The Proxy Bride of the Billionaire Chapter 1220

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Chapter 1220

But the moment they fell, Holden had already tried his best to slow the impact of the fall.

Elena’s mind was filled with his calm eyes, his smile… inhaling, exhaling, and swimming vigorously.

She vigorously swayed her hands and feet, and burst out with a “wow”.

Elena swam up.

The moment she breathed the fresh air, there was a word in her mind… the rest of her life.

She is not dead.

She didn’t even die.


Elena looked around, it was dark and cold, and there was no one she was looking for.

Where is Holden?

What about him?

Is he dead?

He was so badly wounded that it was difficult to swim up in the ocean.

Elena quickly sank to the bottom of the sea, she swam vigorously, looking for the tall and lofty figure in the sea.

She searched for a long, long time, dived up and then sank, but she couldn’t find him.

She is out of strength.

Her hands and feet were frozen and numb, and she didn’t have the strength to search anymore.

Not found.

Can’t find him, what should she do?

Elena swam up and looked around. There was a black spot all around, and hot tears fell in her eyes. She choked up and called his name, “Holden, Holden, where are you? Holden…”

She said that, she really hates him.

When she fell off the cliff, he jumped down with her.

When she was alive, he disappeared again.

She is so scared.

Elena has been living a simple, intelligent, transparent and calm life. She rarely fears, but now she is really scared, so scared.

“Holden, where are you…Holden…oooo…” She covered her face with her cold little hands and wept bitterly.

At this time, a deep magnetic voice sounded in the ear, “What are you crying for? I’m not dead yet.”

Elena froze all over, and quickly turned around, Holden was right in front of her, right there.

He is not dead!

Great, he is not dead!

Elena cried and laughed, she swam quickly, and squeezed her fist on his broad’s shoulder, “Holden, you scared me to death… you scared me to death…..”

She kept whispering these words, she was incoherent with fright.

Holden didn’t avoid it and let her hit him. He looked at her softly, his eyes overflowing with a touch of pampering.

Suddenly, he lowered his body, leaning his head on her rosy scented shoulders, and gasped in a low voice.


He whispered her name… Elena.

Elena froze.

Holden’s voice slowly weakened, but Elena still heard clearly. He said, “Elena, why…abandon me, what am I…what did I do badly?… Why fall in love with others…”

Elena’s heart seemed to be pierced by a sharp sword, and that sharp sword was inserted into her heart and stirred wantonly, causing her to bleed invisibly.

Holden reached out and hugged her wa!st. In the cold water, the girl’s soft body temperature passed over, and he k!ssed her hair.

Elena wanted to push him away.


There was a low muffled hum in her ear, and Holden’s sword eyebrows had frowned into a tight arc.

“What happened to you?”

Elena reached out to touch his back, and felt a large piece of warm stickiness, and the surrounding sea water had all turned red.

He was badly injured.


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