Summer Sweetheart Chapter 271 – 272

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Chapter 271

Early the next morning.

When Alyssa woke up, she did not find Karl’s figure beside her.

She got up and got out of bed, took her coat and put it on, and walked to the door to find that the door was not closed tightly.

Karl booked a suite, and outside the bedroom was the living room.

Through the cracks in the unclosed door, Alyssa saw Karl sitting on the sofa making a phone call.

Karl deliberately lowered the volume, Alyssa only saw Karl’s lips moving, but did not hear what he was saying clearly.

Suddenly, Karl seemed to feel something, and looked up at Alyssa.

Was discovered.

Alyssa simply opened the door and walked out.

Karl didn’t hang up the phone, only reached out to take the kettle on the table and poured a cup of hot water for Alyssa and handed it to her.

Alyssa stretched out to take it, he retracted his hand and continued talking on the phone.

At this time, there was a knock on the door outside.

Alyssa glanced at Karl, and Karl said, “I ordered breakfast.”

Alyssa went to open the door without any expression.

The waiter walked in with the dining trolley, put the breakfast on the table, and said respectfully: “Hello, this is the breakfast ordered by Mr. Adams. I wish you a happy meal.”

“Thank you.” Alyssa thanked him and went to lock the door.

At the door, the waiter suddenly turned his head and called, “Miss Alyssa.”

Alyssa was shocked, suddenly raised her head to look at the waiter.

The waiter reached out and stuffed a note in her hand and left quickly.

Alyssa quickly reacted and put the note into her pocket.

When she turned around, she glanced warily in Karl’s direction.

Karl just hung up the phone and turned to look at her: “What’s wrong?”

“It’s okay.” Alyssa closed the door with her backhand, and walked to the dining table as usual and sat down.

Alyssa didn’t know what the waiter had written on her note, but she didn’t dare to read it in a hurry. She was absent from eating. She was afraid that Karl would see her abnormality, so she could only keep eating.

After finally eating, Alyssa got up and went to the bathroom.

Locking the door, she took out the note, only glanced at it, and her eyes widened.

The content on the note is just three simple words: “Want to escape?”

The following is a mixture of letters and numbers, which looks like a license plate number.

Moreover, this license plate number looks familiar.

Alyssa only read it twice, and then wrote down the license plate number, then threw the note into the toilet and flushed it away with water.

When she opened the bathroom door and went out, Alyssa looked up and saw Karl’s expressionless face.

Karl’s tone was bad: “You locked the bathroom door and was studying how to escape again?”

“Yes.” Alyssa raised her chin slightly, and said semi-seriously: “After studying it, I found that I could not escape from the bathroom.”

Karl’s expression turned cold, and he almost squeezed a sentence from his teeth: “It’s no good for you to provoke me.”

Alyssa said, “It’s no good for me if I don’t offend you?”

Besides, watching Karl’s angry look, she actually felt a little happy in her heart.

After breakfast, Karl took Alyssa and left the room, ready to return to Rostenvel.

After leaving the hotel entrance, she did not talk to Karl, and Alyssa was watching the cars parked in the parking space at the entrance.

At a glance, she did not see the license plate number on the note.

what’s the problem?

The license plate number is clearly familiar to her, which means that the owner of the license plate knows her and knows her current situation.

It was clear that he wanted to help her.

And the only chance she could escape from Karl was now.

Once in Karl’s car, she could only follow Karl back to Rostenvel.

At this time, she noticed a black car appeared on the corner not far away.

The car went back two meters and advanced two meters on the spot.

This weird behavior attracted Alyssa’s attention.

She walked two steps forward and saw the license plate of that car.

The license plate of that car is exactly the one written on the note.

Alyssa was a little excited and nervous.

She turned to look at Karl.

Karl was standing two meters away from her. Seeing her looking over, he waved to her and motioned her to pass.

Alyssa’s heartbeat was like radium, abnormally nervous.

Now there is an opportunity before her eyes to let her escape from Karl’s control, how could she let it go.

She walked towards Karl, and eyes caught a glimpse of the black car coming over here, getting closer…

Alyssa checked the distance from her to the car. If she ran over later, it would take at most half a minute.

It only takes half a minute…

As her thoughts flowed, she had already reached Karl’s.

Karl held her hand with a smile in his eyes: “I’ll go back to the Rostenvel later.”

This smile was very dazzling in Alyssa’s eyes.

Although Alyssa’s heart was already boiling, she still maintained a calm look on the surface: “Where shall we live after we go back?”

There was a hint of connivance in Karl’s tone: “You can live wherever you want.”


“of course.”

Alyssa glanced at the car again, and then looked up and k!ssed Karl’s lips.

Her sudden k!ss made Karl stunned. He passively let Alyssa k!ss for a few seconds, and then stretched out his hand to support Alyssa’s waist as if to react.

Smith and the bodyguard standing next to him turned their backs consciously.

After Alyssa became pregnant, the two did not do it again, and Karl could only rely on hugging and chatting to comfort her.

What’s more, Alyssa took the initiative to k!ss him, but he couldn’t refuse it at all.

When he k!ssed emotionally, Alyssa suddenly pulled away.

Karl didn’t let her go, but he had already relaxed his guard.

Alyssa took advantage of this opportunity and violently pushed Karl back.

Karl, who was unprepared, was pushed by Alyssa and fell directly to the ground.

The moment he fell, Alyssa and Karl looked at each other, and when he saw an incredible flash of his dark eyes, she curled her lips.

Alyssa got free and ran to the car quickly.

The car had already opened the door for her when she started running.

Karl’s furious voice came from behind: “Alyssa!”

Alyssa protected her lower abdomen subconsciously, but the steps under her feet moved faster.

Bodyguards also reacted to Karl’s roar and started chasing Alyssa.

Just before the bodyguard caught up with Alyssa, she ran to the car, bent over and sat in.

She slammed the door shut, panting and turned to look at the people behind.

The bodyguard ran for a few steps, then went back and drove to chase, while Karl was standing at the back, she couldn’t see his expression clearly.

Chapter 272

As soon as Alyssa got in the car, the driver stepped on the accelerator and drove the car fast.

But while he drove fast, he was also unusually stable, which did not make Alyssa feel uncomfortable.

She looked at the driver and found that it was a strange face.

Alyssa asked him aloud: “Who asked you to pick me up?”

“My boss.” The driver focused on driving, but when answering her questions, his tone was very respectful.

Alyssa frowned: “Who is your boss?”

The driver still didn’t directly say who his boss was, but said: “My boss said, Miss Alyssa knows who he is.”

she knows?

She is indeed familiar with the license plate number.

But she really couldn’t remember whose license plate number it was.

After thinking about it, Alyssa went through all the people she knew in her mind. Finally, there was a flash of light in her mind and finally remembered who the owner of this license plate number was.

After knowing who was helping her, Alyssa felt mixed.

At this moment, the driver suddenly said: “I will stop the car at the intersection ahead. After Miss Alyssa gets down, she can get into the white car directly.”

Alyssa squinted her eyes slightly and saw the white car parked on the side of the road.

Her mood is a bit complicated.

The person who helped her was someone she didn’t want to be involved with.

And it was Karl who chased after her. If he chased her, she really couldn’t escape.

Fleeing from Karl, owed favors to someone who didn’t want to be involved anymore. Obviously, the former was more seductive and confusing.

So, when the driver stopped the car, Alyssa got into the white car without hesitation.

The white car and the car she was sitting in were driving in two opposite directions respectively. When she turned her head, she saw Karl and their car chasing in the direction of the car she had taken before.

Alyssa was stunned for a moment before asking the driver aloud, “Did we dump Karl and his men?”

“It stands to reason.” The driver who answered her was still a strange face.

Alyssa already knew who the “Boss” was in the driver’s mouth, and was a little surprised at the meticulous thoughts of their “Boss”, so she couldn’t help asking, “Where is your boss?”

The driver said: “Boss is waiting for you at the airport.”


Alyssa didn’t ask anymore.

Several cars were changed in the middle.

The other car she’s in, and the car she’s in now, will drive in two completely opposite directions.

In this way, even if Karl noticed that there was no Alyssa in the car they were chasing, it would be too late to turn around and chase.

She changed so many cars in the middle of the journey, and they all drove towards completely different places, Karl couldn’t find it at all.

Alyssa was a little dazed, with no sense of reality in her heart.

Can she really get rid of Karl like this?

Alyssa didn’t recover until the car arrived at the airport.

She was about to open the door and get out of the car, but the door was opened from the outside.

Alyssa looked up and saw the man’s smiling face.

He cried affectionately: “Alyssa.”

Although Alyssa had already remembered who the owner of the license plate number was, she was still surprised when he appeared in front of her.

“Norris, it’s really you.”

Alyssa got out of the car and looked at Norris fixedly, as if she had met Norris for the first time.

Norris’s smile deepened after hearing her words: “I knew it, you still remember my license plate number.”

She knew Norris very early, and at that time she also liked Norris very much.

When one is a teenager, when one likes someone, one would involuntarily remember everything about them, and his license plate number was also written down when Alyssa liked him.

Later, she no longer liked Norris, and gradually forgot everything about Norris.

However, the Norris in front of her was different from the Norris she knew.

Alyssa squinted her eyes and asked vigilantly: “How do you know that Karl and I lived in the hotel? Why do you help me?”

She didn’t forget the things Norris and Isabel had done before.

The smile on Norris’s face turned away, and his tone became serious: “Karl’s villa was burned by the fire, and the media unanimously said that you were killed in the fire. I didn’t believe it, so I sent someone to follow Karl.”

Following Karl, he naturally hit Alyssa.

The look in Norris’s eyes made Alyssa a little surprised.

She said with a cold face: “What is your business if I am not dead?”

Norris took a step forward, curled his lips, smiled deeply, “Of course it’s related.”

He paused and added: “I will feel heartache.”

The tone is half-true and half-false, and it is difficult to distinguish the true degree.

It was really difficult for Alyssa to connect the thoughtful man in front of her with the cowardly and incompetent Norris before.

Alyssa had to take a step back: “Not funny.”

“I know you won’t believe me, but time will prove everything.” After Norris finished speaking, he took out two tickets and said, “We should board the plane.”

“Where to?”

The driver who brought her over said before that Norris was waiting for her at the airport.

Norris said: “Go abroad.”

Alyssa suddenly stopped.

“Why, can’t bear it?” Norris smiled and looked at her: “Have you forgotten how Karl controlled freedom during this period of time, and how you’re wronged by Adams’ family?

Alyssa frowned slightly when she heard the words.

It seems that Norris really cares about her affairs.

Karl saw her hesitation, with a bewilderment in her tone: “The water of Adams’ family is too deep, this muddy water of Adams’ family, if you fall in, even your bones will be eaten by the group of Adams people. Clean, if you leave now and stay abroad for a year or two, Karl will naturally forget about you and you will be able to live your own life…”

Alyssa interrupted him: “Do you know something?”

Norris raised his eyebrows, his expression a little unpredictable: “Everyone has his own secret.”

Alyssa didn’t plan to entangle Norris on this issue, only asked: “Are you going abroad with me?”

“Of course.” Norris laughed again.

Alyssa was naturally guarded against Norris, whose temperament was completely different from before.

From Norris’s words, she felt that he seemed interested in her.

If everything Norris did before was disguised by him, then his scheming would definitely not be much worse than that of Karl.

Alyssa will never go abroad with him.

Seeing Alyssa not speaking, Norris stretched out his hand to wrap her shoulders: “The time is coming, let’s go.”

Alyssa turned around, avoiding his hand.

Norris’s complexion changed slightly, but he didn’t say much.

Probably to be unobtrusive, Norris booked economy class.

The two went through the security check and went to the waiting room.

The flight booked by Norris has already begun to board.

Alyssa bit her lip and suddenly squatted on the ground: “My stomach hurts… I want to go to the toilet…”

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