Summer Sweetheart Chapter 913 – 914

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Chapter 913

Karl was still missing to the outside world.

Although there was no clear media report, Alyssa knew that many people had speculated that Karl was dead.

After all, it was a serious car accident.

Alyssa didn’t know if Robert could listen to her.

She is always paying attention to Robert’s micro expression.

Robert still looked like he was going to die.

He looked at Alyssa in the rearview mirror with a smile but a meaningful smile: “I think what you said makes sense.”

When he said that, he paused.

But Alyssa knew very well that he must have something else to say.

She didn’t say a word, quietly waiting for him to speak again.

“But I…” Robert deliberately paused, and then said very slowly: “I can’t listen!”

Alyssa was shocked.

At this moment, Robert stepped on the accelerator again.

The car rushed forward like an off-string arrow.

There was a moment of blankness in Alyssa’s mind.

But she reacted quickly.

This section of the road is congested.

But this is not the peak time, and there are relatively few cars.

But Robert ran into such a rampage and had already passed several cars.

She didn’t dare to kill him.

All she wants and can do is to make Robert stop the car.

Alyssa’s eyes fell on his hand.

She raised the hairpin and pierced his hand fiercely.

The car will be on the overpass soon…

Alyssa didn’t want to die yet, let alone die with Robert this trash.

She pierced Robert’s hand forcefully again and again.

There was blood splattered, and it was on Alyssa’s arm and dress.

But she can’t control that much.

At first Robert completely ignored Alyssa’s behavior, but later he became angry.

Ignoring that he was still driving, he freed up a hand to deal with her.

Two people got up in the car.

Robert controlled the steering wheel with one hand, and the free hand was not enough to hold Alyssa.

Alyssa’s goal is to stop Robert.

The car is still moving forward, and the two people have been fighting in the car.

“Stop! I’ll let you stop!” Alyssa’s voice became sharp because of her unstable mood.

Robert’s voice was malicious: “Waiting to die together, I won’t stop!”

“I won’t die with you! Never!” Alyssa warmed her hands harder.

Two people, one was in the front and the other was in the back, and no one benefited.

Seeing that the overpass is about to be reached soon, and they don’t stop, if they rush down from the overpass, there will be no way to survive.

Alyssa was breathing heavily, her mind a little confused.

She stopped.

Taking advantage of her stopping, Robert stretched out his hand and grabbed her hair: “Tack me? I see how you will tie me later!”

His complexion was sullen and his eyes were red.


Alyssa’s expression gradually returned to calm.

She aimed at Robert’s eyes and fiercely pierced the hairpin in her hand into his eyes.


Robert’s scream resounded through the car, as if to smash the car.

Human eyes are too fragile, Alyssa’s stabbing, basically his eyes are useless.

Robert covered his eyes with his hands, he was not as calm as before.

She stayed for a few seconds, then reacted, leaning forward and turning the steering wheel.

Must not be on the overpass!

Alyssa could turn the steering wheel, but could not step on the brakes.

The car turned sharply and rushed to the green belt on the side…

Chapter 914


The impact shook the eardrum.

Alyssa’s body was driven forward by inertia and hit the back of the chair heavily.

There was a buzzing piece in the ear, as if there were countless flies in it.

Her head became very heavy, she tried to lift her head vigorously, but it seemed as if she was being held on top of her head tightly, and she couldn’t lift it at all.

Alyssa felt that her breathing became difficult.

She tried to shake her hand.

Bend her fingers, this simple movement is also very difficult.

She was so dizzy that she knew she must have been injured, but she didn’t know whether it was serious or not.

Breathing became a little difficult, and her vision became blurred.

Getting fuzzy…

In a trance, she heard the sound of whistling one after another and the sound of car doors being opened.

“Alyssa? How are you?”

The sound is somewhat familiar.

It seems to be Dave’s voice…

It’s Dave.

It was Dave, she was relieved.

Alyssa moved her lips, trying to answer his question, but couldn’t make a sound.

She took a deep breath, and her heart settled slightly.

She quickly lost consciousness.

Alyssa had a dream.

In her dream, she was before the age of seven.

Before the age of seven, she was a pretty little girl.

Lively and cheerful, with excellent grades, the classmates and teachers liked her very much.

However, Rachel did not make a difference to her because of her excellent grades and her beauty.

She happily took the 100-point test paper back home, but it was not Rachel’s smiling face and praise.

“Why did you get a full score again? Didn’t I say that I told you not to take the exam?”

Rachel looked at her solemnly, her eyes full of displeasure.

As if she scored 100 points in the exam, it was not a good thing to be happy about, but as if she had done a bad thing.

Alyssa, who had a smile on her face, dimmed suddenly.

She whispered: “I scored a hundred points in the test last time, and the teacher said that I should keep working hard…”

Rachel didn’t even listen to her explanation, but threw her 100-point test paper on the ground: “But your sister will be unhappy!”

Immediately, Rachel began to scold her: “How many times have I told you to ask you not to be top-notch in everything and make your sister unhappy. You will not be allowed to take the full score next time…”

Seeing Alyssa lowered her head and looked obediently, anger in her heart became less.

Rachel reached out and touched Alyssa’s head. She changed her indifferent tone and said in a warm voice, “Alyssa, mom is saying this for our good. You don’t want mom to have a hard time at Hunt’s house, do you?”

The little Alyssa didn’t understand the deep meaning of Rachel’s words, but she knew that she wanted Rachel to live well.

She wants her and Rachel to live well.

She didn’t want Rachel to have a hard time.

So she shook her head again and again.

Rachel smiled with satisfaction: “Hey, don’t get full marks next time, you’d better fail.”

In fact, Alyssa couldn’t understand what was the obvious relationship between letting them live well at Hunt’s house and failing her exam.

However, she wanted to listen to Rachel.

She wanted to make Rachel happy.

So, during the second exam, she deliberately made random questions.

Finally, she got 59 points.

The teacher was very disappointed in her, but Rachel was very satisfied.

She even got her compliment: “Alyssa, well done.”

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