The Proxy Bride of the Billionaire Chapter 1632

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Chapter 1632

“Usha, this topic is too sensitive. I feel that you are the topic queen with your own traffic. Any small topic can be searched and reposted easily. If it breaks out, the jealous opponents in the entertainment industry will definitely step on them. The entertainment industry is a place where people can eat other people without spitting out bones.”

“Now society is tolerant of women. S3x is a minor matter, coupled with the reasons of your life experience, falling in love with the Gu family father and son, so that the richest man in the Darenvel family broke out a century-old s3x scandal.

This topic will spread to every corner at a tumultuous speed. All of a sudden, your image will fell into the bottom of the valley.”

“Usha, I’m afraid you won’t be able to stand up again in the future.”

Usha’s hands and feet are cold, and she still can’t remember how she got out of the crowd of onlookers. At Henry and Ruth’s wedding, VIPs gathered, and the reporters flocked to the wedding, “click, click, click” everywhere is the sound of cameras.

Usha has been in the entertainment industry for several years, and no matter how much media spotlight is on her, she is not nervous or feels stage fright, but just now, she was scared.

Those people looked at her and pointed.

“OMG, Usha and Carlton?”

“Don’t get me wrong, Usha ran out of Carlton’s room in the middle of the night disheveled, just to talk about the script.”

“Awesome star Usha, where is this singing? Come out, Carlton is her adoptive father, and she dared not act like that in the eight o’clock dog-blood ethics drama.”

“If you want me to say, what’s all the fuss about this, Usha’s beauty in this prosperous world is not only entangled with Carlton.”

“Who of us doesn’t know that Mr. Gu is also a pervert. Spoiling her, the father and son of the Gu family are fascinated by her.”

“Usha, I beg you one thing, let me go, Mr. Gu, okay? You? It’s tarnished, my male god.”…

Usha grabbed her tightly combed hair and forced herself to walk out of those voices, “Sister Hua, I’m very tired. Let’s talk about it tomorrow. I am going to take a bath.”

Usha entered the shower room.

In the bathtub filled with hot water, Usha took off her cl0thes and threw them in the trash can. She pulled off her long white legs and stepped into the bathtub. The whole body is buried in hot water.

Although Carlton didn’t touch her, she scrubbed her body vigorously. She felt dirty and sick.

The two slender arms hugged herself tightly, and she opened her eyes in a daze, knowing that the city was already full of wind and rain outside.

Cyber ”‹”‹violence hit her like a snowball that was getting bigger and bigger.

Today, Henry’s marriage was originally the focus of everyone’s attention, but unexpectedly it made a fuss.

The ugly face of Carlton was constantly reflected in Usha’s mind, and the swearing voice of young Tamara swept over again—This girl, who would climb onto her adoptive father’s bed one day.

There was chaos outside, when an extended luxury business car came and stopped slowly like an emperor.

Personal secretary Hoover opened the rear door respectfully, a pair of shiny black leather shoes settled on the lawn, and Henry returned.

The servant opened the door of the villa, and Henry walked in with steady footsteps. The cold wind outside moved the black tunic coat on his body, with a cool and sharp air-conditioning.

Soon Henry pulled out her long legs and went up the stairs. The handsome and upright body of the man was plated in the golden crystal chandelier, making people unable to look away for a while, so clear and expensive, and unattainable.

Soon, he disappeared into the corridor.

Henry came back when the storm was faltering.

A wind and frost descended.


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