Summer Sweetheart Chapter 395 – 396

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Chapter 395

Alyssa nodded sharply Clifford.

Before Clifford went out, he glanced at Karl again for unknown meaning, and then turned to go out.

After Clifford went out with his front feet, Smith also left with his bodyguards.

When Alyssa recovered, she found that she and Karl were the only people in the entire hall.

Karl leaned on the sofa, staring at her unpredictably, with an impenetrable light in his black eyes, staring at her unblinkingly, with a strong momentum and a strong sense of oppression.

Alyssa touched her arm uncomfortably, and tentatively called: “Mr. Adams.”

Karl stretched out his hand and pointed to the DNA comparison report that he had dropped in front of Claire before, and said without emotion, “Look for yourself.”

Fortunately, Claire was sitting opposite Karl before.

Alyssa had just listened to their conversation and already understood it roughly.

However, seeing the DNA comparison report at this time, she was still a little surprised.

She turned out to be Grace’s biological mother.

Alyssa couldn’t help but look up at Karl.

She once conceived a child with this man.

It’s… it’s incredible.

Seeing her raising her eyes to look at him, Karl asked aloud, “Do you understand?”

Alyssa nodded, and asked: “The last DNA test report…was that Miss Claire just got involved?”

Karl just raised his eyebrows and didn’t answer her question directly, which was another kind of tacit consent.

He looked at Alyssa, and said in a commanding tone: “Give you three days…”

Having said this, he suddenly said, “No, I’ll give you half an hour to deal with your relationship with the man outside.”

Karl didn’t know that Alyssa and Clifford had announced frankly, and Clifford had also taken the initiative to admit that he was not Alyssa’s fiance.

“What do you mean?”

Looking at Karl’s words apart, she knew every word, but she didn’t understand what they meant together.

Karl raised his jaw slightly, seeming to be a little disappointed with Alyssa’s reaction, and explained impatiently: “You are Grace’s biological mother. She likes you very much. You want to live with us.”

What he said sounds reasonable, but it always gives people a condescending feeling, and it feels a little uncomfortable in Alyssa’s ears.

“Why do I live with you? Our husband and wife relationship has been dissolved by Miss Alyssa. We don’t need to live together now. Even if we are still in a husband and wife relationship, it is not suitable to live in our current situation, together like that.”

Alyssa’s answer was unexpected to Karl.

There was a slight sullen anger in his eyes, and he said in a leisurely tone: “Miss Alyssa’s words are very reasonable. I think you should be very clear when you say these things. You may not see Grace in the future.”

Alyssa stood up with a “brush”, and said angrily, “Karl!”

This man doesn’t make sense at all.

Too strong to accept the obedience of others.

“If Ms. Alyssa thinks carefully, you can go out to deal with your relationship with Mr. Dixon now. If you can’t handle it, I can do it for the sake of being a husband and wife.”

After Karl finished speaking, he raised his wrist and looked down at the time above: “It’s 2:29, and at 2:59, I need your answer.”

Alyssa opened her mouth. Before she could speak, she heard Karl speak again: “You don’t have the capital to negotiate terms with me. Letting you live with us is just because Grace likes your next strategy. , You can also refuse.”

Karl said this very coldly, and there was no room for relaxation.

Seeing Alyssa standing still on the spot, Karl did not forget to tell her the time: “It’s 2:31, you still have 28 minutes.”

Obviously it is something that is difficult for a strong man, and it is a bit of a matter of course to say it from Karl’s mouth.

Alyssa could only turn around and go out to find Clifford.

Clifford leaned against the outside corridor and smoked. Seeing Alyssa walking over, he put the cigarette in the pot beside him: “What’s the matter?”

Compared to Karl, Clifford seemed a little more kind to Alyssa.

She didn’t mean anything: “Karl asked me to handle my relationship with you, and then move over to live with him and Grace. I have no right to choose, otherwise he won’t let me see Grace.”

Clifford was stunned for a moment, and he didn’t show much surprise. He just asked, “What do you think?”

“Karl’s character is so bad, I really doubt how I would marry him back then!” Alyssa stretched out her hand to grab her hair, a little irritable.

Clifford thought for a moment, and said without rush: “The person from Karl said no. He said that he would not let you see Grace. He would definitely not let you have the chance to see Grace. You also want to remember the past. Is it something? Maybe you live with him and you will remember some things from the past?”

Alyssa looked at Clifford in surprise: “Are you trying to persuade me to agree to Karl?”

“You can say that.” Clifford’s lips raised in a small arc, shook his head and said: “Besides, you have no other choice. Karl is hard to figure out, and you can’t be willing to let go of Grace, so , You promise him is the best choice.”

Alyssa knew that Clifford’s words made sense, but she felt very aggrieved in her heart.

“He is threatening me.” After Alyssa finished speaking, she laughed self-deprecatingly: “Threats are not counted, I have no choice.”

She slept for three years, and Karl took care of Grace for three years.

Karl’s request now, although it threatened Alyssa, it was not difficult to understand.

Karl loved Grace, and Alyssa was Grace’s biological mother. She had the obligation to take care of and accompany Grace.

Clifford looked at her calmly when he heard the words, then smiled and looked away: “If you figure it out, go in.”

Alyssa took a deep breath and turned to enter.

Clifford looked at her back, the expression on his face completely faded, his eyebrows were deep, he didn’t know what he was thinking.

When Alyssa returned to the hall, she was surprised to find that Karl did not even change his posture.

Seeing her coming in, Karl looked down at the time: “It only took twenty minutes. It seems that Ms. Alyssa is very capable of taking action.”

Alyssa took a deep breath, and there was no expression on her face, “When will I move to your house?”

The tone is rusty.

Karl’s eyes narrowed and narrowed, “Now.”

Alyssa got a knot and gritted her teeth: “Okay, but I need a little time to go back and pack my things.”

“No need to clean up.” Karl stood up and arranged his clothes: “Someone will prepare the things you need.”

Chapter 396

Alyssa curled her lips and smiled stiffly: “Although I know that Mr. Adams is very rich, I don’t need you to spend money like this.”

She lived with Clifford for a period of time, and she didn’t say much about daily necessities, but it also cost a lot of money to add one by one.

Those things are still usable, why should she throw them away?

Karl looked at her with a smile, with unidentified emotions in his low voice: “You don’t spend my money? Then you spend Clifford’s money for the hypocrite who came in, so you can feel at ease?”

“Mr. Adams, please don’t draw such conclusions to people casually before you don’t know the truth. You are putting out malicious slander to others!”

Alyssa felt that Karl was too self-righteous.

Clifford didn’t offend him at all. Is he targeting Clifford like this?

Or does this arrogant man always do things based on his mood?

After Alyssa finished speaking, without giving Karl a chance to speak, she added: “Also, you don’t have to worry about whose money I spend.”

She spent Clifford’s money, but she wrote down all the money, including the hospitalization expenses for the previous three years, and she kept the list.

She has her own measures in everything she does.

Karl’s expression had long since healed after hearing her words.

This ignorant woman!

In order to avoid hearing more ugly words from Karl’s mouth, Alyssa didn’t give him a chance to speak again, and as soon as she finished speaking, she strode out quickly.

Behind her, Karl whispered with a hint of anger: “Alyssa!”

Alyssa squeezed a fist and silently compared herself with a triumphant “V” in her heart.

After arriving at the door, Alyssa and Clifford talked about the situation in general.

Clifford smiled and told her: “It’s okay, I will keep all your things for you.”

This was a coincidence, and it happened to be heard by Karl who walked out.

He walked over and looked at Alyssa blankly: “Don’t you want to go back to get things?”

“Huh?” Didn’t you just say you don’t need to go back to get it?

Karl urged her impatiently, “Don’t you leave?”

Alyssa subconsciously lifted her foot and followed him away.

She took two steps forward before turning to look at Clifford.

Clifford smiled at her and followed.

Alyssa stood in the lobby of Clifford’s house, looking blankly at Karl’s command to move in and help her move things.

For a multinational company as big as Adams’, a CEO like Karl is so idle?

Could it be that Adams’s is about to cross?

She said that there was nothing left, and Karl had to bring someone over to help her move.

Seeing a group of his subordinates standing in the room with nowhere to start, Alyssa couldn’t see it, and said: “I can do it by myself, they are all personal belongings…”

It’s not that they couldn’t start, because she really didn’t have much.

Karl stood at the door and glanced, and it was obvious that there was only a trace of Alyssa living alone in this room.

He asked casually, “Where does Clifford live?”

Alyssa was collecting her own things and said casually: “He lives in his own room.”

Karl groaned for a moment, and said nothing more.

After Alyssa had arranged her things and went out, she was dragged into the elevator by Karl’s hand.

Alyssa asked Karl, “Don’t you live opposite?”

Karl glanced at her and said calmly, “It’s too small to live.”

Alyssa pursed her lips and has nothing to say.

This high-end community is full of duplex buildings, not small at all.

And how long has Karl moved here, and has to change houses…

Maybe this is the rich man.

The car finally stopped in front of a villa.

Standing in front of the villa, Alyssa finally understood why Karl said that the houses in the community were too small to live in.

The four-story garden villa has a wide courtyard and crowds of servants and bodyguards.

Only when she walked to the door, the servant and the bodyguard stood side by side and bent over together: “Sir!”

Alyssa walked in behind Karl with her eyes down.

Before the two of them entered the hall, a small dumpling flew out of it.

Karl walked in front of Alyssa, he saw the little meat dumplings flying over, he stopped, and stretched out his hand to catch her…

It’s just that the little meat dumpling ran directly beside him, and suddenly plunged into Alyssa’s arms.

“Aunt Alyssa!”

The little girl blinked her big watery eyes and called her milkyly.

Grace was enthusiastic every time she saw her, and every time Alyssa felt happy and delighted.

This time, she was so sad that she wanted to cry.


Alyssa hugged her tightly, her eyes reddened.

How should she tell Grace that she is not “Aunt Alyssa”, she is “Mom”.

Karl retracted his hand, turned his head back with a black face, and saw Alyssa holding Grace with red eyes and crying.

He twisted his eyebrows slightly, and a servant wanted to come forward, but he was stopped by a look.

After a while, Grace still said first: “It’s too tight.”

Alyssa quickly let go of Grace when she heard the words.

She took a deep breath, stabilized her emotions, and picked up Grace.

Turning her head inadvertently, she saw Karl staring at them both blankly.

“Kalr.” As soon as Grace saw Karl, she stretched out two chubby hands to him for a hug.

Karl remembered that just now, Grace threw directly into Alyssa’s arms, turned dark, and walked inside.

Grace blinked her eyes, frowned and turned to Alyssa with a puzzled look: “Is he angry?”

Alyssa was amused by her frowning little old lady: “He is not angry, he is jealous.”

Just now, Alyssa followed Karl’s back, and naturally noticed Karl’s subconscious little movements, but only now is it reminiscent.

Grace wrinkled her nose and looked disgusted: “Why is he jealous?”

Alyssa agreed and said, “Yes, it’s acetic acid.”

While talking to Grace, she walked inside holding her.

Grace was a small chatter, and she talked endlessly.

Alyssa listened patiently and found that Grace’s language skills were very strong and her vocabulary was large.

At this time, a maid walked up to Alyssa and said respectfully: “Miss Alyssa, let me take you to the room.”

Alyssa nodded slightly: “Thank you.”

The maid took Alyssa to the second floor, opened a door of a room, and made a gesture of inviting in: “This is it, please.”

Alyssa just stood at the door and glanced roughly, her face was slightly surprised: “This is my room?”

The maid smiled and said, “Yes, anything else you need, you can tell us at any time.”

The maid finished speaking and left.

Alyssa walked in with Grace.

The bedroom is large, with floor-to-ceiling windows, a balcony, and a small cloakroom.

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