Summer Sweetheart Chapter 411 – 412

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Chapter 411

Alyssa walked to the back of the sofa and k!ssed Grace on the cheek.

“Mom.” Grace turned to look at her, called her perfunctorily, and then turned to watch TV.

Cartoons are really magical.

Alyssa walked to Grace and sat down and watched with her.

She watched it for a while and found that the children’s cartoons are pretty good now.

Karl knew Grace’s temperament. She became especially fascinated when she watched cartoons, so she ignored her.

Until he went back to the room to take a shower, he saw Alyssa, who was sitting next to Grace watching the cartoon seriously, and the look on his face was rarely stagnant.

Karl checked the time, strode to the mother and daughter, reached out and picked up the remote control to turn off the TV.

Immediately, he said coldly: “Go to the bath and sleep.”

Grace flattened her mouth. Although she was very upset, because the person who turned off her TV was Karl, she dared not say anything. With a “Oh”, she was about to slide off the sofa.

But Alyssa is different.

She stood up and said violently, “Why did you suddenly turn off the TV!”

She happened to see a beautiful place just now, this person suddenly came over and turned off the TV!

It seems that she suddenly understood the feelings of the children who were suddenly turned off by the adults.

Compared to Alyssa’s emotional exposure, Karl was much calmer.

He asked Alyssa aloud: “What time is it?”

Alyssa looked at the time: “It’s half past nine.”

Karl turned directly upstairs.

Alyssa understood what he meant.

What he meant was that it was already half past nine and it was time to go upstairs to take a bath and sleep.

She understands the truth, but can he change it to a better way, or make it clearer.

He is also very good to Grace, but sometimes the way he handles things is still too rough.

Feeling that someone was pulling the corner of her clothes, Alyssa turned her head and saw Grace smiled flatteringly: “Mom, I still want to watch cartoons.”

“…” How should I tell Grace, she actually wanted to watch cartoons for a while, but it was indeed time to sleep now.

Alyssa thought for a while, and squatted down to discuss it with her, “Is it okay to see tomorrow? It’s too late today. Mom is so sleepy. You will sleep with me tonight, and I will watch the cartoon with you tomorrow.” ,good or not?”

Grace nodded as if he didn’t understand, “Okay.”

“My baby is the best!”

Although she and Grace have been together for several days, but Grace’s coaxing level is still somewhat beyond her expectations.

Alyssa took Grace upstairs, took a shower with her, and Grace just stayed in her room without leaving.

Alyssa naturally felt soft and let Grace sleep with her.

Not long after Grace got to bed, she fell asleep.

Only then did Alyssa got up, ready to go downstairs to pour some water.

When passing by Karl’s study, she found that there was light in the cracks in the door inside.

Karl is still working?

Alyssa only stopped for a moment, and then planned to lift her foot away.

At this time, the study door was suddenly opened from inside.

Karl’s slender figure appeared at the door.

He looked at Alyssa blankly: “What are you doing here?”

He was wearing house clothes and his complexion looked a little unhealthy and pale.

This made Alyssa couldn’t help but think of Karl’s painful look in the study that day.

“I… go down and pour the water.” Alyssa hesitated for a while, and swallowed the sentence “Are you okay” when it reached the mouth, and only said: “Would you like to drink?”

Originally it was just a polite question, but Karl was not polite: “I want coffee.”

Alyssa nodded, went downstairs and poured a glass of water for herself, and made Karl a cup of coffee by the way.

When she came up with the coffee, she found that the door of the study was half open.

It should be Karl who specially left the door for her.

She walked in with the tray and saw Karl sitting at the desk, twisting his eyebrows and focusing on the documents in his hands.

Alyssa walked over and put the coffee next to him. Noting that his complexion was still very bad, she couldn’t help but said, “You should rest earlier.”

Karl looked up at her, his expression was extremely calm.

As he watched, Alyssa felt like she was nosy.

She didn’t know how to say this easily, as if she cared about him very much.

Alyssa was a little uncomfortable: “I’m going out first.”

She turned and was about to leave, but Karl grabbed her wrist.

Alyssa’s heart was slightly angry, and her tone was also stained with anger.


Before she said Karl’s name, her lips were blocked.

Karl’s l!ps were warmer than hers, and the touch obviously made her heart tremble.

Both of them kept their eyes open, maintaining a posture of touching l!ps, she looking at him and he looking at her.

Alyssa froze for a second, then quickly reacted to push Karl away.

But when she touched him with her hand, she felt her waist being held tightly by an arm.

The man’s calm and powerful arms hugged her waist tightly, buckling her into his arms forcefully, and his other hand tightly held her other wrist.

The bodies of the two of them pressed closely together, almost at the same time, their breathing accelerated.

In the sound of this clear breathing, Alyssa’s face flushed fiercely, and she turned her head to avoid Karl’s lips, and said angrily, “You let me go now, and I just assume that nothing happened.”

Her voice trembled slightly, her face flushed, a little pitiful.

Not only did Karl not let go of her, but he lowered his head and deliberately k!ssed the corner of her lips: “But what if I want to happen?”

His tone was unrestrained, and he was a bit confident.

Alyssa couldn’t move at all, her body stiffened like a stone: “Karl, do you have a sense of accomplishment in bullying a woman?”

“don’t know about other women, but if it is you, I will not only have a sense of accomplishment, but also…” He paused deliberately and was satisfied to see the anger that appeared in Alyssa’s eyes, and added the next word End: “Excited.”

Alyssa didn’t understand the meaning of “excitement” at first.

Until she felt an abnormality in Karl’s body…

The two were so close, it was difficult for her to feel the reaction of Karl’s body.

Alyssa’s body became more stiff, and she became cautious about her breathing.

Karl is a person with a weird temperament and changeable nature. Alyssa could not guess what he was going to do next, nor what he was thinking.

She swallowed, and resignedly said: “What do you want?”

There is a soft tone in her voice.

Karl buckled his strength slightly, and said, “I only tell you one thing. You are not allowed to go out and do three tricks until I recover my memory.”

Alyssa frowned: “What do you mean?”

Chapter 412

Karl squinted his eyes slightly, and a faint smile appeared in his eyes: “Don’t understand the literal meaning?”

Alyssa was particularly disgusted, his feeling that everything was under control.

She raised her chin slightly, and the softness in her tone had long since disappeared.

She fixedly looked at Karl, her tone was slightly cold: “What do you mean by three and four?”

“For example, Clifford.” Karl’s speech slowed down a bit, but it sounded more dangerous.

Alyssa warming laughed back and took a deep breath, and said, “What about Miana? What is Miana for you?”

“So you admit it?”

“Admit what?”


What the two people said went around and around Clifford’s body.

“Karl, now, apart from the relationship between Grace’s parents, we have no relationship recognized by the law,” Alyssa tried to reason with Karl: “Now I live with you, so You don’t need to say anything, I understand it naturally, and you…”

Obviously Karl didn’t have the mind to listen to what she said any more, and immediately intercepted her words: “Just understand.”

“Can you let me finish talking?” Alyssa struggled a little irritably, and broke free easily.

She looked up at Karl in surprise.

Karl put his hands in the pockets of his pants, leaned loosely on the edge of the desk, and said in a low voice, “I only listen to useful words. This also saves each other’s time.”

Alyssa asked, “Your time is time, isn’t mine?”

“If you feel that your time is precious, you should go back to sleep now.” Karl turned his head to look at her, and his indifferent expression seemed a bit innocent.

Karl really didn’t make sense at all.

But Alyssa couldn’t find anything to refute.

eyes caught a glimpse of the coffee she had just put on the desk. She glanced at Karl, reached out to lift the cup of coffee, and drank it with a sigh of relief.

The coffee was a bit bitter, and before she had time to add milk and sugar, her throat was so bitter that she had an astringent taste.

Alyssa pressed her lips to endure the bitter taste, put the empty coffee cup on the desk with a “pop”, and looked at Karl provocatively: “I’m going to bed, good night.”

Karl watched her go out with a gloomy expression, before lowering his eyes to look at the empty coffee cup.

He stretched out his fingers, tapped his fingertips twice on the handle of the coffee cup, and smiled sharply.

Was she was angry just now?

However, her way of revenge was really too light. He didn’t feel revenge at all, and he still thought it was a bit interesting.

Alyssa returned to the room angrily.

She closed the door, let out a long sigh of relief, and went to the bedside to take a look at Grace.

Seeing that Grace was still asleep, she got up and went into the bathroom.

Standing in front of the sink, she reached out and touched the corners of her lips, where there seemed to be the heat of the k!ss remaining.

Can’t figure out what Karl was thinking and what he wanted to do.

But his arrogant look is annoying enough.

Alyssa left the bathroom, but did not lie down on the bed directly.

She sat on the sofa with her mobile phone and sent a WeChat message to Tina, “Are you sure I really loved Karl before?”

Tina may have happened to be playing with a mobile phone, and soon replied to her: “Yes.”

As if she finally found a vent, Alyssa began to complain to Tina, “But now I think he is so disgusting. He is as arrogant as an emperor. Talking can kill popularity…”

Tina watched her make such a long string of words and replied: “For example.”

“He actually asked me not to go out and make three trips until he regained his memory. Am I like such a restless person? I can understand his starting point, but is he not too much to say that…”

Tina read Alyssa’s words over and over twice, and said deliberately: “I now feel like I’ve been fed a bowl of junk food.”

Alyssa: “…”

“The big boss obviously has feelings for you, but he hasn’t fully recovered his memory… It’s a bit complicated to say that, it’s like an animal instinct, he will first swear an oath to his own things and territory sovereignty……”

After Tina finished speaking, she asked her, “He said so, can you understand it?”

“You have feelings for me, shouldn’t you be more gentle?”

“Everyone’s expression method is different.” Tina asked her patiently, “Then how do you treat him? Don’t you feel anything at all?”

Alyssa fell silent.

After a few seconds, she sent Tina “good night”.

Tina quickly replied to her: “You haven’t answered my question yet?”

Alyssa only said, “I’m asleep.”

Afterwards, she threw the phone aside.

She lay on the bed lightly, carefully tucked the corner of the quilt for Grace, and couldn’t sleep with her eyes open.

Do you have feelings for Karl?

Human feelings are related to memory.

Although there is no memory, Alyssa and Karl stayed together day and night, saying that they didn’t feel at all, and it was impossible.

Occasionally there will be a moment of throbbing.

But this kind of throbbing is vain and insecure.

Without memory as a dependency, the feelings and throbbing that burst out suddenly are like a high-rise building without a foundation, and it collapses in one click.

Or, both of them recover their memories.

Or, fall in love again.

Early in the morning, when Karl arrived at the door of the company, Peter didn’t know where he came out.

Peter was wearing a blue pullover with a white shirt inside. He looked like a young man in his early twenties.

He stood in front of Karl and said with a smile, “Karl, morning.”

Karl narrowed his eyes: “Something?”

“Of course, if I’m okay, what will I come to do with you?” When Peter spoke, his eyes kept lingering on him, and his eyes were openly exploring.

Hearing this, Karl glanced at him faintly, and uttered two words: “Follow.”

Peter was stunned in place, but quickly reacted and followed.

He directly followed Karl to the CEO’s office.

However, when he got out of the elevator, he met Claire.

Peter smiled meaningfully: “Miss Claire, long time no see.”

Claire’s expression changed when she saw Peter.

She ignored Peter, but turned to look at Karl.

Karl didn’t even look at her, but went straight past her and walked towards the office.

Peter followed behind Karl, and he turned his head and raised his eyebrows in protest at Claire.

Claire trembled with anger, clenching her hands tightly, her face extremely ugly.

At this time, her cell phone rang.

Claire answered the phone and said in a very bad tone: “Say it.”

Not knowing what the person opposite said, Claire sneered: “I know.”

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