The Contract Lover Chapter 296 – 300

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Chapter 296

The Liyuan Building was glowing with silver luster, and Nangong Che’s tall and tall figure exuded a gloomy walk in.

In the office building on the top floor, a petite figure is already waiting.

Seeing him approaching with a gloomy expression, the figure took a step back in fear, still standing still, and cautiously yelled: “Brother…”

Nangong Che’s attention was then taken back from Yu Muwan’s tearful face, and he frowned slowly, “Enxi? Why did you come here?”

Nangong Enxi’s beautiful and charming face was scared, and he backed his hands back and said, “I asked the servant. They said you were in Liyuan recently, so I came here to wait for you early,” hesitated and said in a low voice. “Dad is at home. It’s too scary. I don’t dare to go back. Yi Sheng has a house outside. I will go to him temporarily.”

Nangong Che narrowed his arrogant eyes, extremely cold.

This little sister didn’t even want such a comfortable environment at home, so she went to live in a rental room with a man! Damn, if this kind of ghost news is caught by the media, he would really want to kill!

Loosing his tie, Nangong Che sat on the swivel chair expressionlessly, tapped a few words on the keyboard with his slender fingers and asked the people below to bring coffee up, and said coldly: “What are you looking for? What can I do now? Rarely, I can’t do anything with you, do whatever you want, I can’t watch you just die like that, eh?”

He raised his head, his eyes cleared and swept across her face without any emotion.

Nangong Enxi’s eyes turned red all of a sudden, bit her lip to end her tears, choked up and said: “Brother, don’t you hurt me…”

Such a pitiful look reminded Nangong Che again of Yu Muwan’s face just now, the same beautiful and moving, that little woman would never learn to be so coquettish and subdued. As a man, he would be more or less gentle. In fact, He didn’t want to be rough to her either, he felt distressed a lot when she looked so painful.

Frowning, he tapped a few more words on the keyboard and called for Yu Muwan to send it up. Knowing that the little woman probably doesn’t want to see her now, but by the way, he wants to know how she is now.

“Okay, don’t cry…” Nangong Che let out a low sigh, the arrogant and tall figure got up and went around, lowered his eyes to soothe Nangong Enxi, and said lightly, “I’ll go out for a while, and you will sit for a while.”

Nangong Enxi nodded obediently. She actually came to beg her brother for help. My father was still angry. How dare she to persuade, but let her brother persuade her. God knows she lives in that kind of ordinary and simple house every day. Up!


When Yu Muwan brought the coffee up, the palm prints on her little white face were still very clear.

She loosened some of her hair and went down to cover it, and walked in neither humble nor overbearing, with unbeatable fighting spirit in her clear eyes.

But I didn’t expect that Nangong Che was not there. She was greeted by a petite woman who was shockingly beautiful. When she came, she saw that she was playing with her curly hair and flipping through the papers on Nangong Che’s desk. That beautiful face, Yu Mu Wan met at a private Nangong banquet more than a month ago.

Nangong Enxi.

Yu Muwan took a deep breath and overlapped the woman who had been with Cheng Yisheng to the death in his head. Without speaking, he walked over and put down the coffee and left quietly.

“Hey, wait!” Nangong Enxi caught her sensitively.

Yu Muwan stopped, an elegant chiffon skirt made her beautiful, and said softly, “Miss Nangong, what’s the matter?”

Nangong Enxi also didn’t expect to see her here, and there was a sudden jealousy in her eyes, thinking that Cheng Yisheng had been with her for five years and she felt uncomfortable, but can it be compared now? They live together, love each other, and there is Cheng Yisheng’s child in her slightly raised belly!

“You are Yu Muwan, right?” Nangong Enxi walked around and looked at her coffee, with dimples in her smile, “You actually work in my brother’s company. Why don’t you say hello if you recognize me? My brother How could there be a rude employee like you?”

Chapter 297

Yu Muwan sensitively heard the irony in her words.

The light eyelashes concealed the light in her eyes, and she whispered: “If he comes back, please tell him that the coffee is delivered, I will go out first, and Miss Nangong will sit down slowly.”

Seeing her white and slender figure about to leave, Nangong Enxi suddenly became annoyed: “You are so presumptuous! I didn’t let you go. What are you going to do! This is my brother’s office, don’t you know who he is? The president doesn’t even know what it’s called, what’s the use of subordinates like you!”

With a hand on the doorknob, Yu Muwan’s eyes flickered with fog, and Nangong Che’s ferocious growl and slap in the car still remained in her mind. The corners of her soft lips were bent, and she secretly mocked herself. It turned out that she was useless. Can’t please that kind of man.

Seeing her cold and arrogant figure, Nangong Enxi became more and more uncomfortable, frowning and said coldly: “I tell you Yu Muwan, you will be fired today! I will let my brother be fired when he comes back. you!”

The sonorous and powerful voice fell in Yu Muwan’s heart, and finally aroused the ripples of her grievance and resentment.

Taking a deep breath, Yu Muwan turned slightly, clear eyes with stubborn reluctance and said: “Miss Nangong, I have to forgive others and forgive others. I haven’t offended you in any way. Please don’t be so against me? Cheng Yisheng is yours now, I don’t want it! But do you need to deprive me of my only job right?”

This pair of brothers and sisters, with the same temperament and methods, are equally unbearable.

“You don’t want it?” Nangong Enxi’s beautiful eyes widened and she was angry. He didn’t want to mention this to her, but was deeply irritated. He walked up to her and gnashed his teeth and shouted, “Yu Muwan, you b*tch, Don’t think I don’t know, he went to find you the first day he eloped with me!! I slept with him, don’t you know? I have his child in my stomach, don’t you know?! How can you be cheap So shameless you are going to hook up with such a man!!”

At the mention of Cheng Yisheng, Nangong Enxi’s voice became hoarse and stared at her fiercely.

Yu Muwan’s body was trembling, and her clear eyes were filled with despair. Why should she endure such an insult for no reason?

Looking at Nangong Enxi indifferently, she turned around and wanted to go out.

“You stop me!” Nangong Enxi hates being ignored the most, pinching her arm and dragging her back, “I haven’t said enough about who will let you go! Did you hear me leaving Z City? You don’t If you leave, I have a way to get you out of the way!”

“Hi…” Yu Muwan didn’t expect her strength to be so strong, her arm was scratched alive, and several red marks were drawn.

With a pale little face full of pain, Yu Muwan resisted the humiliation, and finally gave a polite warning: “Miss Nangong, please don’t overdo it. I am an employee of Liyuan, yes, but I am not a servant of your villa, you think Do whatever you want!”

“If you are really a villain, you won’t be taken care of if I kill you, you think!” Nangong Enxi was taken away by jealousy, and said fiercely, “I have to teach you today, see if you dare Dare to seduce my husband!”

Yu Muwan was caught off guard and staggered, frowned and moaned.

Nangong Enxi picked up the hot coffee on the table and wanted to pour it on her face. Yu Muwan’s small face suddenly became pale, and she moved quickly to break away from her entanglement and retreated to the side, but she didn’t expect that she still couldn’t escape the hot coffee. Sliding across an arc and splashing on her shoulders, Nangong Enxi was also wailed by the cup.

“Ah!” Nangong Enxi smashed the cup with a “pop”, jumped with fright, and glared at Yu Muwan, “Do you want to murder? You want to kill me, you!”

The office door opened, and Nangong Che turned his head slightly to say something to his subordinates, his eyes swept across the room, and he was taken aback when he saw the two women confronting each other, and then he heard Nangong Enxi cry to the utmost in shock. sound.

“What’s the matter?” Nangong Che felt a pain in his heart and hurriedly walked towards her with a frown.

Chapter 298

“Brother! Brother!…” Nangong Enxi cried and hurriedly shrank into his broad chest, and pointed at Yu Muwan with trembling hands. “She wants to scald me with coffee. She wants to murder me and kill me. The kid in the belly! I was just with Yisheng, and she hated me for this! Fortunately you came, or I would be killed by her…”

She shrugged her shoulders, her face full of tears and grievances.

Yu Muwan was silly to hear her, her beautiful eyes were round, and she looked at Nangong Enxi with weak eyes. She didn’t expect that she could talk such nonsense!

Nangong Che’s handsome eyebrows frowned, and he gnashed his teeth while holding Nangong Enxi, “Yu Muwan, do you want to die?!”

The air was suffocating. Yu Muwan bit her lip, enduring the burning pain on her shoulders, and looked at Nangong Enxi with a clear eye, and said with anger, “You make it clear, who is burning who?”

Nangong Che’s eyes were dazzling, hatred surged, and he used to grip her white wrist fiercely and shouted, “I warned you not. If you provoke Enxi, I will make you die ugly! To a pregnant woman, you will die. Being able to make such a cruel hand, I simply misunderstood you!”

“…” Yu Muwan was tossed with grievances filled with resentment. He didn’t expect him to believe it indiscriminately. In his heart, Yu Muwan was not only dirty in her body, but also in her soul. ? !

“You let it go, it hurts…” Tears gushed out, and she couldn’t help but warned him with a trembling voice.

“Hmph, you know it hurts too!” Nangong Che ignored her painful expression and slammed her back against the door!

Yu Muwan was so painful that her whole body was twisted, and she felt that her back was hit to death by the protruding door handle. She clutched that part and gradually collapsed.

Another trace of distress flashed in Nangong Che’s eyes, damn it! Will this woman die if she doesn’t cause trouble for a minute? ! I was so stubborn when I was with him, and now I’m attacking my sister for the bastard Cheng Yisheng!

“Brother…” Nangong Enxi stepped forward anxiously at the corner of his clothes, “I have a stomachache, it hurts, just ignore her and take me to the hospital, okay, I’m afraid that something will happen to my child. If something happens, I will let him She pays!”

Nangong Che’s thin lips lightly opened, staring at Yu Muwan, “Get out of the way!”

He ruthlessly pulled her body away from the door, pulled her big palm over Nangong Enxi behind him, opened the door and walked out.

Yu Muwan’s head was hit by the cabinet next to the door again, buzzing. I really don’t know where this man came from. With such great strength, it can make people fall apart with pain, and she bends mockingly. The corner of his mouth, tears flickered in his eyes.

I wanted to stand up while holding on to the cabinet, and tried several times, but the pain in my lower back seemed to be broken.

But the most painful thing is the shoulder.

Out of the office, Yu Muwan went to the washing room to clean her wounds. The coffee stains made her chiffon skirt terrible, but there was no change. She could only wipe it with a paper towel before continuing to wear embarrassedly, lifting her shoulders and gently After a few breaths, it was still burning with pain.

This Nangong Enxi is not a good stubborn, she is really unlucky, and she provokes two best siblings at once.

Not as good as the best, but as bad as the best!

Returning to her partition, Yu Muwan continued to work as if nothing happened, but the burn was long-lasting. When she took the file, her fingers were trembling, thinking, she must buy ointment and apply it after get off work. .

When I was close to get off work, the phone on the desk “buzzed” again.

She cleared her eyes, and when she saw the words “Nangong Bastard”, her eyelids twitched.

Chapter 299

Don’t want to pick up.

Yu Muwan bit her lip and didn’t want to see this man.

After working for a few more minutes, the phone was still buzzing, she couldn’t help but compromise, remembering that Xiaorou’s eyes were now firmly in his hands, and she might be upset and change her mind. She took a deep breath. The tone still picked up.

“Come with me to the banquet in the evening, leave time for me!” Nangong Che’s deep and slightly annoyed voice came.

Yu Muwan bit her lower lip so much pain that she let her breath go before she said, “I don’t have time. Qian Rou is in a very bad condition. I must go to the nursing home to see her.”

“I’ll say Yu Muwan again, and wait for me at the company tonight, otherwise I want you to look good!” He threatened coldly.

“Aren’t you enough to make me look good?!” Yu Muwan couldn’t bear it, her voice trembled suddenly, as if all the pain and grievances were gushing out, “Nangong Che, are you human?!”

“That’s what you deserve! I warned you not to provoke Eun-xi, are you deaf?”

Yu Muwan did not speak, holding back his tears, bitterly continuing his work.

“Also, clean yourself up at night before you go! Don’t lose my face!” Nangong Che said coldly.

“Don’t take me if you feel embarrassed, I didn’t beg you.” Yu Muwan replied unwillingly.

“Woman, you are arrogant if I’m not by your side?” Nangong Che lowered his voice, his hot breath was full of heavy threats and warnings.

“So what!” Yu Muwan said with a blushing face, and decisively pressed the hang-up button, and gave him no chance to intimidate her.

On the other side, Nangong Che heard the sudden “beep beep” and cursed in a low voice, holding the phone with his big palm, as if he was holding her, pinching tighter and tighter.

If Yu Muwan knew what the banquet was in advance, she wouldn’t go to the death! If she knows what will happen next, she will definitely choose to temporarily compromise, so as not to make herself so embarrassed!


The night was blurred, and there was no one on the floor.

When Nangong’s clear leather shoes sounded from the elevator entrance, Yu Muwan was nervous, and the next moment he met his eyes.

The tall and tall figure approached arrogantly and indifferently, dropped a bunch of keys on her table, leaned over with a cold snort, and pinched her chin: “It’s pretty good, it seems you know what the consequences of disobedience are!”

Yu Muwan shook his head to get rid of his control, concealed his disgust, looked at him with clear eyes, and said: “Say okay first, I don’t have a dress and I don’t like makeup. You’d better think about it before making a decision. There are women around you. band!”

Nangong Che snorted again: “No need, just you!”

After that, he glanced at her chiffon shirt ruined by coffee stains, and said coldly: “It’s really dirty!”

Yu Muwan was annoyed for a while: “It is not thanks to your sister!”

“You dare to do it to her, I haven’t settled the account with you!” Nangong Che pulled her up, his handsome face was pale, as if trying to imprison her so that she could not move, and hated the dirty coffee stains on her body, “Also, I I mean you are dirty!”

“…” Yu Muwan almost fainted, her arms twitched with severe pain in her back and her shoulders were still hot. She trembled all over, holding the clapboard with her hands and had to subdue softly, “Well, I am dirty, I am dirty. Already? Don’t drag me, I can go by myself!”

She is so painful, can this man not touch her!

Nangong Che also noticed what was wrong with her, so he narrowed his eyes and looked at her soft and charming face: “What the hell is going on with you?!”

“It’s okay, do you want to leave?” Yu Muwan also said angrily.

Nangong Che regained his senses from the trance, and simply grabbed her waist, sprayed the hot breath on her face, and said in a low voice: “Are you a woman born to provoke me? Just be honest!”

Chapter 300

Yu Muwan stood on guard, a flash of light flashed in his beautiful eyes, and his hand supported his chest: “Nangong Che, don’t mess around.”

“Be obedient to me, and I won’t mess around!” A trace of desire flashed in Nangong Che’s deep eyes, and he still said coldly, lowering her big hand to grasp her cold little hand, and dragging out of the floor.

The black luxury car drove to the largest exhibition hall in the entire Z city. This banquet was luxurious and bright, but it was permeated with a strange atmosphere. Yu Muwan had a bad premonition in his heart. He listened when he was pulled in by Nangong Che. After some discussions, I realized that this was originally the engagement banquet between Nangong Enxi and Cheng Yisheng.

Her dazed little face suddenly turned pale.

got engaged.

Nangong Enxi and Cheng Yisheng, were they engaged so soon?

Father Nangong had no choice but to take his only daughter. He could not force her to have an abortion and find her death. He could only give part of the Nangong family’s affiliated property to Cheng Yisheng, and let Nangong Enxi marry this son-in-law as soon as possible.

Under the bright lights, Yu Muwan wanted to escape, but was stunned by Nangong Che.

“Go choose a dress for her, make a look, and I will check it in half an hour!” Nangong Che’s mellow voice sounded, pulling Yu Muwan into the dressing room, and his cold eyes swept the makeup artist next to him.

Yu Muwan was now sober as if being poured down by the icy cold water, Nangong Che had brought her here on purpose!

Yu Muwan looked at him with cold eyes, angrily: “Nangong Che, what do you want to do?”

Nangong Che leaned arrogantly and looked at her water eyes, with a melodious and chilling voice: “Let you watch Enxi and the others get engaged, if you know you, stay away from Cheng Yisheng! Otherwise, I will strangle you myself!”

Yu Muwan couldn’t help shaking, tears flashing in his eyes: “It’s not necessary. I said that this man is not rare. If your sister likes it, take it. I’m not so spineless!”

“Keep these words to warn yourself!” Nangong Che pushed her to the table harshly, and walked out the door coldly.

The makeup artist was taken aback and looked at the pale little woman half-prone on the table.

“Miss, are you okay?”

Yu Muwan was so painful that he couldn’t speak, his soft face was as white as paper, sweating, and tightly covering his arm with his hand.

“You…” The makeup artist didn’t know what was wrong with her, and subconsciously went over to lift up the clothes above her arms, and took a breath, “God! You…what did you do!”

––Blisters formed on the scalded part, and it was worn out at the moment, and yellow pus came out, and the pink tender flesh inside was looming, no wonder she was so hurt.

“Wait, I’ll help you get it!” The makeup artist hurriedly ran to take the disinfectant cotton, frowned and wiped off the pus, and said anxiously, “Why did you make it like this? Is it hot? You? Why don’t you even apply the medicine? Such a large area will leave scars!”

Yu Muwan opened his wet eyelashes, smiled bitterly, and said dumbly: “I haven’t had time.”

“How can you wear a dress to the banquet like this? Or I will tell Master Nangong, you can go directly to the hospital!” The makeup artist thought for a while.

Yu Muwan shook her head. If that bastard was so kind, she wouldn’t be as embarrassed as she is now. “You can handle it briefly for me, and I will go to the hospital by myself when it’s over.” She pleaded softly.

The makeup artist frowned very tightly, and while bandaging her with gauze, he said, “Just say if you hurt, endure so uncomfortable. Anyway, it’s a girl, with such a big shoulder on the shoulder, you will have no sleeves. Can’t wear it!”

Yu Muwan remained silent, with trance tears in her eyes. The wound was indeed painful, but what could be more embarrassing than being forced to attend the engagement banquet of her ex-boyfriend? ? She can obviously hide away, why should she let her watch and face it? !

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