Summer Sweetheart Chapter 231 – 232

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Chapter 231

Karl’s eyebrows narrowed slightly, and the expression on his face softened in an instant.

He waved to Alyssa: “Come here.”

Alyssa approached, only to find that he was holding her mobile phone.

When Mr. Adams saw Alyssa in the video, he smiled and called her: “It’s Alyssa.”

“Grandpa.” Alyssa raised her eyes and smiled at Grandpa in the video.

Karl took the phone to himself: “Okay, go to bed early when you are old, and drink plenty of tea to stay fit.”

His tone was faint, no different from usual.

Alyssa didn’t know what they had talked about before, and nodded in agreement: “I think Karl is right. Grandpa, you should go to bed earlier and exercise more.”

Elder Adams choked and waved his hand impatiently: “It’s all right, I’m going to sleep.”

Before the ending sound disappeared, Karl hung up the video call.

This speed is so fast that people feel very perfunctory.

Alyssa felt that she had to correct him: “You should wait for grandpa to hang up first.”

“You’re slow in your hands when you get older. Waiting for him to hang up is a waste of time.” Karl’s expression and tone were not too perfunctory.

When Alyssa thought about Mattie, she stopped persuading him.

About Karl’s matter, she herself had a sense of measure.

The next day.

Alyssa got up a bit late as usual.

As soon as she entered the restaurant, she saw Mattie serving dishes in silence, and the swollen bag on her forehead disappeared a bit, which looked less scary than yesterday.

Mattie brought the breakfast to the table without any expression.

While eating breakfast, Alyssa looked at Mattie calmly.

She always felt that Mattie became weird after returning from the hospital yesterday.

I can’t say anything about the specifics, but the most obvious is that she has very few words and is still working very seriously.

She is afraid that she was beaten up yesterday, or Mattie finds it interesting to be a servant?

After eating breakfast slowly, Mattie suddenly walked towards her, as if she had something to say.

Alyssa waved her hand and motioned the other servants to go out.

When the other servants had retired, Alyssa looked at Mattie: “Just say if you have anything.”

Mattie went straight in: “I want to go back.”

“Huh?” Could it be because you had a fight with Anya and your mind is sober?

A trace of unwillingness appeared on Mattie’s face. She took a deep breath and said, “Although I don’t want to admit it, I can see that you and Karl have a very good relationship.”

When she was in the hospital yesterday, she stood aside, seeing it clearly as a bystander.

After Karl arrived, Alyssa was the only one in his eyes.

Don’t talk about her, even Anya, the man hadn’t looked at her directly.

She is ambitious and occasionally goes to the head with her blind confidence, but she is also a judging adult.

She is the only child, from a superior family, with innate pride in her bones, and occasionally stupid, but not stupid.

Alyssa was turning her head to get the water cup, and she was slightly startled when she heard that, she didn’t expect Mattie to say this.

She couldn’t help but look up at Mattie.

Mattie seemed unaccustomed to being stared at like this, her expression turned a little uncomfortable and turned her head to look away: “I just think Karl likes you very much, and he indulges you.”

“Oh, you can see it too.” Alyssa blinked her eyes with a natural expression.

Mattie felt that the woman Alyssa was very scheming. At first glance, she looked good, and her appearance was not lethal.

However, she can always poke you inadvertently.

She is obviously a woman with no family background and not very good, but she always has a strong look. When she and Karl stand together, she can’t help but feel that she is a good match.

Mattie felt this way when she saw Karl and Alyssa standing together yesterday.

She thought they are so worthy that no one can get in.

“Alyssa, I am negotiating terms with you today. You are currently writing a script, right? You want to sell the script, right? I’m a producer. I may give you resources to match up. And you, you want to return my employment contract, give it back to me.”

Mattie felt that when she was standing and Alyssa was sitting, she would appear to be lower than her, so she sat down opposite Alyssa.

Alyssa was surprised.

Mattie can enter the villa as a servant to approach Karl, which shows that she is a courageous woman.

However, she put this courage into an improper place.

Alyssa didn’t trust Mattie very much, but she couldn’t doubt it either.

“I can give you the employment contract, and you can leave today. As for the matchmaking thing for me, it may not be necessary for the time being.”

It’s not that Alyssa’s mentality is gloomy, and there are many stolen articles in the industry.

Although she is not well-known now, her scripts were written with countless thoughts.

If Mattie really wants to pit her, she can start from here.

Mattie was not surprised that Alyssa would be so simple: “Okay, if you need it then, you can call me.”

After she finished speaking, she took out the phone number written in the morning from her pocket.

Alyssa still took it.

Mattie changed her maid’s uniform, and Alyssa sent the driver to take her back.

Seeing Mattie’s car leaving, Alyssa suddenly felt a little bored.

Fortunately, she can still go online.

It may be because there are so many trending searches. Alyssa, who didn’t like to go to Twitter before, will log in to Twitter to check the trending search list if she has nothing to do.

She posted on Twitter, and the top hot topic was breaking news for her.

“Gerald and AdamPic terminate the contract”

Alyssa went in and found out that the netizens had already fried the pot.

“Really? The long Tweet that AdamPic mysterious founder XN wrote some time ago hasn’t been too long. Now Gerald Cain has terminated the contract with AdamPic Media?”

“I think it may be that the Mr. Cain wants to be his own boss to make money.”

“To be honest, AdamPic Media has been the best resource for Gerald in recent years. The resources have been tilted sharply. Looking at the scripts that Gerald has taken, is there any difference? If it is not for Gerald to fully support himself , AdamPic Media has been able to create many more stars, and as a result, it has just won the Grand Slam and is about to turn away from acknowledging people!”

this Tweet has thousands of likes and comments, which is very popular.

There are those who refute the bloggers and those who agree with the bloggers.

Even Alyssa read this Tweet and felt that the blogger made sense.

Gerald has been so popular in the past few years that he has basically had no scandals. For this, AdamPic Media has also spent a lot of effort.

The termination of Gerald’s contract caused great loss to AdamPic Media.

But Alyssa thought more deeply.

Is Gerald going to terminate the contract or Karl is going to terminate the contract?

Chapter 232

Alyssa wanted to call Karl, thinking that Karl was in Adams’ family right now, and fearing to disturb him, Alyssa called Peter.

Peter was probably busy too, and did not answer her call.

After a while, Peter called her back.

Without waiting for Alyssa to speak, Peter said: “I know, you want to ask Gerald’s contract termination, right?”

Alyssa replied, “Yes.”

“Karl called me early this morning and said he was going to terminate the contract with King Gerald, and he also released the news. It’s really… Seeing it’s going to be a holiday, it’s such a big deal for me…”

Peter groaned and complained, and Alyssa comforted him and hung up the phone.

The phone just hung up and rang again.

She took a look and found that Colin was calling.

Colin hadn’t looked for her for a long time, so what did he call her suddenly for?

Is it because of Isabel again?

Thinking that Gerald might get Isabel out, Alyssa felt uncomfortable as if a piece of cotton was stuffed in her throat.

Isabel wanted to kill Alyssa so many times, she finally got her into the prison, thinking that she would be able to reflect on it for a few years in the prison, and kill Gerald halfway…

Alyssa even thought darkly, she knew it would be better for Karl to torture her to death.

As soon as this thought came up, Alyssa was shocked.

She touched her belly and murmured: “Baby, the idea mom just said is wrong, don’t learn…”

She was stunned, and the phone was automatically hung up because no one answered.

Alyssa put away the phone, and didn’t plan to call back, anyway, if something happened, they would call again.

Within a few minutes, Colin called again.

This time, Alyssa answered the phone.

Colin’s voice was cold: “You didn’t see your Mom?”

“What’s the matter?” Alyssa hadn’t seen Rachel for a long time, except for one phone call with her.

Colin paused briefly: “She has been missing for several days, hasn’t she come to you?”

Alyssa didn’t intend to take care of Rachel anymore. Hearing this, her heart sank: “No.”

In front of the Hunt family, Rachel’s patience was extraordinary, and she would normally not leave Hunt’s house, but Colin said that she had been missing for several days…

Alyssa asked Colin: “What did you do to her?”

“What can I do to her? She ran by herself!” Colin’s voice was full of anger, and his voice was so loud that Alyssa’s ears were numb.

“If it weren’t for what you did to her, she would run away by herself, and you would treat me as stupid?” Alyssa didn’t have a good tone, and went back coldly.

“Don’t you care about her anymore? Now you want to ask me to ask questions? Even your own sister can be sent to prison. I don’t have a vicious daughter like you!”

When Colin talked about this, his chest was very angry.

Alyssa gritted her teeth: “It’s a coincidence, I don’t have my sister or father who wants to kill me.”

“Don’t make things so bad, Isabel just couldn’t figure it out for a while, aren’t you good now! She has been spoiled since childhood, you don’t know, you can’t let her point!”

Colin felt that Alyssa was the fault.

––She has been spoiled since she was a child, you don’t know it!

––You can’t let her order!

Alyssa’s hand holding the phone kept tightening, and the blood vessels on the back of the hand were clearly visible.

“I let her, who let me? You also know that she is spoiled, so now she is sent to prison to receive education. This is all made by you. You are such a good father. Your daughter is not well taught, in this case she will always be taught by others. You spoiled her but you don’t have enough ability to indulge her. Guess whether Isabel hates you now?”

Colin’s unprincipled indulgence towards Isabel, did not feel that he was wrong, and even if he was wrong, he would push it to others.

And what Alyssa said, all poked into his heart.

When he saw Isabel yesterday, Isabel still scolded him as useless.

Colin was so angry that he couldn’t speak, and finally hung up the phone.

Alyssa put down the phone, thought carefully, and called the police.

Even Colin himself said that Rachel had been missing for several days, so it must not be short.

After calling the police, Alyssa thought that she could not sit and wait for the news, so she planned to go back to Hunt’s house.

Karl does not restrict her to go out now, but she must take a bodyguard when she goes out.

The car stopped at the door of Hunt’s villa.

The bodyguard opened the door for Alyssa. She had just stepped on one foot, and a sports car did not know where it came from, wiping the corner of the bodyguard’s clothes that helped Alyssa drive the door.

All this happened so suddenly, the bodyguard was stunned for a few seconds before reacting and asking Alyssa: “Madam, are you okay?”

She hasn’t gotten out of the car, what’s the matter!

Alyssa shook her head: “How about you?”

“I’m fine.” The bodyguard shook his head.

But Alyssa still noticed that the bodyguard’s footsteps were a little vacant when he walked, which seemed to be frightened.

Alyssa got out of the car and looked in the direction the sports car was driving away, only to realize that the shadow of the sports car was gone.

Alyssa retracted her gaze and keenly heard the sound of the sports car.

The sports car drove back again, and shook the front of the car at a 90-degree right angle in front of their car. Then, the young man who drove took off his sunglasses and threw off his hair thinking it was cool. Said in the direction of Alyssa and the others: “Hi, are you okay!”

This sentence sounds insincere.

The man drove a Ferrari sports car, his hair was carefully managed, and he also specially applied hairspray to make a very fashionable hairstyle. He was a famous brand shower and looked very human…

Alyssa knew this person.

“Hey, what’s your name, that girl, she looks familiar.”

While talking, the young man jumped out of the car while holding the window edge of the convertible, and walked straight towards Alyssa.

After seeing Alyssa’s appearance clearly, the young man whistled, “He looks very upright.”

The bodyguard stood in front of Alyssa, looking like he was ready to fight.

Alyssa frowned slightly: “Brother, I am Alyssa.”

The man in front of her is Travis Hunt, Alyssa’s half-brother who has been studying abroad.

At the same time, he is also the brother of Isabel’s father and mother.

“Huh?” Travis was shocked: “Who do you say you are? Alyssa? Although I haven’t been home for many years, I know she doesn’t look like this…”

Travis has been abroad for seven or eight years, and it is normal that he can’t recognize her.

Colin, who had long heard the sound of a sports car, walked out of the villa: “Travis, did you go racing again?”

When Travis saw Colin, he said to him as if telling a joke: “Dad, this beauty said she is Alyssa!”

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