The Proxy Bride of the Billionaire Chapter 180

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Chapter 180

Hearing this story, Elena’s slender body trembles twice, then retracts her little hand and stops giving him acupuncture.

Holden opened his eyes, “What’s wrong?”

Elena grumbled her beautiful face, “Oh, nothing, I just thought that the little bride who should belong to Mr. Lu was snatched away by his brother and became his own younger brother’s wife. Mr. Lu must be very unhappy, right?……”

Holden quickly raised his thin lips, and raised his hand to pinch her almond’s small face, “Little jealous jar, jealous again? A little baby who is still in the swaddle, what are you trying to make up for?”

Elena looked at him, “How many years have passed since the previous little baby has grown up. It can make Mr. Lu worry about all these years, and the little girl that Mr. Lu’s mother likes so much may already look like a fairy. That’s it.”

“Since that day, the girl never came to my life and disappeared from the world with her mother. I don’t know how grown up she is now.”

“Then Mr. Lu hasn’t looked for her all these years?”

When asked this way, Holden frowned his heroic sword eyebrows.

It was the two seconds of his silence that Elena had accurately received his answer, and he had looked for her!

Elena raised her foot and kicked him vigorously.

Holden didn’t have any defenses. Just when he was in her arms, he didn’t know that she would kick and punch, so he fell off the bed and rolled onto the soft wool carpet.

She actually kicked him out of the bed.

What kind of man is Holden? There are so many women who want to climb on his dragon bed, but it is the first time that a woman who dares to kick him out of bed has met him.

Holden’s handsome face was a little dark, and his thin lips formed an unpleasant arc, his aura was strong.

Elena raised needle-like eyebrows and looked at him, her dark, clear eyes exuding a clear and beautiful light, “Holden, I tell you, I can’t tolerate sand in my eyes. Jasmine hasn’t dealt with it, so you risk A little bride came out, and these peach blossoms bloomed one after another. They are more prosperous than anyone who burns them. You should go find them and you are not allowed to come to my bed!”

“Little bunny, your butt is itchy, right?”

Holden cursed in a low voice, moved quickly to get up and press on the bed, and then went to catch her with his hands.

Elena was angry, but she hadn’t lost her mind yet. Seeing him coming to catch her aggressively, she quickly hid.

But Holden clasped her slender ankles and dragged her under his body, turned her over, just slapped her.

Snap, one sound.

Elena’s beautiful face turned red in an instant, not painful, but shameful. She grabbed his big hand and said, “Holden, don’t be abnormal!”

Holden put his handsome face in her long hair, and explained in a low voice, “My mother has no friends, and her temperament is weak, and she likes very few things. That girl is my mother’s favorite. I admit that I have looked for it all these years. If I can find it, I will treat the girl my mother loves like a sister.”

When Elena was pressed under his body, she felt that he was so heavy. A tall and upright man was about to press her out of breath. She was still unhappy and hummed, “What kind of sister, your mother gave you a sister. Is it right? I think you want me to buy it. The one who is not good-looking is your sister, and the one who is good-looking is your love sister!”

Holden’s thin lips k!ssed her little snow-white earlobes, a bit of pampering and affection. He didn’t expect her to be so jealous, but he liked it.

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