The Proxy Bride of the Billionaire Chapter 2803

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Chapter 2803

Liam pressed his thin lips and said nothing.

“Master, did Jeter put forward any unreasonable and excessive requirements in the letter? Cooperation is important now. We should find a way to achieve all his requirements.”

Liam narrowed his handsome eyes, and then whispered. “You go down first, I have my own arrangements in my heart.”

“Yes, master.” Eleven retired.

Liam stood alone in the corridor for a while, his handsome face hidden in the darkness, so deep that it was not real.

Soon, he turned around to go back to the room.

But the next second he stagnated, because Jolie, who was still asleep just now, didn’t know when she woke up, and was standing in front of him now.

“Why are you awake?” Liam quickly put away the letter and stepped forward.

Jolie looked at Liam and said, “Jeter has written a letter? What did he say in the letter, has he not forgotten Christel sister, want you to exchange for cooperation with Christel sister?”

Liam knew that he couldn’t keep it from Jolie, he nodded, “Yes.”

Jolie raised her eyebrows, “For Sister Christel, Jeter is a nightmare. Five years ago, She finally got rid of the shackles of fate.”

“She got a new life, Liam, would you give Christel sister to Jeter, after all…you can use a sister to build a country.”

Although this country must be filled with gunpowder and blood, she The favorite eldest brother, and the favorite man in front of him will also meet each other in battle.

But I have to say that Liam has now seized the opportunity, and this opportunity is Christel.

Five years ago, Jeter might be just playing with Christel, but Christel designed to leave, so that Zhang’s father and son turned against him, and Jeter killed his father himself. This added to Jeter’s life. The strongest stroke.

Perhaps Christel was Jeter’s weakness, and now Liam has grasped this weakness.

He was expressionless, no one could snoop into his true thoughts, “You don’t need to worry about this , go back to your room and rest.”

He didn’t want to talk about this topic. Jolie felt a sense of powerlessness at this time. After all, he and she have different identities, and there is always an unbridgeable gap between the two.

“Okay.” Jolie nodded obediently.


The next morning, when Jolie opened her eyes, it was empty around her, and Liam was already up.

When she went out, she found the maid was packing her luggage. She felt very confused.

She walked into the study and found Liam, “Are you going on a business trip?”

Liam was processing the documents at hand, “Yes, I am going to Southwest and see Jeter.”

Jolie’s heart jumped.

At this time, Liam came over and took her little boneless hand. “Why are the hands so cold?”

Jolie twitched at the corner of her mouth. “Maybe the clothes are worn out.”

Liam took up his coat and put it on. On her shiny shoulders, “Wear more in the future.”


“Also, this trip to the south is not for me alone, I want to take you with me.”


Is he going to take her out, South, that is her elder brother’s site, has he considered it clearly, is he not afraid of her running away?

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