The Proxy Bride of the Billionaire Chapter 3044

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Chapter 3044

I have a real stomachache, I won’t play tricks, I’m pregnant now, and I can’t run, you let me go to the front and settle it.”

The black-clad boss looked at her suspiciously, as if he was judging the truth of her words.

Christel met his gaze without the slightest dodge, “You can send two of your men to follow me closely, so you can always rest assured.”

The black-clothed boss waved his hand and called two black-clothed men,

“You guys follow this little beauty, don’t let her get away.”

“Don’t worry, boss.”

The two men in black brought Christel to the grove in front, “Little beauty, you can take off your pa.nts for convenience.”

Christel looked at the terrain here, there was a small slope next to her, she could roll down to escape.

The boss is not far ahead with other men, any wind and grass can be heard quickly, so she wants to tiger escape is difficult, speed must be fast.

Christel looked to the two men in black, “Then you turn around, do not look at me.”

The two men in black saw that Christel was born so beautiful and was Jetter’s young lover.

Their eyes naturally became lewd, they looked Christel up and down, and laughed,

“Little beauty, the boss ordered us to stare at you, it’s okay, you take your pa.nts off.”

“Little beauty, are you dilly-dallying like this because you want us to help you take off your pa.nts, then in that case we won’t be polite.”

The two black-clad men fist-pumped and approached her impatiently.

Christel immediately revealed a panicked look, “You guys stop, don’t come over,”

“King Han will come over to save me soon, what are you guys, you dare to touch his woman too.”

Christel used the method of provocation, and indeed these words were spoken, the two men in black were directly enraged.

They came over, “bad breath, so now we want to see what King Han’s woman is really like.”

Christel stepped back, a pair of eyes stared at them closely, as they approached.

She quickly pulled out the small knife hidden in her waist and stabbed into the chest of a man in black with force.

This was the first time she hurt someone, the sound of the sharp blade piercing through flesh and blood made her body shiver.

And the blood flowed onto her hands, all warm.

The black-clothed people did not expect Christel to hide a weapon, a moment of carelessness was really stolen by her.

The black-clothed man directly fell to the ground.

Another man in black looked at Christel, “Damn little b!tch, you dare to cheat us!”

He reached out to grab her.

Christel waved the bloodied knife in her hand, “Don’t come over, or I’ll be merciless with the knife.”

This black man is very smart, immediately out loud shouted, “Boss, come here, this little b!tch hurt our people, and still wants to escape!”

The black-clothed boss in front heard the sound at once, and he hurriedly ran over with his men.

This black man also launched an attack, he quickly pounced over, a hand to restrain Christel’s knife, she fell to the ground.

The knife is out of hand, she has lost her weapon of defense.

But her hand touched a brick, she immediately picked up the brick and smashed it hard on the man’s head.

The man in black cursed and instantly covered his bleeding head.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Christel kicked away his restraints and then rolled straight down that hill.

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