Summer Sweetheart Chapter 209 – 210

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Chapter 209

Tina gave Alyssa another “indifferent” expression: “I’m serious, anyway, you are single now.”

After Tina said this, Alyssa remembered the marriage certificate.

On the marriage certificate are the names of Karl and Isabel.

After she married Karl, she has not seen the marriage certificate of the two people until now, so she and Karl do not know who the name of the marriage certificate is.

The photo of the marriage certificate was sent by Gerald to Isabel.

Isabel appeared as a victim. No matter how messy she had been in her private life, as long as she was still Karl’s legal wife, Alyssa was destined to be a “little third” with him.

After Tina finished speaking, she realized that there was something wrong with what she said.

“No, I mean…” Tina tried to explain.

“It’s okay.” Alyssa in turn encouraged her.

After hanging up the phone, Alyssa went to find Karl.

Karl did not go to work at the company, but was busy dealing with Alyssa’s affairs.

The first day was the news that Peter came out, and the second day was the announcement of the love affair between two major entertainment stars.

It is now the third day, and the news that broke out in these two days has basically diverted netizens’ attention, and there is basically no one discussing Alyssa anymore.

The trending searchs on these exposures are all stars of AdamPic Media.

Alyssa knew better than anyone else that this was all Karl’s handwriting.

The news is suppressed, and the rest is the marriage certificate.

Isabel has not had a good time these days. She has been kept at home by Douglas, and she is not allowed to go out or see Gerald.

Douglas is a rigorous person, and he understands Isabel’s temperament very well.

If Isabel was released on this vent, she would definitely go to the media and talk nonsense.

He only wants family’s peace now, and doesn’t want to provoke Adams’ family anymore.

Karl’s study door was not closed tightly, Alyssa pushed gently, and the door was opened.

Before she even entered, she heard Karl’s roar from inside.

“Do you really think that I didn’t know that my mother’s affairs had something to do with you? You did something shameful and need to please Douglas? Now you have to intervene with my marriage certificate?”

There was only a small lamp in the study, and Karl stood in the shadow, his voice was cold.

Suddenly, he looked up at the door with feeling, and at a glance he saw Alyssa’s slender figure standing by the door.

He paused and hung up.

Alyssa raised her foot and walked over: “I’ll ask about the marriage certificate.”

Karl’s eyes narrowed invisibly, he suppressed his anger, and his tone eased a lot: “You don’t need to worry about this.”

“I’m just asking what is going on.” Alyssa’s current thinking is a bit complicated.

She must like Karl in her heart.

Knowing that she and Karl did not have a marriage certificate, she was in a daze for a while, and she was inexplicably lucky.

Without a marriage certificate, they are not a husband and wife recognized by the law. In this way, if one day she wants to leave Karl, she can leave freely.

Karl was an unfathomably dangerous man. When she chose to be with him, she had the insight of moths fighting fire.

But, so suddenly, she had a retreat…

Karl looked at her steadily, his eyes darkening.

Alyssa was originally looking at him, but under his gaze, she gradually felt a sense of guilty conscience, as if Karl had seen through her thoughts.

Alyssa was guilty of her conscience and said, “Just forget it if you don’t want to say it.”

“To resolve this matter, we have a wedding.”

Karl’s unhurried voice spread out in the dim study. After his voice entered Alyssa’s ears, it didn’t go away anymore. Instead, he repeatedly tapped her eardrums.


Alyssa opened her lips slightly dullly: “What?”

“We haven’t held a wedding. During this time, you can think about where we are going to spend our honeymoon, both at home and abroad.”

Karl’s tone was strong, and there was no room for Alyssa to refuse.

But Alyssa still said, “Don’t be so troublesome, let’s talk about it then.”

She is currently lacking interest in such things.

Karl naturally felt it. Although Alyssa did not quarrel with him, nor was he very sad, it was obvious that he was not as caring about the affairs between the two.

When the voice fell, she felt Karl’s face sinking a bit again.

Alyssa hasn’t had to go to work or go out in the past few days, so she just hugs her computer and writes scripts.

Early the next morning, Karl left.

Alyssa did not ask him where he was going.

Tired of writing the script, she went downstairs to pour water, turned on the TV and sat down on the sofa.

When the TV was turned on, Isabel, who was being interviewed by the reporter, appeared.

Isabel’s complexion looked very haggard, and her face paled like a patient recovering from a serious illness.

When she saw Isabel two days ago, wasn’t Isabel still fine?

“I took the photo of the marriage certificate and uploaded it.”

“I just want to be in the entertainment industry, I just want to be popular.”

“The marriage certificate is also false.”

“Alyssa is Karl’s legal wife, it’s me who wanted to keep the heat and hype…”

When Isabel said these words, her face was numb, her expression stiff and mechanical.

One of the reporters boldly asked: “Ms. Isabel, why did you take the initiative to admit that the marriage certificate was faked by you? Are you being persecuted by someone?”

Isabel widened her eyes and screamed: “No! I faked the marriage certificate, and the photo was taken by me! Alyssa is my sister, I can’t do this! I was wrong!”

The reporters later asked some more questions, but Alyssa didn’t care much anymore.

All her attention was on Isabel’s body.

Based on her knowledge of Isabel, she didn’t believe that Isabel knew that she was wrong.

Isabel will go to the media to clarify this matter, and it must have something to do with Karl.

Just don’t know what method Karl used to make Isabel afraid of this.

She changed several channels and found that they were all broadcasting Isabel’s interview.

Alyssa felt boring, so she ordered an old movie.

Halfway through the movie, Karl returned.

He walked straight towards Alyssa, leaning over her bangs to k!ss her.

Alyssa subconsciously turned her head away, and Karl’s movements were stagnant, and he k!ssed her, her voice is rare and gentle: “You will try on the wedding dress tomorrow.”

He said, holding her in his arms.

Alyssa turned her head back and said, “I haven’t finished writing the script, I’m a little busy.”

“You’ll come back to write after the trial.”

“No, I happen to have inspiration.”

Karl’s complexion suddenly stunned, and he pinched her chin, as if he had tolerated it to the extreme, and squeezed a word from his teeth: “Alyssa, you refuse me to try again.”

Chapter 210

Alyssa tilted her head slightly, her innocent expression in her eyes simply: “Don’t go.”

Karl was slightly startled.

Alyssa stretched out her hand and moved her hand away from her chin: “Don’t pinch your chin, it hurts.”

Alyssa’s rejection was so obvious, Karl stared at her and asked her, “Alyssa, what do you want?”

“I want to write a script. I just got inspiration recently.” Alyssa pushed him away and stood up, and walked upstairs.

The media exposed her photo, and she has not been out for several days.

She may not be able to go to work at AdamPic Media.

She doesn’t know what else to do except concentrate on writing the script.

Karl watched Alyssa go upstairs, her hand hanging beside her slowly tightening.

Because of Karl’s methods, Alyssa’s affairs quickly fell silent.

There is no shortage of such news in the entertainment circle, and it is easy to be forgotten once the heat is over.

This is why there are so many celebrities buying headlines and trending search.

To Alyssa’s surprise, Gerald also posted a Tweet to explain the meal with her.

Randomly made up a reason to justify it, and everything returned to peace.

But it is those netizens who are at peace, and Alyssa’s real life is still not so smooth.

After more than a week passed, Tina and Alyssa went out.

She and Karl had a cold war last time because of the wedding.

Karl was too busy all day long, and Alyssa also devoted himself to writing the script.

Although the two ate under one roof and slept on the same bed, they had little communication.

However, as soon as he knew that Alyssa was going out, Karl arranged for a driver and bodyguard to send her off.

Without even thinking about it, Alyssa subconsciously refused: “No, I just go shopping with Tina for dinner.”

As soon as the voice fell, she felt a chill in her back.

Alyssa paused, and walked out with an as usual expression.

It’s just that the bodyguards are poor, they are all quietly guarding the side, not daring to breathe.

Karl took a deep breath: “What did I say just now?”

His words were almost squeezed out from between his teeth one by one. The bodyguards heard this with fear, and immediately responded in unison: “Yes.”

Then they ran out together quickly, as if a ghost was chasing them.

When Alyssa walked outside the villa, she heard a series of neat footsteps behind her.

Before she came back, the group of bodyguards had already approached her.

A black car drove to her and stopped. A bodyguard immediately stepped forward and pulled the door: “Madam, please get in the car.”

Except for the bodyguard at the car door, other bodyguards also gathered around, looking like they were asking her to get in the car, but in fact it was more like being afraid of her running away.

Alyssa couldn’t laugh or cry.

There really is what kind of bodyguards there are.

It’s as unreasonable as Karl.

“Okay, it’s all gone, can’t I get in the car?” Alyssa bent over and got into the car after speaking.

The bodyguards: “…” It feels like Madam has seen everything well.

Alyssa originally wanted to go shopping with Tina to relax, but Karl sent such a large group of bodyguards to follow her.

There were a group of people behind her wherever she went, even if she wanted to keep a low profile, she couldn’t.

When Tina saw her and the group of bodyguards behind, her eyes widened: “Are you the Lafayette going out of the palace? With such a large group of people behind you?”

Alyssa turned to look at the group of bodyguards.

When the bodyguards met Alyssa’s gaze, they turned their heads to look away.

Alyssa sighed: “What Lafayette went out of the palace, it is clear that Karl has gone crazy.”

With a group of bodyguards, Alyssa had no choice but to stroll around with Tina and found a restaurant for dinner.

Because the bodyguards followed so many, they had to find a meal.

In addition, ordered a table of dishes for the bodyguards in the lobby outside the box.

The bodyguards had been with her for most of the day, and they were already hungry, and began to gobble up as soon as they sat down.

Tina glanced in the crack of the door, then greeted Alyssa, changed her clothes, and quietly led her away.

Two women go shopping together, and it’s nothing to bring a group of bodyguards.

Throwing away the bodyguards, the two sneaked out from the back door of the restaurant and went to the market behind the high school.

The two grilled two skewers of lamb at a stall on the side of the road and chatted while eating.

“Sometimes I still miss high school.”

“Why?” Tina ate her mouth full, and asked her while holding a tissue.

Alyssa smiled: “Life was simple.”

Apart from going to school, life is simple, that is, being an invisible person in Hunt family. Now that she think about it, she still feels good.

Hearing this, Tina didn’t know what she thought of, and threw the uneaten meat skewers into the trash can with no interest: “I don’t miss high school very much.”

Just as Alyssa was about to ask her why, she heard a familiar voice behind her.


It was a man’s voice, a little familiar, but she couldn’t remember who it was.

Looking back, she found that it was Norris who hadn’t seen her for a long time.

When Norris saw Alyssa, he smiled.

He crossed the crowd and ran towards Alyssa, with obvious excitement in his tone: “It’s really you!”

Without waiting for Alyssa to speak, Tina blocked Alyssa directly: “Norris? Why are you here?”

This night market is not in a prosperous area, and the things it sells are cheap. The people who come and go are students except for the nearby residents. It is obviously not a coincidence that Norris, a rich, came to this place.

When Norris saw Tina, he was surprised and said: “Tina is also here.”

Norris and Tina have some relatives. As for the relatives, Tina can’t remember anymore. Anyway, they occasionally see each other at banquets and parties, and they know each other, but they don’t have a good impression of each other.

Tina hated Isabel, and naturally didn’t like Norris, who had been with Isabel for a while. She folded her arms and raised her eyebrows and asked, “I want to ask you something.”

Norris probably saw Alyssa not talking, and then explained: “I saw you in the restaurant where you ate before, but I was not sure, so I followed.”

Hearing this, Tina choked back, “What do you want to do with me?”

Norris’s complexion changed slightly due to the choking of Tina, and he ignored Tina, and said gently to Alyssa, “Alyssa, I have something to say to you.”

“What are you talking about?” Alyssa looked at Norris without expression.

She didn’t think Norris had any good things to tell her.

Norris glanced at Tina, the meaning in his eyes was obvious, he wanted to avoid Tina.

It’s strange that Tina would avoid him.

“It’s fine if you don’t want to say it.” Alyssa said lightly, pulling Tina to leave.

“Wait.” Norris hurriedly called Alyssa, his tone a little anxious: “Alyssa, would you like to be with me?”

Alyssa: “…”

Tina: “…”

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