The Proxy Bride of the Billionaire Chapter 2973

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Chapter 2973


At this moment, a knock on the door suddenly sounded, and someone was knocking on the door.

It was the evening, and he entered her room again, as long as he had a bit of vision, they wouldn’t knock on the door at this time, unless there was something urgent.

“Jetter, someone is knocking on the door!” Christel saw hope. She hoped that he could stop his atrocities tonight and not touch her.

Jetter frowned his sword eyebrows, a little displeased, but this did not affect his mood to taste good food, “Don’t be distracted, I like you to focus on me.”


At this time, the “knock” knock on the door sounded again, and a confidant’s voice came from outside the door, “Master, I have something to report.”

Now Jetter’s face was completely bad. He didn’t like someone there. Disturbing him at this time will only make him happy.

He opened the door of the shower room, and he stared at his confidant outside coldly, “You’d better make sure that this matter is really urgent, or you know the consequences.” His confidant looked at Jetter, “Master, there is some news about that girl Avella.”


A word directly exploded the pot, Christel and she trembled heavily, and Jetter directly stiffened by the door.

“What are you talking about, make it clear!” Jetter stepped forward and grabbed his confidant’s collar with emotion.

His eye sockets were red, and the eyeballs inside seemed to be bloodshot, Avella, that was his Avella.

“Master, we found her.” He said.

Avella is dead, but now she is resurrected?

Christel’s inner shock was beyond words.

At this moment, Jetter threw away his subordinates and rushed out, “Where is Avella, immediately summon the staff, I will meet her now, and I will take her home!” Jetter led mighty manpower. Wandering away.

Christel stayed in the bathtub by herself, and it took a long time for her to calm down, and the white moonlight that Jetter had hidden in his heart unexpectedly returned.

He just heard the name just now, and his veins were violent, and he was so excited that he couldn’t control it.

At the last second he wanted to take off h3r pants, but the next second he left her there to find someone else.

Christel was not sad at all. On the contrary, she was very happy. She was really too happy. His woman came back, so there is no need for her as a stand-in shadow. He will let her go.

Even if he didn’t let her go, he wouldn’t go into her room to touch her again.

It’s great, she came back from a desperate situation, all because of this Avella’s return.

Christel took a bath and climbed onto the bed to sleep. This sleep was exceptionally comfortable and beautiful, without dreams all night.

It was already the next morning when she woke up. She opened the door of the room and looked at it. The maids outside were busy.

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