Summer Sweetheart Chapter 331 – 332

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Chapter 331

Lina’s expression changed slightly: “Miss Alyssa, you are a mess.”

“Really? I think Mrs. Cain is messing around.” Alyssa raised her eyelids, her expression a little cold: “don’t know what you think of your son. I treat Luther as a brother. The relationship is simple. If it weren’t for Gerald’s approach to me, I wouldn’t even know that his father had passed away. At this time, you, a wife and mother, don’t seem to be so sad, and you still want to trouble me. It’s really rare.”

The mockery in Alyssa’s tone was obvious, and Lina could also hear it.

Lina’s complexion changed again and again, but she still didn’t say too much: “Let’s just talk about the matter and don’t involve anything else.”

Alyssa looked cold: “Then don’t talk about it.”

“You…” Lina panted slightly with anger: “I know why Karl divorced you. You are not worthy of Karl for an unreasonable and illiterate. A woman like you should be around him.”

Alyssa may have been depressed at Hunt’s house for too long in the past. The more unpleasant other people’s speeches, the more calm she became: “You are reasonable and you have quality. You can go back and tell Luther to let him cut off contact with me. It depends on whether he agrees.”

This time Lina was really irritated by Alyssa, and shouted loudly, “Alyssa!”

“Don’t you think that you are very reasonable? If you are good for Luther, you must go back and tell him that he will cut off contact with me in the future, and don’t play with me again, so as not to affect his studies.”

Lina is clearly here to look for things, how long has she not been out to play with Luther?

Besides, Luther himself is an independent child, and he knows everything about his studies.

Naturally, Lina would not go to Luther to say these things. Originally, the two of them still had a misunderstanding, so she came to Alyssa.

Alyssa’s words made her unable to refute, and in the end she could only point to her and curse: “Unreasonable!”

Alyssa tilted her head and looked at Lina with interest: “Mrs. Cain can’t help but start scolding me?”

Lina was so angry that she waved away and left.

Alyssa looked at her going away, her complexion cooled little by little.

She felt that Lina was simply inexplicable.

Could it be because Luther ignored Lina but played with her during the day, so Lina was jealous?

Although this argument can be justified, but she always feels that it is not very tenable.

Alyssa’s taxi had already arrived at this time.

She got in the car, still thinking about what happened before.

She remembered that on the night of New Year’s Eve, she saw Lina and Trevor sneaking into a room. Now that she thought about it, it might have something to do with Gerald.

After all, the fact that Gerald was the illegitimate son of Trevor was not seen.

Originally, Karl went to Country M just to prove Gerald’s life experience, but Preston had a car accident.

But why do they want to harm the old man?

Among several grandsons, although Mr. Adams loves Karl the most, he is also good to Gerald and others, and he will give everything he deserves.

Even if he knew that Gerald was Trevor’s illegitimate child, he wouldn’t be so good.

Gerald has only changed from a grandson to a grandson. Although Mr. Adams will be angry, he can certainly accept him.

Alyssa felt that the matter of Mr. Adams was still very strange.

On the way, she asked the driver to drive directly to Karl’s house.

Karl came back late as always.

But this time Alyssa didn’t fall asleep, but had been waiting for him in the living room.

When Karl returned, Alyssa was watching a variety show with her mobile phone on the sofa in the living room.

One of them was to find Tina as a guest.

The barrage is saying that Tina’s variety show is very good.

Karl opened the door and walked in. Seeing Alyssa sitting on the sofa, he was taken aback for a moment, and then strode over.

The sofa was leaning against the door. Karl walked over, put his hands on the back of the sofa, leaned over and k!ssed Alyssa, with a hint of joy in his voice: “You missed me after two days?”

Alyssa turned off the video, put her phone aside, and patted the position next to her: “Come and sit down.”

Karl walked around and sat down beside her: “Something?”

“I saw your aunt today. This reminds me of what happened on New Year’s Eve. I saw her sneaking into the room with your dad, but I didn’t hear what was going on. I think about it now. I think they might be talking about Gerald…”

Alyssa paused slightly when she said that, and looked up at Karl.

Karl touched her head, with no emotions on his face, he said solemnly, “Go on.”

Alyssa continued: “The next day there was an accident with Grandpa. If they were just because of Gerald, there would be no need to deal with Grandpa. There must be something else.”

Karl’s dark eyes were deep, making it hard to see what he was thinking.

Alyssa pulled his hand: “What do you think?”

After a while, Karl said, “Do you think it was because of Gerald that they would attack Grandpa?”

Alyssa thought for a while and said, “Theoretically, you can say that, but I don’t think this reason is valid. Grandpa’s accident is still very strange.”

After Alyssa finished speaking, she fixedly stared at Karl.

Karl turned his head, poured a glass of water for himself and Alyssa separately, and then said slowly: “You never thought about it. They made grandpa’s accident not only to deal with grandpa, but also because of New Year’s Eve. They found you and thought you were aware of their secrets, so they planted the blame on you?”

Alyssa was stunned, and did not reach out to pick up the water that Karl handed her.

She always thought that they mainly wanted to deal with Mr. Adams and blame her.

After all, at the time in that house, she was the only one who did not have the surname Adams and was the most suitable target for planting.

Alyssa thought that the people of the Adams’ family wanted to send her to prison. If she was also the person Trevor and the others were going to deal with, would she still be alive after entering the prison?

Her result may be worse than Mr. Adams.

A chill came from the bottom of her heart, spreading across her limbs.

Alyssa shook her head, her voice slightly hoarse: “But, I didn’t hear anything that night.”

Karl just touched her head silently.

What he didn’t finish was that the reason why Trevor and the others came up with such a method to deal with Alyssa was because they wanted to test Alyssa’s position in his heart.

If he had spared no effort to protect Alyssa, once Trevor and the others realized the importance of Alyssa to Karl, Trevor and the others might find a way to start directly from Alyssa.

Chapter 332

Karl stuffed the water glass in Alyssa’s hands: “They don’t need to verify whether you heard their secrets, they will do whatever they want as long as they feel that someone is threatening them.”

Alyssa’s hands were cold.

Karl held her hand in his palm, “Are you afraid?”

Alyssa didn’t answer his question, and suddenly choked up and asked, “Will Grace be okay?”

Trevor and the others are so unscrupulous, Alyssa dare not expect them to have mercy on a baby.

Karl said decisively to her: “No, they want me to work for Adams, so they won’t move Grace.”

Hearing this, Alyssa’s complexion improved slightly, and she lowered her head not knowing what she was thinking.

Karl did not speak, but held her hand silently.

After a while, Alyssa said aloud: “I don’t understand, what they want to hide in order to do so much!”

Karl asked her, “Do you remember Grandpa asked you to help him with the conversation before the accident and let me find him?”

Alyssa nodded: “Remember.”

“Grandpa said at the time that as long as I spend the New Year with peace of mind in the old house, he will tell me everything I want to know.” Karl’s eyes became unusually sharp: “Including the truth about the kidnapping case back then.”

Karl never told Alyssa about this.

The main reason was that he really didn’t want Alyssa to know too much about Adams’ family, which was not good for her.

Alyssa’s mind turned quickly.

“So, did your dad try to conceal the truth back then? Want to kill everyone who knows the truth?”

Alyssa said that there was a pause here, and her pretty brows frowned: “They thought I overheard what they were saying, and Grandpa wants to tell you the truth, so neither Grandpa nor I can stay.”

Karl responded to her in silence.

Silence represents affirmation.

After a while, Alyssa said quietly: “What I saw on New Year’s Eve was your aunt and your dad entering the room together. If what they want to hide is the truth of the kidnapping case, does this mean that they are accomplices, your aunt? Also participated in the case of that year?”

Karl seemed to be a little tired. He reached out and pressed his eyebrows, leaning against the sofa with his eyes lightly, his voice low and cold: “Your grandfather also said that he saw my aunt at the crime scene.”

Alyssa pursed her lips: “How much are you hiding from me?”

But she also knows that this is not the time to care about it.

“My grandfather saw your aunt, that’s why your dad took him abroad to’care for the elderly’?” In this way, everything makes sense.

Alyssa suggested: “Otherwise, let’s go to my grandfather and ask about this next thing.”

However, Karl still rejected her proposal: “No need.”


Alyssa wanted to say something, Karl had already interrupted her: “It’s too late, get ready to sleep.”

Alyssa saw that Karl didn’t want to talk about it anymore, so she didn’t say it.

After all, Karl was someone close to Lina before. Lina was still Karl’s mother’s best friend. If the kidnapping case was really related to Lina, then…

But why did they treat Karl and his mother like that?

For Karl’s mother, one is her husband and the other is her best friend.

Will these two people really unite to harm her?

Karl stood up, seeing Alyssa still sitting on the sofa and not moving, he reached out and lifted her up, his movements were not gentle at all.

Alyssa exclaimed, and Karl reached out to her lips and motioned her not to speak.

His face is unprecedentedly serious and solemn: “Alyssa, you can no longer intervene in this matter, you are not allowed to find your grandfather, you are not allowed to inquire about any news from the side, let alone to find Lina or Trevor. Any one of them.”

Of course Alyssa would not agree.

But Karl’s expression was too awkward, Alyssa held back for a long time, but only a word came out.

“You don’t make sense.”

Karl continued to say in a calm voice, “Then I will be reasonable with you now. As long as you are okay, I will be fine. Once you are not okay, it will kill me.”

There were no special emotional ups and downs in his tone, but every word in the words passed into her ears very clearly, knocking on her eardrums, making her unresponsive for a long time.

Seeing that she hadn’t responded for a long time, Karl raised an eyebrow and asked, “Did you hear what I said?”

Alyssa’s expression was a little dazed, and she asked tentatively, “I heard clearly, but I didn’t understand the meaning of the words. Would you like to say it again?”

Karl squinted his eyes slightly when he heard the words, “Want to listen?”

Alyssa nodded.

Karl curled his lips, and Alyssa thought he would really say it again, so she stood her ears up to listen to it again.

As a result, the next moment, Karl directly hugged her and walked towards the bathroom.

Alyssa argued with him in his arms: “Didn’t you say it again?”

“I haven’t said anything.” Karl faintly shot back.

Alyssa hammered his chest twice in dissatisfaction: “Then why are you asking me if I still want to hear it!”

“Just ask.”


Because the previous night she and Karl talked for too long, when Karl went to the company the next morning, Alyssa was still up.

By the time she woke up, it was three poles in the sun.

She leaned on the bed and stayed for a while.

The secret that Trevor and Lina had always wanted to hide was the truth about the kidnapping case with Karl and his mother.

Alyssa thought for a while, and there was a sudden flash of light in her mind. What Karl wanted to investigate now shouldn’t just be how they planned the kidnapping case. What Karl wanted to investigate should be why they planned the kidnapping case and why they should treat him. His mother started.

They may not only conceal the truth of the kidnapping case, but the reason for their conspiracy to plan the kidnapping.

Thinking of this, Alyssa quickly took out her cell phone and called Karl.

Karl answered the phone quickly: “Woke up?”

Alyssa said anxiously: “Karl, I just thought and thought about it. I think it is more important now to find out the reason they planned the kidnapping. They are the closest people to you and your mother. , Why did they suddenly become so cruel? They must be trying to hide some secret. I suspect that they did it to Grandpa for the same reason as to you and your mother!”

After hearing Alyssa’s words, Karl remained silent for a long time.

She called to him, “Karl? Are you listening to me?”

“Listening.” Karl’s voice became lower again.

He is not an emotional person, but people who know him can hear his emotional changes in his tone.

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