Summer Sweetheart Chapter 393 – 394

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Chapter 393

On the day Isabel came out, Clifford was about to be discharged from the hospital.

When Alyssa accompanied Clifford to tear down the thread and complete the discharge procedures, when she went to the ward to collect things, she saw Isabel.

Isabel still has that rich makeup. In the early autumn weather, she wore a thin black slim dress and sat on the sofa in the ward with her legs upright.

Seeing Alyssa coming in, she stood up straight: “You’re ready to leave the hospital? Won’t you give me a chance to apologize, it’s really out of sight.”

When she finished speaking, she stretched out her hand and winked at the agent behind her.

The agent quickly brought the fruit basket over and put the handle of the fruit basket into Isabel’s hand.

Isabel brought the fruit basket to Alyssa: “Take it, I apologize to you.”

She has a loose tone and no sincerity.

This is where she came to apologize, it was clearly to add to Alyssa.

Alyssa’s face was cold, and she said, “How did you come out?”

“Naturally they talked to me.” Isabel took two steps forward and threw the fruit basket in her hand to the ground. Leaning her upper body forward, she leaned to Alyssa’s ear, and she said clearly: “As long as you are still alive, don’t think too much!”

Alyssa bit her lip, raised her chin slightly, and did not back down, “Then you come at me!”

“Humph!” Isabel snorted coldly, “Don’t worry, this is just an appetizer for you.”

After she finished speaking, she straightened up with a big smile: “See you next time.”

There was no hatred in that relaxed tone, but a touch of int!macy.

Isabel looked at Alyssa’s slightly changed face with satisfaction, and took her agent and bodyguards and went out swaggeringly.

Alyssa closed her eyes, took a long breath, and was about to walk out. Clifford didn’t know when he had already come up.

He just opened the door and came in.

He is also a careful and cautious person. As soon as he entered, he noticed the fruit basket that fell to the ground.

He raised his eyes and saw that Alyssa’s complexion was full of worry, and he couldn’t help asking loudly, “What’s the matter? Who was there?”

“Isabel.” Alyssa bit her lip: “I didn’t expect her to come out so soon.”

Hearing this, Clifford twisted his eyebrows: “How could this be? Isn’t she just an artist? She has such a big backstage?”

“Tina said that she is my half-sister, and I had a bad relationship with her. I checked Hunt company and the company is not big. I think it must not be the family member who came forward to help her.”

This is all Alyssa can know, and she still has to find Tina to find out more when she has time.

She stared for a moment, then raised her head and said to Clifford: “Don’t talk about this, let’s go back first.”

Clifford’s car crashed, and the two hailed a taxi when they got out of the hospital.

However, not far from the taxi, it was stopped by several black cars.

A few tall bodyguards came down from the black car and walked over and opened the taxi door directly.

Upon seeing this, the driver hurriedly said, “Who are you? What are you going to do? I will call the police…”

The bodyguard didn’t care about the driver’s words and pulled the driver out.

Seeing that they were coming fiercely, the driver did not dare to speak any more, rolled off the car and ran away.

The bodyguard opened the rear door and said blankly to Alyssa, “Miss Alyssa, come with us.”

Alyssa glanced at Clifford, staring at his pale face for two seconds, then turned to the bodyguard and said: “I can go with you, but you have to tell me who sent you?”

Clifford had already suffered a crime for her, and the injury was not healed, and when such a thing happened again, she couldn’t hurt him anymore.

Clifford on the side listened to her and was about to speak, Alyssa reached out and pressed his arm calmly.

These people must not have been sent by Isabel, because Isabel had just been here.

It could not have been sent by Karl, because Karl might ask Smith to call her directly, or ask Smith to bring someone over to find her.

But besides these two people, Alyssa couldn’t think of anyone else.

The memory must be restored, she is too passive now.

Passivity is almost impossible to move.

“You’ll know when you come.” After the bodyguard finished speaking, he forcibly stretched out his hand to pull Alyssa out.

Naturally, Clifford couldn’t really let her be taken away by these people.

A few more cars stopped hurriedly on the side of the road at the very close of the fire.

Through the car window, Alyssa saw the person headed by Smith.

Alyssa hurriedly called out: “Timely help!”

Smith brought people hurried over, and the few people who had originally wanted to take Alyssa away were quickly subdued.

Smith walked to the front of the car and said respectfully: “Miss Alyssa, there is something that requires you to come with us.”

“Okay.” Alyssa did not shy away, and immediately agreed.

Clifford on the side also said aloud at this time: “I will come with you.”

Hearing this, Alyssa raised her eyes to Smith.

Smith didn’t say much, and nodded as a default.

Clifford was full of doubts, and his origin was unknown.

But after all, he saved Alyssa, and now lives with Alyssa again, so that he can know the identity of Alyssa.

Alyssa and Clifford were taken to Adams’ Old House by Smith.

Standing at the door of Adams’ Old House, a familiar feeling flashed in Alyssa’s heart.

Alyssa turned her head and asked Smith: “I have been here before?”

“Miss Alyssa and Boss were husband and wife before, so naturally they came to the old house of Adams.” After Smith finished speaking, he opened her legs to lead the way.

In the hall, Karl and Claire sat face to face with a serious atmosphere.

Grace was sitting on the other side of the sofa playing, holding the little tiger puppet in one hand and a machine in the other hand, muttering something in her mouth.

Smith led people in and walked straight to Karl: “Sir.”

Karl raised his head, his gaze flicked over Clifford and fell on Alyssa.

Alyssa only knew Karl and had no impression of Claire, so she just gave her a faint glance.

But Claire was not so peaceful anymore.

Three years ago, she thought Alyssa was really dead, and she didn’t believe it when she heard the news that Alyssa was still alive the other day.

She even felt that Karl asked someone to compare Grace and Alyssa’s DNA, which was also extracted from the DNA database.

But on the other hand, she took the chance to send someone to check Alyssa.

If Alyssa is really alive, she must be finished.

However, her people were still a step late.

Claire looked at Alyssa with a pale face, panic and shock intertwined in her heart, and her eyes were locked tightly on her body: “Alyssa, you are really alive!”

This is not the first time Alyssa heard this sentence.

Everyone seemed surprised that she was still alive.

Chapter 394

However, they were also surprised that she was alive, and the voices of Tina and Peter when they first saw her seemed full of kindness.

The tone of the woman in front of her was the same as Isabel’s tone.

Whether it was Isabel or the woman in front of her, Alyssa could hear the subtext in their tone: “You should have died long ago.”

The woman in front of her seemed to hate her too.

Alyssa didn’t remember who she was, but seeing how similar she was to Karl, and having a domineering look, she guessed that she was also from Adams’ family.

Alyssa nodded slightly and yelled, “Miss Claire.”

Claire was almost overwhelmed by her “Miss Claire” call.

In her heart, Alyssa was a dead person. Not only was she alive now, she was also found by Karl.

She was surprised, angry, and terrified.

“Karl, I am your sister, and we have the same blood flowing in us. No matter what I do, it’s all for you and for the Adams’ family.”

By now, Claire could not find anything else to say.

She could only think with luck that she also had a certain position in Karl’s heart.

There was no slight smile on Karl’s face, and she didn’t see how angry he was. He slightly raised his hand and motioned to the servant to take Grace away.

Grace was very focused on playing with toys before, but when she was picked up by the servant, she realized that Alyssa had arrived.

When she saw Alyssa, Grace’s black gr@pe-like eyes suddenly lit up, and she was about to go down to find Alyssa.

“Aunt Alyssa!”

The servant glanced in Karl’s direction with embarrassment.

Alyssa coaxed her warmly: “I have something to do now. You go to play with other aunts for a while, and I will find you later, okay?”

Grace’s face collapsed, obviously reluctant, but she still said, “Okay.”

A well-behaved and sensible child is always particularly painful.

When Grace was taken away, the atmosphere in the hall became more solemn.

At that night, he handed the two DNA test reports to Karl, which fell directly in front of Claire: “My sister, explain why you kept telling me that Miana is Grace’s biological mother.”

Although Claire had long noticed that Karl was really going to be true this time, she didn’t expect that he would be so direct and still be in front of Alyssa.

Claire clenched her hands, her complexion even more ugly, and said in a hurried tone: “I…thought Alyssa…she is dead, and the child can’t live without a mother, and you also needed a wife. My starting point is for you, you believe me.”

At first, it was a bit difficult for her to say, but the more she said it, the smoother she went.

Claire became more excited as she spoke, and became more determined as well.

Compared to Claire’s excitement, Karl looked very cold.

He looked at Claire coldly, there was still no extra expression on his face, and the corners of his lips curled up slightly, as if mocking: “I remember, I asked you if you lied to me before, what did you say at the time? ?”

Claire’s expression froze.

She looked up at Karl in disbelief: “You already suspected me at that time? Have you found Alyssa a long time ago? Have you never trusted me?”

“If I had never believed in you, would I be fooled by you for three years?”

Karl’s face finally had obvious mood swings, and a hint of disappointment flashed in his dark eyes, his tone decisive: “I don’t know how I got along with you before, but I gave you a chance Claire.”

He is only two minutes younger than Claire. No matter whether it was before or now, he has always called Claire his sister.

Claire seemed to be drained of all strength, sitting there paralyzed and couldn’t say a word.

She felt that she still didn’t know enough about Karl.

However, she heard the determination in Karl’s words.

She knew that what happened when she was a child may be the root cause of the weak relationship between her and Karl.

However, she was also trying to repair the relationship between her and Karl.

She thinks Karl should find a wife who is more suitable for him. Was she wrong?

No, she was not wrong.

It is Karl who insists on not realizing it!

Claire shook her head, and said unwillingly: “Karl, you have been fascinated by ghosts!”

She stood up quickly, pointed to Alyssa hysterically and said, “Why is this woman good? She doesn’t deserve you at all! You were like this three years ago, and you lost your memory three years later, why are you still like this? You… “

There was impatience in Karl’s eyes, and he didn’t even bother to look at her.

Smith winked at the bodyguard, and someone came over and took Claire out.

Adams’ is a family business, and those in charge have the greatest say.

Its current chief executive officer is Karl, and his position in the Adams’ family is naturally the highest. Although Claire’s position is only lower than him, she is not the heir.

Speaking of which, Claire also had to listen to Karl, but Karl didn’t care much about it in recent years.

Claire went out, and Karl, Alyssa and Clifford were left in the hall.

Karl raised his eyes to look at Clifford, his dark eyes were solemn: “Mr. Dixon, my wife became your fiancee, do you want to explain?”

Clifford curled his lips and smiled unceremoniously: “Your wife? Your shrewd good sister did a lot of tricks. Didn’t she go through the divorce procedures for you?”

As soon as the voice fell, Alyssa felt that the temperature in the room seemed to drop a few degrees.

She reached out and touched her forearm, raising her eyes to touch Karl’s gloomy face, she had to lower her head quickly.

She could feel that Clifford was deliberately irritating Karl, and Karl seemed to be really irritated by him again.

“What about the divorce? She is still the mother of my child.” Karl narrowed his eyes: “It’s really rare for Mr. Dixon to be so confident while others are in danger.”

“Mr. Adams laughed. It’s also the first time for Dixon to see someone who has been cheated so miserably by his own sister. It’s really rare.” There was a smile in Clifford’s voice, as if he was chatting with a friend.

The two faced each other, and the atmosphere in the hall became tense.

Karl sneered: “So what, it’s not easy for a person like Mr. Dixon to deceived without relatives and no reason.”


Clifford’s laugh was forcefully squeezed out of his throat, and he was already very angry at this moment.

Alyssa turned to look at him and saw that his complexion had become very ugly.

He took a deep breath, stood up with a “brush”, turned his head and said to Alyssa, “You talk to him, I’ll go outside the door to get some air.”

Although he tried to suppress his anger, his tight face still betrayed him.

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