Summer Sweetheart Chapter 961 – 962

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Chapter 961

Alvin was still very angry when she talked about this.

“Alyssa, you get along with Karl day and night, what do you think he is going crazy, you have to help Clifford! Now he helped Clifford, let him escape from prison, now I have to live with my tail between my legs. He will come to trouble me.”

Alvin breathed a long sigh, and grabbed his hair a little irritably.

Clifford is sinister and cunning, but also brilliant.

Alvin and Karl jointly put him in prison before. Now that he is out, he will definitely not give up easily.

Whether it’s Karl or Alvin, he will definitely get back with revenge.

“Go out and hide.”

Alyssa seemed very calm.

She knew why Karl let Clifford out, and she could understand Alvin’s mood.

“You… are you speaking human words?”

Alvin was so angry that he turned around and sat down opposite Alyssa.

At this moment, the voice of a bodyguard came from outside.

They were talking quietly outside, as if they were going to come into the restaurant but didn’t dare.

Alyssa thought a little, knowing that they were looking for Alvin.

Karl had a fight with Alvin, and with his temper, he was about to drive Alvin out.

“Sir…” The bodyguard’s voice sounded again, and it was Karl who came over after changing his clothes.

Naturally, Alvin heard it too. He suppressed his voice and exploded a swear word. He raised his head and said to Alyssa, “I will go out first, and I will see you when I have time.”

Alyssa: “It’s better not to come again.”

Alvin: “You…” He pointed to Alyssa, speechless.

Alyssa is not indifferent, she is really good for Alvin.

Alvin couldn’t play with either Clifford or Karl.

When he came back again, what else could he do besides being sent out by Karl, or hitting him on the ground?

When Alvin went out, he collided with Karl who was walking towards the restaurant.

“I am leaving.”

Alvin moved out against the wall little by little, looking cautiously a little funny.

Karl glanced at him, then lifted his foot into the dining room.

Alvin let out a long sigh of relief and tilted his head to look in the dining room.

“Mr. Mann.”

Groups of bodyguards surrounded him, as if as long as Alvin dared to make any moves, they would rush up and carry him out.

Alvin felt aggrieved.

When did he ever suffer this kind of frustration?

At first, it was used by Karl, and then he played around.

Now he is even driven out by Karl.

Obviously, it was Karl who let Clifford go privately and did something to be sorry for him. On the contrary, he was more confident than him.

“I will go by myself.”

Alvin sorted out his clothes, snorted coldly, and walked out beside the bodyguard.

The bodyguards probably received some orders from Karl. They followed to the outside of the villa, watching Alvin get in the car and leave before not following.

Alvin hammered the steering wheel while driving.

This Karl really guarded him like a thief.

The more he thought about it, the more angry he was, but he couldn’t take Karl what to do.

You can’t fight, you can’t fight, you can only hold back.

…In the restaurant.

After Karl came in, he sat opposite Alyssa.

Alyssa stirred the porridge in front of her with a spoon, her eyes drooping slightly and she didn’t know what she was thinking.

Karl stared at her for a moment, and asked, “You don’t have an appetite?”

“You know it all.”

Alyssa raised her head and put down the spoon in her hand.

Chapter 962

Alyssa met Karl’s gaze, and the two of them collided.

The tacit understanding of getting along for a long time allows the two to understand what the other person is thinking and what to say without saying more.

Karl snorted coldly, “Alvin dare to come again next time, I can let him go out sideways.”

Karl knew what Alyssa knew.

And why Alyssa knew it was naturally Alvin told her.

Alyssa put down her spoon: “I’m full.”

Karl’s eyes fell into the bowl in front of her: “Eat more.”

A bowl of porridge has hardly moved, why is it full?

“I said I don’t want to eat anymore, I’m full.”

Alyssa suddenly said loudly to Karl.

During this time, she lost her temper a lot.

But every time she loses her temper, Karl knows why.

Including this time is the same.

Karl was patient and coaxed softly, “Observe.”

Alyssa didn’t give him a good expression: “Why did you let Clifford out?

How can you let him out?

Did you forget what he did to you, to Grace?

My life was originally saved by Clifford, so what if I should return it to him!”

Alyssa’s mood has fluctuated greatly during this period.

Sometimes thinking that I may not have many days, I feel sad and irritable, and I can’t help but lose my temper.

And sometimes the mood is exceptionally calm.

In this life, she has owned so much, even if she died, she has no regrets.

A heart is tormented by both sides.

Emotions are difficult to control and hard to keep normal.

However, Alyssa was particularly sober about Clifford.

The attitude towards Clifford is also consistent.

She hoped that Clifford would receive the punishment he deserved.

It doesn’t matter what Clifford does to her or how he used her.

But Clifford did such a thing to Grace, which is unforgivable.

She couldn’t accept Karl letting him out.

She thought Karl’s thoughts were the same as hers.

There was this kind of worry before, but Karl was so determined, she still had a trace of luck in her heart.

Karl is also a proud person, it is impossible to really succumb to Clifford! But what did Karl do?

Karl’s expression also became cold.

But compared to Alyssa, he seemed much calmer.

“To me, nothing is more important than you.”

When Karl said this, there was not even a slight expression on his face.

“I am important?”

Alyssa laughed: “You have always said that I am important, but when have you really heard my opinions?

Is my idea not important to you?”

Karl’s expression remained unchanged: “Some wrong ideas are naturally not important.”


Alyssa sneered: “I don’t want Clifford to save me, I would rather die.”

Alyssa had been suffering from mental suffering during this period, and at this time she had already thought of self-exile.


Karl’s voice was terribly gloomy: “You say it again!”

She really repeated it again: “I would rather die, I said I would rather die, did you hear that!”

Karl clenched his hands and said sharply, “You are not allowed to say this again!”

She responded with a sneer, and controlled the wheelchair to get out of the restaurant.

After leaving the restaurant, all the expressions on Alyssa’s face collapsed.

After all, it came to this point.

For Clifford, the current Alyssa is the best weapon that can kill Karl.

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