Summer Sweetheart Chapter 347 – 348

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Chapter 347

The doctor wiped the cold sweat coming out of his forehead, and said tremblingly: “The wound is too deep, and she is given anesthetic.”

When Karl heard this, his complexion did not improve, and he still looked like he would burst out at any time: “How long will it take her to wake up?”

“Depending on physique, it should be soon…” The doctor felt cold sweat on his forehead again.

Karl was still dissatisfied with the doctor’s answer: “How soon will it be.”

“That’s…” The doctor was so frightened by Karl that he dare not speak, for fear that he might have said something wrong and he would be repaired by the the man in front of him.

Peter rushed over and saw this scene.

Seeing Karl as he was about to do something, Peter ran over quickly: “How is Alyssa?”

Karl’s voice was tense: “She didn’t wake up.”

Peter turned his head and asked the doctor. After hearing what the doctor said, he glared at Karl angrily: “Alyssa is no fatal injury, but the injury is a little bit deep. You don’t have to scare others like this.”

Karl glanced at Peter, as if thinking about the credibility of Peter’s words.

After two seconds, he leaned over and pushed Alyssa to the ward.

“I’ll help you.” Peter also wanted to come over and help.

However, when his hand was not even close, he was waved away by Karl: “Don’t touch.”

Peter pursed his lips, and said angrily: “I just push it for you…”

Karl ignored him and pushed Alyssa to the ward on his own.

Alyssa naturally lives in the VIP ward.

Peter followed up and saw Karl carefully carrying Alyssa onto the hospital bed, with a solemn expression as if he was negotiating a multi-billion dollar contract.

Peter thought that when he came, he saw no other people except the medical staff, so he asked, “You asked them to vacate the VIP wards on this floor?”

Karl helped Alyssa get the quilt back, turned his head to look at Peter, frowning slightly: “It’s too noisy, you go out.”

“I…” Peter was choked by his words.

Regardless of his reaction, Karl turned around and sat down by the bed, waiting for Alyssa to wake up.

Peter did not go out, but his voice was several degrees lower: “Don’t look like you are going to a funeral. Alyssa is just injured, not life-threatening. You are really…”

Karl glanced at him, and Peter hurriedly made a zipper action on his lips, indicating that he would shut up and not speak.

He stared at Karl for a few seconds, then got up and went out.

After a while, Peter carried a handbag and walked in with a nurse.

He threw the bag in his clothes on Karl’s body: “After changing your clothes, let the nurse wrap you up.”

“No.” Karl didn’t take the handbag either, only paying attention to Alyssa’s situation.

“Do you want Alyssa to wake up and see you like this?” Peter looked around Karl’s body and shook his head: “The women’s clubs are all visual animals. You are too ugly like this, Alyssa When I woke up, I felt spicy eyes…”

Before he finished speaking, he saw Karl picking up the handbag and turned to look at Peter: “I’m going to change clothes.”

Peter didn’t expect his nonsense words to have an effect on Karl: “Go, I’ll help you watch Alyssa.”

Karl glanced at him, suddenly bent over and moved the chair beside the bed back.

Peter stopped watching the chair being moved by Karl to a place two meters away from the bed.

He widened his eyes in astonishment. What happened to Alyssa even if he was sitting next to the bed?

Karl pointed to the chair, “Sit here.”

Out of the instinct to be oppressed by Karl for a long time, Peter obediently walked over and sat down.

Karl turned around and went inside to change and undress.

When the door inside closed, Peter turned to look at the nurse who followed him in: “From your professional point of view, do you think Karl is ill?”

The nurse was taken aback for a moment, and whispered: “Mr. Adams is handsome…”

Peter: “…”

Karl had skin injuries on his body. After he changed his clothes and came out, he was pressed on a chair by Peter to bandage the wound.

Only after his wound was bandaged, Alyssa woke up.

Alyssa’s face was as pale as snow, and her voice was very small when she spoke, and she had to get close to hear her.

Karl held her hand and carefully put his ear to her lips to listen.

“Are you OK……”

Karl held her hand tightly, his voice a little dry: “It’s okay.”

Alyssa smiled when she heard the words, bending her lips, the bright and beautiful cat eyes on weekdays, but also because they were too weak and lacking any expression, the whole person looked like a fragile doll, and would fall down when touched.

Karl’s throat slid hard, his eyes were scarlet, and he gritted his teeth and said, “Alyssa, if you dare to do this kind of harm to yourself in the future, I will break your leg!”

Alyssa always felt that Karl was a one-of-a-kind person, but it was not completely accurate.

Because Karl’s cruel words to her had never been honored.

When he was angry, he was so fierce, fierce as a lion, but he never extended a sharp claw to her.

Alyssa didn’t speak, just laughed.

Karl said coldly: “Don’t laugh.”

The smile on Alyssa’s face continued, and she said with some effort: “Don’t be so fierce, I just… want to protect you…”

Although she was not as smart as Karl, or as rich and powerful as him, her power seemed weak in front of him, but she also wanted to do something for him that she could do.

Karl has his own way of loving her, and she also has her own persistence.

Karl didn’t speak for a long time, but looked at her quietly.

After a while, he said: “Protect yourself, that is the greatest protection for me. What I have said, you can’t be deaf.”

Alyssa remembered what Karl had said.

––As long as you are okay, I will be okay. Once you have problems, it will kill me.

However, she couldn’t just watch Karl being threatened by Gerald because of herself.

She can’t take care of herself any time.

Besides, those people who had been cared about by Karl had all done things that were sorry for Karl. She felt distressed when she thought of it and wanted to treat him better.

Alyssa thought a lot in her heart, and finally nodded: “Yeah.”

After speaking, she asked again: “Where is Gerald?”

Peter walked in from outside and replied for Karl: “He ran away.”

The situation was a little chaotic at the time, and Karl just looked at Alyssa’s injury, and had no energy to manage Gerald.

Chapter 348

Alyssa and Karl both turned to look at Peter.

Peter sat down on the other side of the bed and said, “The situation was chaotic at the time. I followed Karl to the hospital with Smith. He took someone to chase Gerald, but he didn’t catch him.”

Alyssa’s face changed slightly when she heard this.

She braced herself to sit up, and Karl reached out to help her.

After the anesthesia effect is over, the pain of the wound becomes unusually obvious.

Although Karl was very careful in helping her, Alyssa was still involved in the wound and it was very painful. There was fine sweat on her forehead, but there was no other change in her expression.

She couldn’t show the pain, Karl would feel more uncomfortable than her.

But what a careful person Karl was in front of Alyssa.

He lowered his eyes slightly and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead with a towel on his face like frost.

After Alyssa sat down, she said, “You must find Gerald. The child is no longer in Trevor’s hands, but was taken away by Gerald. Gerald is now completely irrational. It is impossible to infer his thinking from the thinking of a normal person… He just wants everyone to go to hell with him…”

When Alyssa said this, she couldn’t say anything anymore, tears rolling in her eyes.

If the child is in Trevor’s hands, as long as Trevor wants to control Karl, he will not do anything harmful to the child.

But Gerald is different. He doesn’t plan anything, just wants everyone to suffer with him.

He can do anything to the child according to his mood.

Alyssa’s throat seemed to be stuffed with cotton, which was extremely uncomfortable and even had difficulty breathing.

The atmosphere in the room suddenly dropped to freezing point, and no one spoke.

With a sullen face, Karl turned around and poured a glass of water for her, carefully brought it to her lips, and fed her.

He fed Alyssa water, wiped her mouth with a towel, and said solemnly: “I have a way to find Gerald. Leave this to me. You take care of your injury. Before you get better, I will definitely get the child back.”

When Alyssa heard this, she looked at Karl in surprise.

Karl shook her hand and said, “Trust me.”

Alyssa’s wound healed well and was discharged four days later.

Coming out of the hospital, Alyssa found that the direction of the car was the old house of the Adams’ family.

She didn’t ask much about Karl’s mother’s case in the past few days, she didn’t know how to speak, and Karl didn’t mention it either.

Now that Karl will take her back to old house, she must also start to solve this matter.

When getting off, Alyssa saw Smith at the door of the old house.

Smith brought a group of bodyguards at the door, and when they saw the two coming over, they said respectfully: “Sir, Young Lady.”

Alyssa’s wound hasn’t been removed yet, and she walks slowly.

As she approached the room, she finally couldn’t help but asked, “Is there any news from Gerald?”

Karl leaned over and dropped a k!ss on her forehead. His voice was rare and soft: “You take a rest, I’ll take care of something, and I’ll talk to you at night.”

Alyssa nodded: “Yeah.”

Lie down with Alyssa, Karl turned around and went out, took out his mobile phone to find Gerald’s number, and sent a text message: “Want to know the whereabouts of Lisa?”

The screen of the mobile phone showed that the message was sent successfully, and Karl’s eyebrows appeared in the air.

Smith didn’t know when he came up.

Karl asked aloud, “Where are they?”

Smith knew that he was asking about Trevor and Lina.

He nodded slightly: “Just sent to the basement.”

Karl sneered and walked towards the basement.

The basement of the Adams’ Old House is not dark and damp at all, but it is very elegantly repaired and used to store some old things.

Smith stepped forward to open the basement door for him, and the bodyguards bent over and shouted: “Sir”

Trevor and Lina sat in the middle, guarded by bodyguards.

Karl stayed in the hospital for the past few days when Alyssa was hospitalized, and did not return to the old house, while Trevor and Lina were kept locked.

Trevor’s first half of his life was considered smooth, and he didn’t feel that he was wrong at this moment. After being detained by Karl for so long, layers of dissatisfaction in his heart became anger.

As soon as he saw Karl, he said loudly: “Karl, I am your biological father anyway! Where can a son treat his father like this?”

If Karl hadn’t heard of it, he raised his hand slightly and said, “Go out.”

Although Smith was a little worried, he still took the bodyguard out of the basement.

Trevor has been detained for the past few days, his patience has been exhausted, and the elegance and aura of the usual days have all disappeared: “I’m talking to you, did you hear it!”

Karl sat down opposite them, unable to hear any emotions in his tone, as if just chatting, “Tell me, what happened back then.”

His appearance makes people feel scared.

Trevor knew that this was the calm before the storm. He became frightened, and said in an unsteady voice: “What happened back then… and I can’t be blamed… I just asked those people to tie Sandra to scare, and then let her go. Who knows that those people who are wrong in their minds will end up doing that kind of thing…”

Every word and every sentence of Trevor was defending himself.

Karl sat still in the posture he had just sat down, without blinking his eyes, as quiet and silent as a sculpture.

“Really, Karl, believe me, how could I be so cruel? Anyway, I we have been husband and wife for more than ten years, how could I…”

Seeing that Karl had not responded, Trevor comforted himself and felt that Karl might have listened to him, and wanted to continue to defend himself.

But at this time, Karl laughed lowly: “You have had a clear conscience for so many years. Now that you think of it, you have to defend yourself?”


Karl didn’t even look at him, and turned his gaze to Lina: “It’s your turn.”

From the moment Lina saw Karl, tears couldn’t stop flowing out.

“I had guessed that there would be such a day…” After Lina said this, she covered her face and lost her voice in pain.

Karl looked at her indifferently, “Can’t speak well?”

Lina stopped crying, wiped two tears, and said again: “At that time, we really just wanted to send Sandra away. We just wanted to kidnap her alone, but didn’t expect to turn that way. No matter how to beat and scold you, you didn’t let go, they had to kidnap you together… Then those people increased the price halfway…”

When Karl heard this, he stood up and roared, “Shut up!”

Lina was so frightened that she fell silent.

Karl walked straight to Trevor, knocked him to the ground with a punch, and then reached out and picked up his collar…

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