The Proxy Bride of the Billionaire Chapter 1475

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Chapter 1475

She quickly held his big palm and called out urgently, “Mr. Lu, stop, it’s here.”

Holden looked at her, “What’s coming?”

“That’s it…little days…” Elena said in a small embarrassed voice.

Holden’s movements stopped, staring at her with narrow and black eyes, “Are you serious?”

“En, really.” Elena nodded earnestly… I am a good baby and will not lie.

“…” Holden quickly pursed his l!ps. After a few seconds, he turned over and fell directly beside her.

He looked at the chandelier above his head, then raised his hand to cover himself with scarlet love. Desire’s eyes, “Elena, do you deliberately torture me?”

Elena also felt that this small day was not at the right time, and the men around her were all disappointed and unhappy.

Elena turned sideways, and climbed onto his fine che$t like a little milk cat, “Mr. Lu, my childhood is here, you don’t care about me, all you care about is your two-and-two flesh.”

Holden was also a bit wronged. He looked at his pants, “Sorry, this th!ng is out of my control when I see you.”


Holden moved and got up, “Should I call someone to buy you san!tary napkins?”

“Okay.” Elena hugged her belly with two small hands and fell onto the soft bed.

Holden took out his mobile phone from his trouser pocket and made a call, then covered her flat abdomen with a great big palm, gently massaged, “Stomach hurts?”

Elena twisted her eyebrows, showing a bit of squeamishness, “It doesn’t hurt.”

Holden raised his sword eyebrows, “Then we can do some entertainment later.”

Elena picked up the pillow and smashed it on the man’s handsome and hateful cheek, “Get out and take a bath, I don’t want to see you now!”

Holden leaned over and k!ssed the woman’s hair. The woman hummed and beat him, he curled his l!ps into the shower room.

Five minutes later, the shower room door opened, and a blast of air-conditioning came out. Holden wore a white bathrobe with the refreshing fragrance of the bath. The bath belt around his wa!st was loosely tied, revealing his strong, wheat-colored che$t inside. , His short hair was wet and lying on his forehead, a little more youthful than usual.

At this time, there was a “jingle” and the doorbell of the room rang. Holden went to open the door. Outside the door was Smith, and handed in a bag.

Holden closed the door and took the pink sanitary napkin in the bag in his hand, flipping his big, well-knotted palm, and glanced at it.

“Mr. Lu, what kind of nasty things do you like, like girls’ sanitary napkins?”

Holden turned around, his voice low and magnetic, “This thing is going to protect you in place of me, of course, I have to get to know it.”

Guard her?

Go to his guard!

“Mr. Lu, why do you have a different set of yellow accents? I want to report you so that the police will arrest you.”

Holden sat on the edge of the bed, with one arm propped on the bed, his sturdy body seemed to cover her from top to bottom, and the other big palm touched her flat lower abdomen and gently massaged, “Catch me for what crime, wh0ring. wh0ring? Stop teasing, if I am a wh0ring. Guest, what are you?”


Elena was really speechless. She stretched out her soft white hand and tucked the black hair that hangs down from her cheeks behind her ears. Her two white, tender arms lay on the bed and raised her little head. Her l!ps were red and white and she gave him an angry look.

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