The Proxy Bride of the Billionaire Chapter 241

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Chapter 241

When the two entered the pharmacy, Elena pointed to the flowerpots in the corner and asked, “Barona, are you also planting some rare medicinal materials in these flowerpots?”

Barona nodded, and she said embarrassedly, “Actually, my family is also a family of medicine. But, I didn’t like to study it since I was a child. My grandfather was very disappointed with me. By the way, these are rare or even extinct herbs hee hee.”

Elena’s eyes widened, cultivating rare medicinal herbs is not promising?

“Barona, you’re so awesome, I’ll help you move these flower pots outside to bask in the sun?”

“Okay, thank you, Elena.”

Elena moved a flower pot outside, she didn’t look at the way, and then her little head hit a wall of fine flesh with a “boom”.


Elena stretched out her small hand and rubbed her forehead painfully and then raised her head. A handsome face was magnified in her sight, and she ran into Brian who had just entered.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean it.” Elena apologized quickly.

Brian stood there watching her bump into him. The girl just looked curiously at the flower pot in her hand and didn’t notice him. Now the girl’s little beauty’s pointed white-nose has been hit red.

At this moment, both ran out, “Elena, are you okay?”

Brian glanced at Barona, who had already lost weight, and then quickly turned around, and smiled livelily and cutely, “How about it? Is it right? I’m thin, this is all the credit of Elena!”

Brian glanced at Elena again, and then returned to his seat without saying anything.

Looking at Brian’s handsome and cold look, he took a medical book, and his slender fingers were white and beautiful, like works of art.

“How about him Elena? Is he not very handsome? There is nothing in the whole cold and aloof noble son, he is the grass of our research institute!” Barona whispered excitedly.

Elena rubbed her forehead, “Barona, do you like him?”

“Everyone has a love for beauty. I don’t like him, nor dare to like him. He was very cold. When he first came to the institute, the seniors in our hospital came to see him like crazy, but He has never spoken to a girl for such a long time.” Barona gossiped.

“Is it?”

“Yeah, he looks down on us, but Elena, I think he treats you very differently!”

Elena quivered, “What do you mean?”

“That’s…” Barona thought about what to say, “I just feel that since you appeared, he has treated you very differently. Did you know each other before?”

Elena shook her head quickly, “I don’t know, Barona, don’t talk nonsense, I’m already married, Mr. Lu is will be very jealous!”

Mentioning the jealous Mr. Lu, both of them got scared.

Elena just finished moving the flower pot, and at this moment, it dinged and Usha’s WhatsApp came… Elena, look at Instagram, Jasmine’s whitewashing wave is very strong.

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