The Proxy Bride of the Billionaire Chapter 2839

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Chapter 2839

Marry is very eye-catching. As soon as she saw Ren’s parents, she rushed over and said aggrievedly, “Uncle and Auntie, you have to save me, Mr. Ren, he is looking for me everywhere, and he is catching me.”

Mr. and Mrs. Ren were surprised, “Girl, what is my son doing so well to catch you?”

“Because I’m pregnant,” Marry put her hand on her pregnant belly. “Uncle and Auntie, I am pregnant with Mr. Ren’s child. Mr. Ren is going to be a father, and you are going to be grandparents!”


Ren’s parents, Mrs. Ren, couldn’t believe their ears, so he said that his son must have cheated, and now the woman outside has come to the door after she is pregnant.

“This girl, we don’t know who you are, but we have a daughter-in-law, so hurry up and go.”

“Uncle and Auntie, I can’t go. Mr. Ren is arresting me. He wants to take me to the hospital to give this child away. Do it, uncle and auntie, this is the blood of your Ren family, your grandson, don’t you want to hold your grandson? This little life is innocent.” Marry pleaded bitterly.

Mr. Ren and Mrs. Ren hesitated quickly. They looked at Marry’s stomach and showed annoyance. One thing Marry said was right. There was Ren’s blood and bones in it.

At this time, the maid saw Christel on the stairs, “Madam, look at the situation now…”

Mr. and Mrs. Ren were shocked, “This girl suddenly broke in and said to us, she Say… Say…”

Christel, “Parents, I already know about this.”

“You know? What do you plan to do? Our Ren family only recognizes you. A daughter-in-law, we also sincerely treat you as a daughter. John is not good about this matter.”

“We must punish him properly. We will support you for whatever you do, but… but this child is in her stomach. ….” Mr. and Mrs. Ren began to hesitate.

Christel knows, Mr. and Mrs. Ren want to keep the child.

The two old people have been born countless times, but she did not express her position. Now the grandson suddenly fell from the sky and was sent to the two old people. They wanted to keep this grandson.

Christel grinned and smiled, “Parents, I can’t do this. Let her stay here first, and wait for John to come back to deal with it.”


Christel is making the design drawings, John came back in the evening, and it was noisy below.

John wanted to arrest Marry, “Marry, don’t hide anymore. Even if the child in your stomach is born, I don’t want it. I only want my wife to give birth for me.”

Marry immediately hid behind Mom and Dad, “Uncle and Auntie, this child in my stomach is so pitiful. He was rejected by his father before he was born. His father wants to kill him. Please grandpa and grandma to save him.”

Mr. Ren Mrs. Ren blocked the angry John, “John, you caused this thing yourself. Who else can you blame for if you can’t control your lower body?”

“Then I am here to take care of the aftermath now?”

“Yours The aftermath is to kill your own child? This child is your first child. You are not too young and you should be a father.” Mr. and Mrs. Ren lowered his voice.

John frowned, “Parents, have you forgotten? You want Marry’s child, what should I do?”

“We have told you many times, and I hope she will give you a child while she is young, but none Promise us, we can see that we don’t want to have children.”

“Yes, John, we are already very old, do you want to be honest, do you want to have children? What kind of DINK families are popular nowadays, our Ren family can’t do it.

” It’s always been a big deal, John, go and talk about it, and keep this child.”

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