The Proxy Bride of the Billionaire Chapter 3053

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Chapter 3053

She is about to have a baby, but he has not been able to find her.

Jetter looked at Liam, hooked his lips, and smiled, “Sometimes I admire you, you have been abandoned so many times,”

“But you still have the heart to face it all like nothing happened.”

Faced with Jetter’s ridicule, Liam snorted nonchalantly,

“What else can I do, am I like you, you can’t keep people even after losing half your life,”

“What qualifications do you have to laugh at me?”

Jetter instantly shut up and did not speak.

Liam turned around, “You recuperate well, I’m going back.”

He left the place and got into a stretch business limousine,

Eleven drove in the driver’s seat, Liam looked sideways at the scenery flying by outside the window.

It’s been more than three months, she disappeared for so long.

No matter how much he searched, she did not appear in front of his eyes again.

Where exactly is she now?

Is it possible that she hasn’t missed him even a little bit?

He was trapped in his own thoughts when Eleven in the driver’s seat suddenly received a phone call,

He looked at Liam through the rearview mirror and reported in a low voice,

“Master, just received word that Princess Lu has been found.”


Liam suddenly raised his head.


Jolie was taken away and has been recuperating in a hidden villa for this period of time,

Her nine-month belly is already very big, because of the reason of changing Liam’s heart blood before,

The bigger the month, the weaker her body is, fortunately, there is her mother’s attentive care, so now she is very safe.

Jolie wore a loose white dress, now that winter has turned to spring and everything has recovered,

She stood in front of the window and stroked her belly.

This time the baby inside kicked her a little.

She immediately hooked up red lips, now the baby will interact with her every day,

The baby seems to be very lively and active, with it accompanying the day, she does not feel bored or sad at all.

Only, there is no Liam here.

It has been so long, she has never seen Liam again.

She tenderly touched her big belly and asked in a small voice, “Baby, do you miss your daddy?”

The baby inside kicked her again as if to tell her — yes, I miss my daddy a lot.

Jolie’s eyes showed a faint melancholy and strong longing, she seemed to say to herself,

“Baby, in a short time, when you are born, I will give you to your daddy,”

“Then you father and son can be reunited, I believe, he will be a very good daddy,”

“He will love you well, instead of me to love you well.”

The most important thing is to know your own body, Jolie knows that her body is already at the end of its rope.

When faced with the choice of preserving the big and the small, she was mentally prepared.

The actual fact is that she will not be able to be with her baby or with Liam anymore.

She could have faced death with openness, but now she became attached, greedy and reluctant,

She wanted to have a little more time to see her child grow up, to see the boy she once loved most become a father.

At this time her mother came in, “Jolie.”

Jolie turned her head, “Mommy.”

“Your due date is near, there is a possibility of premature delivery at any time,”

“So pay more attention to rest and don’t think about it during this time yourself.” She reminded.

“I know mommy.”

“Jolie, I have to go out tonight, I’ll be back tomorrow.”

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