Summer Sweetheart Chapter 953 – 954

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Chapter 953

When Alvin said this, he asked Alyssa again: “Don’t you think?”

Alyssa looked at Alvin with a cold gaze: “You have also learned how to make rounds now.”

“Aren’t you?”

Alvin laughed, his eyebrows stretched out, just like the windy-flowing broad young man when she first saw it.

Alyssa curled her lips slightly, her eyes were stained with a hint of sarcasm.

Alyssa naturally knew who the “person” Alvin was talking about.

The “someone” he said was anyone besides Karl.

Karl said that he would not use a weak woman to achieve his goals like Clifford.

And from Alvin’s words, it can be inferred that Karl did not use women to achieve his goals.

Although Muffi was in Alvin’s hands at that time, even though Alvin hated Clifford and wanted to avenge his father, he was not so frantic enough to torture Muffi and use her to deal with Clifford.

In Alvin’s bones, kind thoughts and principles are retained.

But in Clifford’s heart, there was no trace of kind thoughts.

He will feel that everyone is the same as him, always calculating others, always using the worst mind to guess others.

Therefore, when Karl let out what Alvin had done to Muffi, Clifford couldn’t calm down.

From another aspect, it can be seen that Clifford still cares about Muffi.

But even so, Clifford is still despicable and hateful in Alyssa’s heart.

She would never forget what he did to Grace.

Even if someone said that Clifford repented one day, Alyssa would not be able to forgive him.

She smiled and looked at Alvin: “Are you blaming Karl for using you?”

Since Alvin said that she was circumstantial, then she should just be straightforward.

Alvin meant to talk about Karl.

Whether OK or bad, she is the least clear.

“Do you also know that Karl is using me?”

Alvin stretched out his hand and pulled his hair, looking very upset.

Alyssa is still smiling: “Alvin, I always think you are quite smart.”

Alvin’s smile didn’t reach the bottom of his eyes: “Are you laughing at me?”

“No, I never wanted to laugh at you. How can you not guess something that I can guess?

You know everything, but to achieve your own goals, you acquiesced to Karl’s use of you.”

Alvin is not an ordinary dude.

He has real abilities and is smart enough.

Alyssa could guess that it was Karl’s message to Alvin and handed him the evidence. How could he not know it?

The fact is that Alvin knows everything, but in order to achieve his own goals, he pretends not to know.

And now that the matter was over, he started to be angry at Karl’s use of him.

“I can understand your mood.”

Alyssa looked at Alvin with a very calm expression.

She can really understand Alvin’s feelings.

“Alyssa, you…” A trace of embarrassment flashed across Alvin’s face.

The purpose of his coming to Alyssa was to expose Karl’s hypocrisy.

However, Alyssa knew everything and could think about everything.

“I have been with Karl for so many years. Although I have not known you for a long time, I know you more than you think.”

Chapter 954

The astonishment on Alvin’s face flashed, and then he smiled again.

He said: “I like your cleverness best.”

“That’s a pity, I don’t like you.”

Alyssa looked cold, and said without hesitation.

“Don’t refuse me in such a hurry.”

Alvin squatted down in front of her, “Are you sure you want to live with someone like Karl?

You probably didn’t know that I also studied psychology, and Karl’s mental state is very unhealthy.”

“You go.”

Karl’s situation Alyssa knew better than anyone, she didn’t need Alvin to tell her this.

Alvin looked upright: “Alyssa, I mean serious, even if you don’t think for yourself, you must think about Grace.”

Alyssa’s reaction was to directly control the wheelchair to turn and walk into the villa.


Alvin followed up without giving up, trying to continue talking with her.

She was too lazy to listen and rushed to speak in front of him: “I know what you are going to say, and you also know what my answer is, so don’t waste your time with me. You can go.”

“But I still have to say, Alyssa, don’t you really think about me?

I think you should think about me. Although Karl is a little smarter than me, I am not bad.”

Alvin really likes Alyssa.

Alyssa had a bad life since she was a child, but after experiencing so many things, she was still as sincere as she was at the beginning.

This is something that many people cannot do.

Alvin has also seen countless beauties, but none of them is as charismatic as Alyssa, which makes him unable to resist and control his heart.

Alyssa neither has a good family background, is not a lady or a noble, graduated from a prestigious school, and is not a maverick woman.

At first glance, she seemed to have no strengths other than being beautiful.

However, after a closer look, he found that this woman was different everywhere.

Enthusiastic everywhere-person.

Alvin once enumerated Alyssa’s shortcomings in his mind, but in the end he still felt that Alyssa had too many advantages.

It’s likable everywhere.

He can’t let go.

Can only be mentioned.

After listening to Alvin’s words, Alyssa said mockingly, “I’m afraid he is more than a little smarter than you.”

Alvin choked, “Alyssa, I mean seriously, I hope you can think about it.”

“I don’t think about it, goodbye.”

This time, Alyssa did not give Alvin a chance to continue talking nonsense.

She directly controlled her wheelchair to move forward, and Alvin would catch up with a bodyguard.

Therefore, he only shouted from behind.

… Alyssa returned to the hall and found that the atmosphere was not right.

Karl leaned against the sofa blankly, his expression was about to freeze.

Smith sat on the sofa on the other side, as if he hadn’t noticed Karl’s expression, holding his mobile phone while handling business affairs.

And Grace was sitting on the sofa, shaking her legs and pulling the sofa boredly.

Hearing the sound of the wheelchair, everyone in the living room looked towards the door.


The happiest thing is Grace.

She originally had a good conversation with her father, but she didn’t know why her father suddenly became angry again, and he said nothing.

She wanted to go but didn’t dare to go, so she could only hold on and sit beside her father.

Fortunately, Mom is back! Grace ran over to Alyssa, ran to her and stopped.

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