The Pampering CEO Chapter 567 – 569

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Chapter 567

“Understand.” Gu Jingqian smiled: “I hope you can save my number, so that next time, my number will be treated as a strange call again.”

Lidya Su was even more embarrassed, and she couldn’t help but answer: “I will save it later.”

“Then Miss Su, I’ll just tell you if I have something to say.” There seemed to be a wind on Gu Jing’s side, sounding very vague: “You owe me the favor, I now need you to pay it back.”

“If you need help, just say it.”

A smile appeared at the corner of Gu Jing’s mouth: “That’s it. Haven’t I been doing secret missions abroad? Some time ago, I just came back and I was promoted to general. Now, many people invite me to the banquet. , I’ve pushed a lot, I’m really a little embarrassed. Tomorrow Qi’s family will hold a banquet. I think it’s better to go to the party, but I’m not very comfortable with this kind of occasion. Can’t handle it.”

“What do you mean?” Lidya Su couldn’t help asking.

“Can you accompany me for a while? I know, Qi Yao called you Master, you and the Qi family are very familiar. I can feel more at ease with you.” Gu Jing said directly.

“In fact, I am not very comfortable with banquet occasions…”

“You are better than me.” Gu Jing chuckled lightly: “You can do me this favor.”

Gu Jing said it was polite, and Lidya Su was not easy to refuse. She did owe Gu Jing a favor.

Lidya Su thought for a while, then nodded in response; “Okay, I will accompany you tomorrow.”

“Thank you, thank you.” Gu Jing said gratefully: “Then I will pick you up at Zhao’s door at six tomorrow.”

“Good.” Lidya Su nodded in response.

The next evening, Gu Jing really waited at the door.

“General Gu is here again!” Before Gu Jing had time to call Lidya Su, the gossip porter quickly passed the news in.

For a while, everyone’s eyes turned to Lidya Su.

“Lidya, you and Jamel, how are you familiar recently?” Zhao Guoqiang coughed.

“No. It’s just that he has just returned to Tianjing City, and he is not familiar with the place of life. I will accompany him to a banquet and be familiar with it.” Lidya Su explained.

“Little Jing, this kid…” Zhao Guoqiang was about to comment on something, Lin Hong gave him a look, and successfully shut him up.

Lin Hong smiled and looked at Lidya Su: “Lidya, it’s okay, ignore your father. Go ahead.”

Lidya Su nodded, and was about to go out, Emma Xiao looked at Lidya Su eagerly: “Mom is going to the banquet? Emma Xiao also wants to go out to play.”

Seeing her daughter’s longing eyes, Lidya Su’s heart softened, and she responded without hesitation.

After that, she looked at Normen Xiao again, “Normen Xiao, too.”

“Can I go too?” Normen Xiao’s eyes lit up and he agreed with joy.

Therefore, Gu Jing originally thought that he would wait for someone alone. Unexpectedly, he waited for three to come.

“Sorry, the two kids also want to go to the banquet to have fun…” Lidya Su said.

“It’s okay.” Gu Jing held one in his hand and said with a smile: “I also want to thank them for coming with you with me.”

Seeing Gu Jing not minding the way, Lidya Su was relieved.

The Qi family has a magical attribute.

Just love to organize banquets.

From Qi’s father to Qi Yao, the father and daughter are banquet madmen. The Qi family has at least one medium-sized banquet every week, and every month, there must be a large-scale banquet.

Over time, the Qi family has become the entertainment center of Tianjing City. Many people even habitually talk about business in the Qi family.

This time at the banquet, Qi Yao had been standing at the door a long time ago, looking out eagerly.

She received news from Lidya Su in advance, saying that she was coming to the banquet!

The master is coming, she, as an apprentice, must not neglect.

Qi Yao was stretching her neck and waiting. Suddenly, a sporty sports car stopped beside her.

Li Chen opened the skylight and took off his sunglasses handsomely: “Oh, waiting for me here so early? Even if you are so enthusiastic, you can’t change the fact that you have a flat chest.”

Qi Yao couldn’t help taking a deep breath, then another deep breath.

The visitor was a guest, and she told herself that even if this stern and awkward had no edge, she had to control herself.

When Qi Yao didn’t speak, Li Chen became more energetic; “Why don’t you speak? Will you be found waiting for me and feel ashamed?”

Qi Yao rolled her eyes, and then continued to brainwash herself.

Here is a big court and a big crowd, she must be calm. If you hit someone, it will damage the image of a lady.

“Really shy?” Li Chen was shocked: “Sister, don’t do that. Even if you like me, I won’t like you. Although the connotation is very important, if there is no chest, all connotations are clouds. Just your breast, I am absolutely…”

As Li Chen was talking, Qi Yao suddenly howled, and rushed up, slapped, slapped and beaten at Li Chen headlessly.

The visitor to him is a guest, the image of a lady in him.

At this moment, Qi Yao had only one thought in her heart!

Kill this neurosis!

She beat Li Chen frantically, and Li Chen was completely confused.

He looked around and found that many people were looking at this place with a lively expression, and Li Chen couldn’t help being embarrassed.

He grabbed Qi Yao’s hand: “Calm down! Even if it is revealed by me, don’t become angry.”

Angry into anger?

Qi Yao’s eyes were red, and her hands were controlled. She went straight up and bit Li Chen’s arm with one bite.

I go……

The little girl’s teeth are really good.

This thought flashed through Li Chen’s mind, and then Li Chen struggled hard.

But Qi Yao thought, anyway, her image of a lady is gone, she must bite her enough today!

“Are you a dog?” Li Chen waved his hands desperately.

Qi Yao continued to bite him.

“Ah ah ah ah.” Li Chen could not help but screams up, attracted many people’s attention.

Everyone looked at this lively scene, one after another.

“The star’s President Li, when did you have such a good relationship with Miss Qi?” someone said.

“Where is my relationship with her (him)?” Li Chen and Qi Yao yelled at almost the same time.

The man was stunned for a moment, and then said: “I didn’t expect the two to still be so tacitly!”

“Hey hey hey, you can’t talk nonsense about this…” Li Chen was about to make sense.

Qi Yao took the lead and said with a disdainful expression: “I have a tacit understanding with this $lut? Please don’t lower my grade, okay?”

What is a b!tch?

And what’s the matter of Qi Yao’s eagerness to disassociate himself from him? Li Chen felt that he was so upset.

He raised his eyebrows and said calmly: “Miss Qi, I can understand your secret love for me, and I can also understand your disdain for me in front of others. Don’t worry, even if it is impossible for us, I will I will still treat you as a friend.”

I go? What is secret love?

Qi Yao was stunned.

The people onlookers nearby showed a clear expression.

Chapter 568

Qi Yao suddenly became anxious, and she hurriedly said: “Wait, don’t listen to his nonsense, I have never crushed him…”

“Yes, you didn’t.” Li Chen said immediately, “Don’t worry, I will treat the previous things as having never happened.”

The expressions of everyone were even more shocked.

Qi Yao: “…”

So, what happened before?

When everyone left, Qi Yao couldn’t help looking at Li Chen angrily: “You ruin my reputation!”

Li Chen smiled triumphantly: “Not necessarily. Every time you see me, you are so excited. Isn’t it what is it that you have a crush on me?”

Qi Yao was about to refute.

Li Chen already said: “Okay, I know you won’t admit it, just assume you don’t have a crush on me.”

With that said, Li Chen handed the car key to the parking servant and went straight into the lobby.

Qi Yao: “…”

What is it?

Is it not good?

If she hadn’t waited for Master here, she would have rushed over to fight Li Chen desperately!

Not long after Qi Yao waited, Gu Jing’s car arrived.

When Gu Jing got out of the car, Qi Yao still didn’t feel much, but immediately after he saw Gu Jing open the door of the rear seat, Lidya Su took the two children out.

“Master!” Qi Yao’s eyes flashed with shock.

Lidya Su only said that she was coming, but she didn’t say that she was coming with Gu Jing.

Master and Gu Jing… These two people rarely participate in banquets. But at this meeting, the two appear together?

Many thoughts flashed through Qi Yao’s mind.

Qi Yao walked over and held a child: “Master, you are here, come in quickly. The banquet has begun.”

Qi Yao’s eyes couldn’t help but to swim between Gu Jing and Lidya Su.

Lidya Su couldn’t help being slightly embarrassed.

“I just returned to Tianjing City not long ago, and I am not used to the banquet. I asked Miss Su to come with me.” Gu Jing said actively.

“Ah, that’s it.” Qi Yao responded, completely convinced: “General Gu, you don’t have to worry at all. As soon as you enter, there will be many people around you.”

With that, Qi Yao brought several people in.

She was right. Gu Jing had just entered the door, and many people came over either intentionally or unintentionally.

After all, this is the first time Gu Jing has participated in the social networking of the upper class in Tianjing City. There are still many people who want to make friends with him.

Gu Jing was soon surrounded and hard to get out, he couldn’t help but glanced at Lidya Su with some helplessness. Lidya Su gave him a helpless expression.

When Gu Jing was surrounded and walked away, Qi Yao couldn’t help but look at Lidya Su with a gossip: “Master, you have a good eye. I have long felt that you should find another one. Gu Jing has a boundless future. “

As he said, Qi Yao still muttered: “It’s just that, Gu Jing and Jamel Xiao? Why do they have a Jing character? Master, did you choose people by their names?”

Lidya Su: “…This is a coincidence. No, I only attended a banquet with Gu Jing, nothing else.”

“Even if you don’t have it now, you can have one in the future.” Qi Yao smiled.

Qi Yao said, blinking desperately at her.

Lidya Su looked at her like that, knowing that she couldn’t explain it, so she rolled her eyes and stopped talking.

Qi Yao originally wanted to talk to Lidya Su, but suddenly, when she saw something, her eyes lit up.

“Master, wait! I’ll do something.” Qi Yao walked in a certain direction violently.

Lidya Su looked over with some curiosity, and saw that in the direction Qi Yao was walking by, Li Chen was holding a woman in his arms, drinking red wine coolly.

Qi Yao quickly walked to Li Chen.

“Little Li, your drink is really good.” The woman said with a smile.

“I usually drink well, but not necessarily today. After all, alcohol is not intoxicating, people are drunk.” Li Chen said, still looking at the woman affectionately.

“You are so bad.” The woman’s voice softened.

There is a play.

Li Chen was about to say something further, when suddenly, a voice of grief and anger rang.

“Li Chen, that’s how you treated me?”


Li Chen looked up and saw Qi Yao with tears in his eyes.

“Miss Qi.” The woman couldn’t help but straightened up.

She can’t afford to offend Qi Yao’s identity.

“Why are you crazy?” Li Chen looked at Qi Yao with some puzzlement.

What’s wrong with this woman?

“What am I going crazy? You ask me what I am crazy! There is still your flesh and blood in my stomach, you actually asked such a thing.” Qi Yao said, trembling with anger.

With a puff, Li Chen spouted all the red wine in his mouth.

What the hell!

The eyes of the people next to him could not help being attracted.

Even Lidya Su watched Qi Yao’s performance in shock.

“You said that you don’t want this child, and that you don’t want to get married. Okay, I can kill this child for you. But you can’t be so shameless, while coaxing me, and teasing other women!” Qi Yao’s voice became more and more grief stand up.

For a time, countless condemning eyes were cast on Li Chen.

Even that woman couldn’t help being farther away from Li Chen.

Facing everyone with the same look in the eyes of a scumbag, Li Chen’s whole body was not good.

Although he likes to talk about love with big breasted girls, but he has the integrity. Before confirming his feelings, he hadn’t even touched anyone.

Damn, he is a virgin, how did he make Qi Yao pregnant?

Li Chen saw Qi Yao’s eyes flashing with pride, and he reacted instantly.

This woman is taking revenge!

Ha ha, is he Li Chen so easy to give in?

“Miss Qi, don’t talk nonsense. As everyone knows, you are not my type at all.” Li Chen said calmly.

When Li Chen said this, everyone reacted. The whole world knows that Li Chen likes big breasted girls. This Qi Yao is good everywhere. This is the big breasted… it seems that she has no contact with her.

Qi Yao was not in a hurry, and her expression became even more grief and anger: “Since you don’t like me, why do you deceive me? Li Chen, you are really cruel.”

As soon as the words fell, Dou Da’s tears fell from Qi Yao’s eyes, and it was almost pity for me.

At this moment, everyone looked at Li Chen’s expression, even more contemptuous.

“Scumbag man.” The woman got up, glared at Li Chen angrily, then turned and left.

Li Chen: “…”

The corners of Qi Yao’s mouth have a subtle arc, fight with me, Li Chen, you are still too tender.

Seeing Qi Yao’s smug look, Li Chen squinted his eyes, stood up suddenly, and took Qi Yao’s hand affectionately.

My Cao, what’s the situation? Qi Yao wanted to break free, but Li Chenla was so tight that she couldn’t move at all.

“Xiao Yao, don’t cry. I wanted to make trouble before. I really like you. Since you are pregnant, we won’t fight the baby. Let’s get married.” Li Chen said softly.

This time, he changed to Qi Yao dumbfounded.

marry? What…what the hell!

Li Chen leaned over and lowered his voice: “Come on, hurt each other.”

At this time, I can’t admit it. Qi Yao gritted her teeth and looked at Li Chen with emotion: “Are you really willing to marry me?”

This woman still wants to act?

Then play to the end.

Li Chen calmly said: “Really. I love you, I want to marry you…”

As soon as Li Chen’s voice fell, a low voice suddenly rang: “Really? For such an important matter, should you discuss it with me?”

Dad Qi stood behind Qi Yao with an ugly expression.

Chapter 569

“Dad?” Qi Yao turned around, pale with fright.

Oh my god, how could dad hear what she said.

Dad Qi glanced at Qi Yao a little bit angry, and then showed an expression of hatred for iron and steel.

He didn’t even know that his cute and well-behaved daughter had a boyfriend behind him, and she became pregnant before marriage!

However, Xiao Yao has always been well-behaved. In this situation, she was deceived by others.

Dad Qi looked at Li Chen’s eyes, suddenly becoming extremely sharp.

I am used to seeing the world. When Dad Qi looked at him with a searchlight-like look, Li Chen became a little uncomfortable. He didn’t care about hurting each other with Qi Yao. He hurriedly said: “Misunderstanding, this is a misunderstanding .”

“You scumbag, do you still dare to say that it is a misunderstanding?” Papa Qi suddenly became angry.

Qi Yao: “…”

Li Chen: “…”

“You two, come with me.” Father Qi said angrily.

The hall is not a good place to explain. Qi Yao and Li Chen didn’t dare to resist, they could only follow Dad Qi silently.

Father Qi couldn’t help but glared at the two of them again, and then smiled at the guests: “I have a little thing to deal with here. Let me leave for a while. Everyone has fun eating and having fun.”

The guests expressed their understanding.

When Dad Qi left with them, the atmosphere in the hall was still very lively.

Many people are discussing the heavy news that Li Chen has made Qi Yao’s stomach up. Some who stood far away and didn’t hear the details, just asked others over and over again. After coming down several times, the news has been spread clearly. Including how Li Chen deceived Qi Yao with sweet words and how deeply Qi Yao was unrepentant, Qi Yao’s few words were directly expanded into a complete story, which can be described as wonderful and colorful.

“Mom, Uncle Qi looked like he was going to eat people just now, do you think Uncle Li can survive?” Emma Xiao said sympathetically.

“Don’t worry, Xiaoqiang’s vitality is very tenacious.” Lidya Su couldn’t help but smile.

Li Chen and Qi Yao, these two people, are considered to have forged a beam. But Lidya Su knew that this matter today was a misunderstanding. As long as the explanation is clear, it should be fine.

Originally, the hall was full of voices discussing gossip, but at this moment, all the voices suddenly became quieter.

Lidya Su keenly noticed that many people were looking in her direction.

what’s the situation?

Lidya Su looked back calmly, and then her pupils suddenly condensed.

At the entrance of the hall, stood the two people she least wanted to see at the moment.

Jamel Xiao! Shan Wei!

These two people actually came!

Jamel Xiao and Lidya Su’s eyes quickly met in the air.

In the hall, there was silence for an instant.

There have been many versions of Jamel Xiao’s and Lidya Su’s grievances over the past few years. It’s a pity that the two parties involved, one avoided talking, and the other went away, and there was no room for everyone to gossip.

It’s all right now, the two are facing each other!

Even worse, Jamel Xiao and Lidya Su are still husband and wife.

But the two didn’t come together, and they both brought their partners?

Everyone felt that, given the situation of these four people, they could directly make up a two million-word novel.

Jamel Xiao and Lidya Su stared at each other in silence, and neither spoke.

A timid expression flashed in Shan Wei’s eyes, and she spoke first: “Lidya…Yes, I’m sorry, I don’t know you are here. Otherwise, I should let Depth of Field come with you.”

These words clearly show weakness, but secretly show off.

Lidya Su’s heart was filled with irony. But she didn’t have the mood to fight back at the moment. Her first reaction was to look at Emma Xiao!

If she knew that Jamel Xiao and Shan Wei would come across this time, she would never bring Emma Xiao out.

Emma Xiao…can she accept the fact that her father is with others? Lidya Su was a little worried.

Emma Xiao didn’t fully understand the significance of Jamel Xiao and Shan Wei’s appearance together. She just opened her eyes wide and looked a little confused.

At this time, a gentle voice rang: “Lidya, sorry, I asked you to accompany me, but I never got out.”

Gu Jing’s body is tall and handsome, he is standing beside Lidya Su, and the two seem to match each other.

Jamel Xiao’s gaze suddenly narrowed.

When Shan Wei saw Gu Jing appear, she was stunned for a moment. Who is this man?

After that, she was happy in her heart.

She was wondering how to make Jamel Xiao hate Lidya Su, and as a result, Lidya Su died.

People like Jamel Xiao have so strong self-esteem, Shan Wei can guarantee that if Lidya Su is really with another man, Jamel Xiao will definitely abandon her.

If she was adding a fire…

Shan Wei felt that she had seen the dawn of victory!

This time, whether it was Jamel Xiao’s heart or Jamel Xiao’s body, she had to figure it out.

Not knowing Shan Wei’s joyful mood, Gu Jing appeared and gave Lidya Su a step. Lidya Su followed along and said, “It’s okay.”

“The dim sum over there is very delicious. You and your two children should both like it. Let’s try it in the past.” Gu Jing said gently.

Lidya Su nodded, and took the opportunity to take the two children away.

There is a child today, she really doesn’t want to entangle with these two people.

“Mom…” Emma Xiao took Lidya’s hand, but stopped in place: “It’s Dad, Dad is here, shall we go and talk to Dad?”

Emma Xiao hasn’t seen Jamel Xiao for a long time. Because everyone said that mentioning father would make mother sad, so for so many years, she has not mentioned her father’s name very much.

But… That is her father after all.

Emma Xiao looked at Jamel Xiao’s eyes, filled with expectant light.

Jamel Xiao looked at his little princess, his eyes softened.

He bent down and stretched out his hands: “Emma Xiao?”

“Dad!” Emma Xiao immediately became happy. She broke free of Lidya Su and rushed into Jamel Xiao’s arms.

Lidya Su’s mood was complicated, but she didn’t stop it.

Jamel Xiao hugged Emma Xiao.

Emma Xiao could not help but rubbed Jamel Xiao’s face affectionately.

“It’s Emma Xiao, do you remember Auntie?” Shan Wei said to Emma Xiao enthusiastically.

Emma Xiao frowned and instinctively didn’t like Shan Wei. She held Jamel Xiao’s neck and said straightforwardly: “Dad, how come you show up with this aunt? I don’t like her. You won’t be allowed to deal with it in the future. she was.”

Shan Wei’s face changed slightly, and soon, a grieved expression appeared in her eyes: “Emma Xiao, auntie offended you? Did someone tell you something?”

As Shan Wei said, she glanced at Lidya Su pointedly.

Emma Xiao rolled her eyes and said unceremoniously, “No one is telling me anything. I just don’t like people who are ugly. You are so ugly, a thousand times and ten thousand times worse than my mother.”

Under the blunt childish words, Shan Wei’s face was almost distorted.

It was the first time she was scolded by pointing her nose!

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