The Pampering CEO Chapter 588 – 590

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Chapter 588

Early the next morning.

“Drink.” Lidya Su gave Jamel Xiao water with a cold face.

Lidya Su’s tone was blunt, but Jamel Xiao smiled like a weasel who stole a chicken, while drinking water, while staring at Lidya Su non-stop.

Seriously, he was even a little grateful for the crisis this time.

If it weren’t for falling down the cliff together and living and dying together, he promised that even if he knew the truth, it would be a big project to understand him.

But now… Although Lidya’s tone is not very good, at least, she is willing to treat herself.

Jamel Xiao’s requirements were very low anyway, as long as Lidya didn’t ignore him completely, he would be satisfied.

“Biscuit.” Some of the scalp numb when Jamel Xiao saw, Lidya Su directly stuffed the biscuit into his mouth.

A large piece of biscuit was stuffed in, Jamel Xiao choked, he quickly solved the biscuit, and then looked at Lidya Su tenderly: “Lidya, you are so kind to me.”

Lidya Su: “…”

Gu Jing looked at Jamel Xiao’s sneerless look, and couldn’t bear it. He said coldly, “Get ready, we are on the road.”

Lidya Su could only help Jamel Xiao to stand up.

When Jamel Xiao fell down, he had already deliberately avoided more dangerous places. Although my back was broken, after lying down all night, it was much better.

“Can you hold it?” Lidya Su asked

This is a sub-question.

Jamel Xiao immediately looked at Lidya Su with affectionate expression: “As long as you are here, I can hold everything.”

Lidya Su rolled his eyes and almost didn’t throw his hand away.

Lidya Su twisted the beginning, Jamel Xiao thought she was shy, could not help but keep up, and said softly: “Lidya, do you know? The days when you are not by my side, my heart will always be incomplete, now, you are by my side Although I suffered a little injury, my heart is complete.”

Lidya Su gritted his teeth, this man is not over yet, he really wants to force himself to throw him out.

“Lidya, I have not been able to approach you for the past two years. Every night, I will look up at the starry sky. To me, you are like the moon on the other side of the sky. It is impossible to see, I…” Jamel Xiao seized the time. Balabara spoke the sweet words he had accumulated.

This time, Lidya Su felt that he really couldn’t stand it.

She couldn’t help shouting out loud: “Shut up!”

“To shut up!”

Two voices sounded at the same time.

Lidya Su turned his head to see, Gu Jing also looked unbearable.

This Jamel Xiao, can you figure out a little bit about his state?

He is now a hostage, is he in a good state of being held hostage? In this case, he should be honest and have a hostage state.

What is it like to suddenly show his affection?

Jamel Xiao glanced at Gu Jing indifferently, and then sneered: “Regardless of the heavens and the earth, you still care about me not talking?”

When turning to Lidya Su, his expression quickly softened again: “Lidya. You tell me to shut up, and I will shut up. When do you want to talk to me, can I talk to you again?”

Gu Jing: “…”

This kind of differential treatment made him want to shoot Jamel Xiao.

Forget it, he bears it!

One day has passed.

There will be six days left.

Six days later, what are these two people doing?

Seeing is clear.

“Hurry up.” Gu Jing urged a little violently.

Although the route he designed is still relatively secret, he is sure that he will not be discovered by the search and rescue team.

But to be on the safe side, go faster.

It’s best to get out of the jungle quickly!

This jungle spans two provinces. By leaving here, he can escape the encirclement of the military!

Deep in the mountains and old forests, there is also a super criminal with a gun.

The environment is hard to say.

But Jamel Xiao turned his head to look at Lidya Su from time to time, but the smile on the corner of his mouth never stopped.

He really felt that this was his happiest time in the past few years.

“Can you stop laughing? Panicked!” Gu Jing couldn’t stand it again.

“Haha. My Lidya hasn’t spoken yet, what right do you have to speak?” Jamel Xiao said rudely.

Ah, this is simply scorning him.

Gu Jing’s teeth were itchy.

Lidya Su looked at Gu Jing’s desperate look, suddenly felt that it seemed good to be angry with him?

Lidya Su’s face suddenly showed a smile, and she whispered softly: “Depth of field, be careful, there is a branch in front of it.”

Gu Jing looked at the small branch in front of him and fell into silence.

Jamel Xiao looked at Lidya Su with surprise, and he nodded repeatedly.

I was about to fly with joy in my heart, Lidya was caring about him!

Lidya Su looked at Gu Jing’s gloomy face and suddenly became interested, and she became more gentle and considerate.

“Are you thirsty, drink some water.”

“Be careful with this stone.”

“Come on, I will help you wipe your sweat.”

Jamel Xiao naturally responded to Lidya Su with enthusiasm.

Gu Jing’s face became darker and darker.

He is now trying hard to die with the other one, just kill the two directly.

Shit, this is an escape, okay?

Are they hostages?

They don’t have to be miserable and miserable, why they show their affection to stimulate him?

After rushing for a day and finally reaching the resting place, Gu Jing’s face was as black as Carbon.

Lidya Su suddenly felt refreshed. Did you kidnap her? Isn’t it nasty? If you don’t stimulate him well, she won’t be named Su.

In order to further stimulate Gu Jing, Lidya Su was gentle and considerate towards Jamel Xiao, and Jamel Xiao was naturally affectionate towards Lidya Su.

Gu Jing couldn’t help but threatened them several times.

It’s just that, first of all, he has to hurry now and can’t hurt two people, so as not to affect the progress.

Secondly, he couldn’t throw them down and leave alone. What if they are high-density?

Killing two people is also undesirable.

The only thing Gu Jing would hate was that another Gu Jing destroyed all the viruses in his laboratory. Otherwise, he would take out anything that would make these two lives worse than death.

No matter how itchy the hate, Gu Jing now takes these two people, there is really no way at all.

He could only smile and watch the two show their affection.

However, after watching for a long time, Gu Jing calmed down. In the end, no matter what the two of them were, he could maintain a cold face.

late at night.

Gu Jing set aside the fire, and the flames warmed the cave.

Jamel Xiao squinted at Gu Jing and suddenly asked, “The dark night is gone. Why have you been stubbornly developing viruses in the past few years? Destroying the world is really so important to you?”

Gu Jing snorted coldly. He was too lazy to answer at first, but the days on the road were too boring. He raised his eyebrows and said indifferently: “This world is so bad, why is there any need for it?”

Chapter 589

“There is Lidya in this world, how could it be bad?” Jamel Xiao looked like he took it for granted, and then showed his affection inexplicably.

Now that the deliberate show of affection can no longer make Gu Jing react, Jamel Xiao made such a trick, but he still made Gu Jinglian roll his eyes several times.

He said blankly: “I have been an orphan since I was a kid.”

“I know, it’s on Gu Jing’s file,” Jamel Xiao said.

“When I was a child, I grew pretty cute, so I was adopted soon.” A flash of memory flashed through Gu Jing’s eyes: “The first adopters, they treated me well at first, but later, they After accidentally having a child, I became a thorn in my eye, and they began to beat and scold me.”

“Then you resent society?” Lidya Su couldn’t help asking.

Gu Jing glanced at her and said lightly, “This little thing is worth resenting society? What do you think about it.”

Lidya Su has the urge to throw a table.

The person who is obviously anti-social is good or not.

Gu Jing continued: “Later, this family of three still left me to travel, and then all of them died in a car accident.”

This was a divine development, and Jamel Xiao and Lidya Su were silent for a while.

“Well, I went back to the orphanage. It didn’t take long before I was adopted by a second family. This family treated me very well. But then, after a fire, they all died, and only I was rescued. come out.”

Jamel Xiao and Lidya Su continued to be silent.

“Followed by is the third family…” Gu Jing raised an eyebrow: “Guess what?”

“Also… something happened?” Lidya Su asked cautiously.

“You guessed it.” Gu Jing said helplessly: “A murderer broke in and hacked the whole family to death. Only I escaped by hiding under the table. Three families in succession adopted me, and three families in succession all Something happened and I was considered a catastrophe. Then, no one dared to adopt me anymore, and I stayed in the orphanage until I was 18 years old, then joined the army, and slowly to today.”

Lidya Sumo took a while, and then said, “It sounds like… the people who adopted you are more miserable? Why are you anti-social…”

“Hey, what kind of anti-social is this.” Gu Jing rolled his eyes: “It is these deaths that make me understand a truth! The weak, in this world, are too fragile, too fragile, whatever happens to you. Can take their lives. Later, they can blame a child for these deaths unnecessarily. This weakness is simply shameless.”

“In the beginning, when I was squeezed out as a catastrophe, I was still sad. Until I met someone.” Gu Jing smiled: “It’s the former Lord of Dark Night! After talking to him, I suddenly It’s not important to be sad for these people. What’s important is that I can’t be stigmatized. Since they all say that I’m a catastrophe, and they say that I killed those people, then I can’t let them vain. talk!”

As Gu Jing said, she was still excited: “So I decided that I would simply take the lives of those weak people! In this way, they wouldn’t be wronged me.”

Lidya Su: “…This is why you want to destroy the world?”

“What destroys the world, I am helping this world rebirth.” A bloodthirsty light flashed through Gu Jing’s eyes: “Those who are weak are not worthy of living. And I, naturally, will choose the real elite and follow. I live together.”

As he said, he glanced at Jamel Xiao and Lidya Su: “Actually, my new medicine is almost a step away. When I escape, I will be able to research it out soon. I think you two will also pay it back. Barely worthy to live. As long as you join us, I will lead you to create a new world, how about?”

Gu Jing said excitedly.

People like Gu Jing are crazy.

Jamel Xiao and Lidya Su glanced at each other, and then Lidya Su said lightly: “Let’s talk about it.”

“I heard about Lidya.” Jamel Xiao took the opportunity to show his loyalty.

“There are five days left, you can consider it slowly.” Gu Jing said calmly: “I hope you can take the opportunity to take advantage of it. In the future, if you want to join me, it will be difficult.”

Jamel Xiao raised his eyebrows, but changed the subject: “The former Saint Lord of Dark Night, like you, is a lunatic?”

“Hehe.” Gu Jing sneered twice: “You said that madman. He did a virus experiment on me, but I didn’t expect that I would steal all his skills quickly, and then…use him the most. The virus that he was proud of killed him. This old man is really too weak. He has studied for a lifetime and he hasn’t researched anything. When I took over his research, he was only 16 years old, and then I researched Ai Luo virus, with the help of Chen Lao, let this virus appear. Chen Lao old man is also really funny, he really thinks that with his talent, he can study such a virus? Moreover, there are many Ai Luo virus. The one who can be promoted, the old man keeps saying that this is the most perfect virus, and he laughs to death.”

Gu Jing spoke in a sarcastic tone.

Jamel Xiao’s brows wrinkled slightly.

Troop information, Gu Jing’s age is now 32 years old.

In other words, he started to deploy the Ai Luo virus 16 years ago, and people like Chen Lao are all chess pieces in his palm. This man is simply terrible.

Gu Jing mocked for a while, then looked at Jamel Xiao and Lidya Su generously: “I am really optimistic about you, so I will tell you so much. In short, my ability is beyond doubt, plus your cooperation, Building a new world is just around the corner.”

“Let’s think about it again.” Lidya Su spoke on behalf of the two.

Gu Jing didn’t force it, but just shrugged and lay back to his place.

Lidya Su looked at this man, but there was an inexplicable depression in her heart!

Don’t look at Gu Jing who seems to be very harmless now. This man holds a Pandora’s box in his hands. Once the box is opened, the whole world doesn’t know where it is going.

Lidya Su thinks he is not someone with noble sentiments.

However, she couldn’t just watch people like Gu Jing live.

Five days later, if he really escapes, the world will be in chaos.

An extremely heavy feeling pressed firmly on Lidya Su’s heart.

Lidya Su has only one idea, no, and must not let this madman leave alive.

“Lidya, I’m asleep.” Jamel Xiao pulled Lidya Su over.

Lidya Su was about to struggle, but saw Jamel Xiao write in her palm: “Lidya, calm down. We still have time to plan slowly.”

Lidya Su couldn’t help but glanced at Jamel Xiao.

His eyes were calm at the moment. Obviously, he hadn’t thought about it, just let Gu Jing go.

Chapter 590

“What should we do?” Lidya Su also wrote with his finger on the palm of Jamel Xiao’s hand.

Lidya Su’s fingers rubbed against the palm of his hand, and there was an itchy feeling, Jamel Xiao couldn’t help feeling a little confused.

Lidya Su saw that he hadn’t responded for a long time, and as soon as he raised his head, he saw his spring look, and couldn’t help but shyly twisted his arm.

Jamel Xiao grinned for a while, immediately put away his smile, and then slowly wrote: “When he is about to succeed in escape, it is when he is most relaxed. At that time, we will try again.”

Lidya Su couldn’t help but glanced at Jamel Xiao.

Gu Jing was a member of the special forces. He still had a gun in his hand. Compared with the two of them, Gu Jing had an absolute advantage.

To do something with Gu Jing, their winning rate is actually very low.

But if you want to let Gu Jing leave, it is absolutely impossible.

Lidya Su gritted his teeth, took the initiative to squeeze Jamel Xiao’s hand, and then got into his embrace.

A hint of joy flashed across Jamel Xiao’s eyes, and his hands tightly surrounded Lidya Su.

Lidya Su leaned quietly in his arms, silent.

Five days later, neither of them knew what was going on.

At this time, she really didn’t want to bet against Jamel Xiao anymore.

In any case, he loves her, and she loves him, that’s enough.

“Have you found it?” Zhao Guoqiang’s expression was a little tired.



All the teams came back to report, and no one found a trace.

Zhao Qin couldn’t help but thumped the table angrily: “Gu Jing has received professional anti-tracking training, and he won’t leave us a clue. Lidya and Depth of Field don’t know what the situation is.”

Zhao Guoqiang pursed his lips and said nothing.

In fact, they all knew that once Gu Jing’s hatred towards Jamel Xiao and Lidya Su was relieved by him, he would never let them go.

There is no news now, these two people, I am afraid that they have already…

Zhao Guoqiang didn’t dare to think deeply, he just gritted his teeth: “Keep looking! I want to see people when I live, and the dead when I die!”

“Marshal…” A soldier hesitated, then said, “There are many waters in this forest.”

The soldiers did not dare to say more, but Zhao Guoqiang and Zhao Qin still reacted immediately.

This person meant that if Jamel Xiao and Lidya Su were dead, and the bodies were sunk in the water, there would be no way to find them.

However, the premise is that the two have died.

Zhao Guoqiang said in a cold voice: “I believe they must be alive! Keep looking, and expand the scope.”

Zhao Guoqiang’s expression was a bit stubborn, everyone did not dare to say more, so they continued to search.

One day, two days, three days.

Zhao Guoqiang and Zhao Qin were looking for them personally while waiting for reports from others.

Every time, when they set off, they are full of hope. But every time they heard the report, they were full of despair.

Three days later, this forest is full of trees, and there is nothing to replenish. Even if they are still alive, they will fall into a state of hunger and thirst.

Zhao Guoqiang and Zhao Qin wanted to continue searching, but they called and said that Lin Hong had fainted.

The two were shocked, and after ordering the task, they hurriedly returned to Tianjing City.

“A Hong, how are you?” Zhao Guoqiang rushed to Lin Hong’s room as soon as he got home.

Lin Hong had woke up at this moment, and a group of doctors and nurses surrounded her and guarded her. An Ran Zoe Zhao and Su Yue were all by the side.

Seeing Zhao Guoqiang and Zhao Qin, a glimmer of hope flashed through Lin Hong’s eyes. She trembled and asked, “Have you found Lidya and Depth of Field?”

Zhao Guoqiang wanted to nod his head against his will, but in the end, he could only shake his head somewhat hard.

“Mom, don’t worry! No dead body is the best thing, we can definitely find them.” Zhao Qin said hurriedly.

Lin Hong was not comforted. Her eyes moistened instantly, and she said in a hoarse voice: “Lidya and Depth are not like that Gu Jing, who were born in special forces. Falling from such a high cliff, they might be alive. s3x is inherently small, not to mention, how could he allow Gu Jing to live criminals like this?”

As for the absence of a corpse, I am afraid that it is more likely to be destroyed by Gu Jing.

Lin Hong thought for a while, but her heart ached, she lifted her body and spit out a mouthful of blood.

“Mom!” An Ran and Zoe Zhao were startled, they quickly wiped the corners of Lin Hong’s mouth.

An Ran’s tears came out: “Mom, don’t think about it, sister will definitely be fine.”

“Yes, Lidya will definitely be lucky.” Zoe Zhao also said.

Holding Su Yue’s palms tightly, he glanced at Zhao Guoqiang and Zhao Qin suddenly, and then said: “Where did Lidya fall from? Take me over, I’m going to find her!”

“There are the most professional people searching over there, but you can’t help.” Zhao Qin can fully understand Su Yue’s mood, but he said slowly.

“Then you let me wait like this?” Su Yue snarled.

That was his sister who grew up relying on each other since childhood!

That is a younger sister who is more important than his life!

“For the time being, you can only wait like this.” Zhao Guoqiang said flatly: “If Lidya and Depth of Field are still alive, professionals will definitely bring them back! If Lidya…no, Lidya must be alive. A Hong , If Lidya comes back, but your body is destroyed, how much should Lidya blame herself?”

Lin Hong looked at Zhao Guoqiang sadly: “Lidya… will she still be alive?”

“Yes, she will definitely.” Zhao Guoqiang said categorically.

“You promise me?” Lin Hong’s eyes lit up with hope.

“I promise.” Zhao Guoqiang said without hesitation.

At this moment, he can only let Lin Hong have one hope in his heart. Otherwise, Lin Hong’s body would collapse.

“I believe you.” Lin Hong grabbed Zhao Guoqiang’s hand: “You must bring Lidya back safely.”

“Don’t worry.” Zhao Guoqiang said flatly.

Lin Hong nodded. At this moment, she could only choose to believe in Zhao Guoqiang.

“An Ran, Zoe Zhao, you take good care of your mother, Zhao Qin and I will go back soon and continue looking for people. Don’t worry, we will definitely bring Lidya Su and Depth back.” Zhao Guoqiang said.

Both An Ran and Zoe Zhao nodded tearfully.

“I will go with you.” Su Yue said.

“No. Something happened to Depth of Field. Xingchen is now when people’s hearts are unstable. You left suddenly. Are you going to destroy the company? When Depth of Field comes back, you will give him a devastated company?” Zhao Guoqiang said. , Sighed slightly: “Depth of field, this child… At the last moment, he rushed faster than us. In the end, he desperately hugged Lidya, and the two fell together. I believe that about Shan Wei’s child, He must have difficulties. This company, you and Li Chen, must guard it.”

Su Yue was finally persuaded.

Zhao Guoqiang and Zhao Qin immediately returned to Shijingshan.

“Definitely, to bring back Lidya and Depth of Field.” Lin Hong prayed silently in her heart, tears in her eyes.

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