The Proxy Bride of the Billionaire Chapter 120

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Chapter 120

Netizen C: Elena and Jasmine let me choose, I will definitely choose Jasmine.

Grandma is only 18 years old: shout with me, get up, my Elena is the most beautiful!

Elena remembered that the old lady had signed up for an Instagram account not long ago and had sent her a request. This grandma is only 18 years old and is just a grandma.

The old lady tore on Instagram, her firepower was extremely fierce, and she was promoted to Elena’s number one fan.

“Elena, your old lady is really amazing, who doesn’t want such a fan?” Usha was really envious of her real name.

Elena couldn’t laugh or cry. She really didn’t expect that grandma would tear it up for her on Instagram. Grandma is really so cute.

“Elena, I’m going to take a shower, take your time.” Usha walked into the shower room.

Soon there was a jingle, the doorbell of the apartment rang and someone knocked on the door.


Elena took a black fringed scarf and put it on her body, then walked over and opened the door of the apartment.

Outside the door stood a tall and straight body, and Holden came.

Holden had just come from the company. He was wearing a thin black coat with a white shirt and tie inside. He was younger and more handsome than usual in a suit, elegant and expensive.

“Why are you here?” Elena didn’t expect him to come.

Holden looked at her, her stunning little face was wearing a veil, her eyes were clear, and a pair of pink slippers on her feet, she looked like a girl at home and pretty.

“Mrs. Lu, wanted to see you.”

“Then you have seen me, you can go back.” Elena closed the door directly.

But Holden was faster, and his flexed knees pressed against the door panel, “Wait Mrs. Lu, I have brought you something.”

Holden handed over the boutique bag he was carrying, which contained the old-fashioned cake she liked.

He brought her cake.

Elena hesitated for a while, then stretched out her little hand to pick it up, “Mr. Lu, thank you…ah!”

Holden gently pulled her slender body directly into his arms, and his powerful arms clasped her slender waist, which was gripped by her, and he actually hugged her.

He is still holding a bag in one hand, so he holds her high in one hand, which is very similar to a father holding his little girl.

Although the man is very powerful, she is so embarrassed.

Elena blushed, and quickly squeezed her fists and hammered him, “Mr. Lu, let me down!”

Holden put the bag on the ground, then put her down against the corner of the corridor, trapped in his delicate arms, “make trouble again?”

Elena felt cold when she saw his exquisite handsome face. He looked fierce and stern. A man in a high position like him had a strong aura. When he was not angry and mighty, he had a cold texture. People dare not touch.

Elena couldn’t escape either. He propped his hands on the wall, his tall body was slightly bowed, and the breath of a clean and clear man was wrapped in dangerous aggression.

He really has a black belly, pulling her out to train her as a child.

Elena struck her neck and said boldly, “If I make trouble again, what can you do with me?”

Holden stared at her with dark eyes, his thin lips made a wicked arc, “I don’t want to go home anymore. If you make trouble, I’ll hit you.”

Beat her?

“Then you beat me, I sue you for domestic violence…”

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