The Proxy Bride of the Billionaire Chapter 3045

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Chapter 3045

The black-clothed boss rushed over when he saw Christel roll down the hill, he immediately roared, “Little b!tch, don’t you run!”

Christel had been protecting her belly with her hand when she rolled down.

And when she saw that they had all rushed over, she quickly climbed up and her slender figure nimbly disappeared into the woods, swallowed up by the darkness.

The black-clad boss kicked the stones by his feet, “What are you guys still standing there for,”

“Hurry up and go down and catch her, she must be brought back.”


The two men in black were lying on the ground, one injured in the abdomen, one injured in the head, bleeding a lot, both howling.

The boss of the men in black was furious, “Fck you, you people are really trash, a pregnant woman can’t even control!”

The man in black said very aggrievedly, “Boss, this little b!tch is too ruthless.

She stabbed us with a knife eyes did not blink, the body is also particularly flexible, we were momentarily careless.”

“That’s enough!” The black-clothed boss was also remorseful, he also did not expect Christel’s soft and harmless little body to contain such great power, directly from under the noses of so many of them to escape.

He must bring her back.


Christel escaped, she kept running, surrounded by branches and thorns, her face and hands were cut with several small flesh cuts, hot and painful.

But she didn’t stop, because she knew those people in black were definitely looking for her, she couldn’t stop and get caught.

Ahead of her was the darkness of the sky, the wilderness looked extraordinarily ominous, she was also afraid, her heart thumping.

But her heart is more of a firm belief, the belief to live, she knows that Jetter must have gone to save Avella.

Even if she was abandoned by the whole world, she will not give up on herself.

Not to mention that now she is not alone in the fight, she has a little life in her belly.

This is the moment Christel’s body gushed out a constant source of warmth and strength.

No matter what kind of person the child’s father is, she began to be grateful to God, grateful to God for giving her this little life.

Don’t know how long she ran, Christel’s pace slowed down, she really can’t run anymore, and her stomach is a little uncomfortable.

At this time there was movement around, it was the black-clad men who came after them,

“Hurry up and search, every place should be carefully checked, a pregnant woman can not run far.”

“She must be nearby, catch the live ones.”

“Yes, boss.”

They came after them.

Christel knew that if she was caught back again, the consequences would be unthinkable, what should she do now?

Let’s hide first.

Christel looked around and soon saw a small cave in the middle of nowhere.

There were tree branches outside the cave, it was not difficult to be found, she did not hesitate anymore.

She directly plucked the branches and hid in the cave.

Physical strength has been significantly overdrawn, Christel sat down in a corner, curled up her knees, and hugged herself.

The sound of the search outside was getting closer and closer.

As if it had reached the surroundings, “Have you found anyone there?”

“Back to the boss, no.”

“Da*n, where did this little b!tch hide, just found her footprints on the road, she must be nearby, keep looking.”

Christel held her breath, a heart collapsed on a string, she did not know if she could still see the sun tomorrow.

At this time there were footsteps arrived outside the cave, someone came.

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