes.

It was him!

It was Liam!

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