Summer Sweetheart Chapter 363 – 364

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Chapter 363

After listening to Peter’s words, Karl just said faintly, “Done?”

Seeing Karl was about to leave, Peter had to follow him: “Karl, listen to me, don’t leave every time you hear me say a word or two.”

“My time is precious, and I don’t want to waste it on meaningless things.” Karl said as he walked to the car.

At this moment, he turned his head to look at Peter: “Do you want to go to home?”

Peter let out a sigh of relief, and finally couldn’t help but irritably said: “You, mom, are you pierced by someone else’s soul!”

Karl ignored him, turned his head and ordered the bodyguard behind him, and said without a trace of emotion: “This gentleman will be put on my blacklist in the future.”

After he finished speaking, he bent down and got into the car.

The black car drove away, and Peter jumped on the spot, “Karl!”

Sometimes, he felt that Karl had not lost his memory, but had fallen victim to evil.

Although Karl had a bad temper before, he was at least very cautious. Now Karl would not listen to anything at all.


Behind him came the sound of the car door opening and closing again.

Accompanied by the sound of high-heeled shoes.

When Peter turned his head, he saw Claire’s face that was similar to Karl but was particularly disgusting.

Claire hugged her arms in a high posture, her tone of disdain: “It’s you again.”

Peter’s expression also cooled down: “Claire, did you do something to Karl?”

“Joke! Karl is my brother, what would I do to him? He was injured too badly, and it caused amnesia. It has been three years, and he doesn’t remember anything. This is God’s will, you Don’t come to him again in the future.”

After Claire said with a warning, she snorted and turned back to the car.

Just when she was about to drive in the car, she saw Peter and Karl.

She waited until Karl had left before getting out of the car to say these things to Peter.

This Peter was quite persevering. Karl hadn’t remembered him for three years, but he seized the opportunity to get by his side.

But what’s the use?

Karl would never remember them.

Thinking of this, Claire showed a satisfied smile on her face and drove away.

Inside the carriage.

Karl leaned on the back of the chair and stared at him for a short nap, then opened his eyes quickly and asked the driver: “This is the first time that Peter has stopped me at the company gate this month?”

“… a dozen times, right.” The driver actually didn’t remember well, so he could only give a vague answer very carefully.

Karl heard what he said and didn’t say much.

It wasn’t until the car stopped at the door of Adams’ Old House that the driver called out to remind Karl: “Sir, here it is.”

As soon as the car stopped, a bodyguard came over and opened the door for Karl.

Only when Karl walked to the door of the hall, he heard the voice of a child like a cannon.

“You…it’s wrong…my big castle…” The little girl’s milky voice was full of energy.

When Karl walked into the hall, he saw Grace’s little meat ball sitting on the ground, surrounded by a circle of servants following her towering the castle.

She was still muttering something in her mouth, speaking too fast, and the servants beside her were confused and could not understand what she was talking about.

At this time, Miana came over with the fruit: “Grace, get up and eat the fruit.”

Grace lowered her head to build her castle intently, and said two words clearly: “I don’t want to eat.”

Miana’s complexion was not depressed, pointing to the castle in front of Grace, and instructing the servant: “Collect these things.”

After she finished speaking, she squatted down and picked Grace up and put her on the sofa.

Grace had to run, Miana’s complexion sank: “Sit down!”

Grace was frightened by Miana’s, her round and tender face stiffened, and her eyes turned red all at once. She folded her arms and turned her head to the side: “Humph!”

She turned her head and saw Karl.

When she saw Karl, her eyes lit up, the tears in her eyes flashed, and she burst into laughter, her short legs swayed twice on the edge of the sofa, and she turned neatly and twisted her body from the sofa. Down, ran towards Karl: “Kalr!!”

Not long after Grace’s third birthday, her language ability is considered better among children of the same age, but when she says Karl’s name, she always can’t pronounce it.

The expression on Karl’s face was still faint, but there was still a hint of warmth in his eyes.

He squatted down on his knees and opened his arms to catch the small soft ball that was flying towards him.

Grace put her arms around his neck and habitually stretched out her little fleshy hand to play with his hair.

Since she was a child, she would grab his hair every time he hugged her, but she didn’t use too much force, just thought it was fun to hold her.

Miana didn’t notice Karl just now, and now she watched Karl walking over with Grace in his arms, and then she reacted and called out, “Karl, you back.”

Karl glanced at her, his eyes indifferent, his subordinates’ eyes were no different from strangers.

He directly hugged Grace and sat down on the sofa, let her sit on his lap facing him, calmly and solemnly taught her: “Call Dad.”

Grace also imitated him and called out seriously, “Dad.”

“Yeah.” Karl replied and reached out and touched her head.

The next moment, Grace called out again: “Kalr!”

Her eye sockets were still a little red, and a small ball sat on his lap, smiling triumphantly.

Karl felt something flashing through his mind, but it seemed that there was nothing.

Seeing Karl staring at her, Grace thought that Karl was angry, so she grabbed his hand and slipped off his leg extremely neatly.

Karl was afraid that she would fall, and when she slipped off his leg, he stretched out his hand to help her.

Where did the children notice these details, Grace ran away quickly as soon as she landed.

Two servants followed very consciously.

Karl’s gaze fell on her, and it was not until Grace’s figure disappeared.

That little meat-ball did this every time, and every time she provoked him, she quickly slipped away and hid in a place that she thought was hidden.

Miana saw Karl’s series of reactions in her eyes, and her expression was a bit ugly.

But soon, her complexion returned to normal, trying to make her tone natural and gentle: “Karl, have you eaten yet?”

Karl didn’t give her a good face, and his low voice carried a distant coldness: “Since you don’t know how to take care of your children, don’t come to the old house to find Grace.”

Chapter 364

Miana didn’t expect that Karl would talk about this when he spoke, and her expression suddenly changed: “What do you mean?”

“If you don’t understand such simple words, Grace can’t take care of you.” Karl frowned slightly, and his voice became colder.

His patience disappeared a little bit.

“Anyway, I am your fiancee and Grace’s biological mother. Why are you talking to me like this!” Miana was irritated by him, and the volume was raised up, without the usual calm and graceful appearance.

She had had enough, three years passed.

Even if it is a block of ice, it should be covered.

But Karl was like a stone, and his attitude towards her remained the same.

“First, Claire said about the fiancee, and it has nothing to do with me. Second, if you are not Grace’s biological mother, do you think you can still sit here and talk to me now?”

Karl’s tone was almost cruel.

Miana’s face was pale and speechless for a long time, she picked up her bag and got up and went out.

As soon as she walked to the gate, she bumped into Claire who came in.

Claire quickly stopped her: “Miana? Where are you going? Stay it is late.”

Miana looked inside cautiously, and then took Claire to an empty corner outside the gate.

Under the dimly yellow street lamp, Claire saw Miana’s red eyes, her expression slightly changed: “What happened?”

“Claire, I really can’t stand Karl, he is simply a stone…”

Miana relayed what Karl had just said to Claire.

Claire groaned without speaking.

Miana exhaled very depressed: “You shouldn’t have brought Grace back back then, Karl treated her better than me!”

“Don’t say that, Grace is Karl’s biological daughter.” In Claire’s heart, blood kinship is very important.

Karl couldn’t remember the past. Claire thought that after she told Karl that Miana was Grace’s biological mother, Karl would at least feel a little special about Miana.

But she didn’t expect that Karl would not treat Grace well, but he was still so indifferent to Miana.

In the past three years, nothing has changed.

Because of this, Claire deliberately released news to the media that Miana was Karl’s fiancee.

Although Miana was dissatisfied with Claire’s statement, she didn’t say much, just said a little tiredly: “I am a little tired today, I will go back first.”

“I’ll let the driver take you back. I will find a way.” Claire said, reaching out and patted Miana on the shoulder.

After sending away Miana, Claire went in.

Karl was eating dinner. There was a child’s dining chair next to him. Grace was holding a small pink bowl and eating fruit.

She saw Claire walking in with sharp eyes, and she let out a milky voice, “Auntie~”

“Grace is eating fruit~” Claire walked over with a smile.

Grace reached out and held a fork, forked a piece of watermelon and handed it to Claire: “Auntie, eat it.”

Claire looked at the pulpy fruit in the bowl that was crossed by Grace, and did not know how much saliva she had painted, Claire hesitated.

She smiled and held Grace’s chubby hand, and handed the fruit to Grace’s mouth: “Grace eats herself, eats a lot, and looks beautiful.”

When Karl heard Claire’s words, he turned to look at her and said in a low voice, “Grace, give Dad an apple.”

Hearing Karl’s words, Grace brightened her eyes and stuffed a watermelon into her mouth, accurately found an apple, crossed it, and handed it to Karl’s lips.

Karl opened his mouth and ate, “Eat the rest by yourself.”

Grace seemed to have received encouragement, so she dropped the fork and grabbed it with her hands.

Claire wanted to stop, but was interrupted by Karl: “You haven’t eaten yet?”

“not yet.”

Karl said nonchalantly, “Then go eat, don’t worry about Grace.”

When Claire first entered the restaurant, a servant had already taken out the tableware and placed it opposite Karl.

Grace ate the fruit in the bowl in twos, then pulled Karl’s sleeves, and raised the bowl high: “Dad, I’m finished.”

She hadn’t finished eating the food in her mouth, and her fleshy face became rounder.

Karl looked funny and stretched out his hand to pinch her face.

“Oh, what are you doing…” Grace reached out and patted Karl’s hand.

Karl retracted his hand, and a servant took a tissue to wipe the juice from the corner of Grace’s mouth.

Grace was not very cooperative, but stretched out her hands towards Karl, wanting Karl to lift her out of the children’s dining chair.

“I’m coming.” Karl took the tissue from the servant, wiped the corners of Grace’s mouth, and carried her out on her lap: “Sit down.”

Grace rarely sat obediently and didn’t move.

Karl continued to eat.

Looking at the interaction between the father and daughter, Claire said with a complicated expression: “Don’t spoil her too much. The child is young, shouldn’t be spoiled.”

Grace studied Karl’s throat curiously. When Karl was eating, his throat would move, and Grace curiously reached out and touched it.

Karl held her messy hand and glanced down at her warningly, Grace quickly leaned in his arms without making a sound.

After that, he raised his eyes to look at Claire, with an indifferent tone: “Where is she spoiled?”

Claire was choked by his words, and she looked at Karl’s expressionless face, and then at the quiet and well-behaved Grace who was leaning against him, her lips pressed and nothing to say.

When Karl finished eating, he found that Grace’s head was already falling asleep like a chicken pecking at the rice.

Karl gently hugged Grace upstairs and put her on the bed.

When she first put her down, Grace snorted twice, and Karl reached out and patted her on the back before she fell asleep again.

The little meat on the bed-the ball is whirring, sleeping like a pig.

Karl remembered that when he first woke up, he didn’t remember anything, and he didn’t care much about this daughter, who was brought up by a servant.

Until one day, when he came back from work, the girl staggered forward and k!ssed him…

Maybe this is the magic of blood relationship.

He didn’t remember how he used to be with Miana, nor did he have a good impression of Miana, but Grace was very important to him.

Make sure Grace was asleep, Karl closed the door lightly and went out.

As soon as he left the house, he saw Claire, obviously Claire had been waiting for a long time.

“Karl, I have something to tell you.”

Karl put his hands in the pockets of his suit trousers, and the whole person looked a little sloppy: “If it is related to Miana, you don’t need to say it, I’m tired of listening.”

“What’s wrong with Miana? It’s Grace’s biological mother who is devoted to you, and she’s getting older…”

Karl interrupted her: “You are too old, marry yourself first.”

“Karl, you…”

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