Summer Sweetheart Chapter 183 – 184

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Chapter 183

When only one breath takes three seconds, where does she have time to figure out how to please him?

No, didn’t she just ask him about Peter, and offended him, and even wanted to please him?

Alyssa’s mind just turned, and Karl’s voice sounded in her ears: “Three seconds is up.”

Alyssa twitched her mouth, she felt that Karl was getting more and more weird.

As soon as he stretched out his arm, he lifted her chin and k!ssed her.

After half a minute, Karl left her lips still intently, looking at her misty eyes, in a pretentious tone: “Do you understand now?”

Alyssa nodded her head.

To put it so tactfully, he wanted to… k!ss her!

Karl was happy and patted her head like a reward: “Wait for me in the car.”

Immediately, he turned around and got out of the car.

Alyssa could only lie down by the window and ask him, “Where are you going?”

Karl just glanced at her without saying a word, and walked straight towards the Hunt’s office.

Alyssa pursed her lips. It seems that she was right. Karl did come because of her resignation.

This is the time to work, and many people from the Hunt’s come and go.

After Karl’s identity was exposed, many people knew him.

Even people who don’t know him will involuntarily look at him more because of his unique and noble temperament.

Karl didn’t seem to feel their gaze, and walked straight to the elevator entrance.

The lady at the front desk is new here these days. Seeing Karl walked over in a swaggering manner, she hurriedly chased him up: “Sir… May I ask you…”

“Look for you Mr. Hunt.” Karl turned his head and said lightly.

Being stared at by Karl’s icy eyes, the lady at the front desk said, “Do you have an appointment?” It became: “Mr. Hunt is in the office…”

“Thank you.” Karl still had no extra expression on his face, and walked into the elevator after speaking.

Until the elevator door closed, the lady at the front desk patted her chest and let out a long sigh of relief. The man’s eyes just now were terrifying…

In the office.

After Douglas processed the last document, he heard the door pushing.

Who is so unruly, enters his office without even knowing to knock on the door.

He frowned and raised his head, and saw that the slender Karl had walked in, locking the door with his forehand and backhand.

“Mr. Adams?” He put down the pen in his hand and stood up.

Karl’s gaze swept across the pile of documents in front of him, and he said with a smile, “Mr. Hunt is really hardworking.”

“Mr. Hunt came to the door, if you have anything, please speak up.” When Douglas spoke, he looked straight at Karl.

However, he only stared at Karl for a few seconds, then subconsciously looked away.

Karl’s eyes were cold and extremely deterrent, like a lone wolf in the jungle, ruthless and decisive, only one look can make people fearful.

Douglas was agitated, and the body leaning on the back of the chair couldn’t help but sit up straight, waiting for him.

His tiny movement did not escape Karl’s eyes.

“When I was a child, I heard of Mr. Hunt’ deeds, but I didn’t expect you to get confused when you’re older.”

Karl sat down in front of Douglas, and was one meter tall, even if he was sitting, it was a bit taller than Douglas.

The suppression of height made Karl’s aura more powerful and frightening.

“Mr. Adams is making fun of me?” Douglas faintly understood what Karl’s purpose was.

“You still need me to make fun of what Mr. Adams is doing now?” Karl sneered, “Do you think that if you don’t let Alyssa resign, you can trap her in the Hunt’s and control her in your palm?”

Douglas’s complexion suddenly changed, and his face became tense.

Seeing him like this, Karl laughed with satisfaction: “Just like back then, you and the family reached a consensus, and finally went abroad. They thought you would die of old age abroad, and now you are not back. In this world What is absolute?”

Douglas’s complexion became more and more ugly: “Mr. Adams, don’t know what you are talking about. Regarding Alyssa’s resignation, although she is married to you, she is still surnamed Hunt, so this matter must I have the final say!”

“is it?”

The smile on Karl’s face deepened a bit, and his voice became soft but strange: “Back in my mother’s case, you helped the Adams’ family find someone together. You did a good job, so the Adams’ family Thank you for letting Isabel and I enter into a marriage contract, which is clearly a good thing, but why must you go abroad?”

Karl’s words seemed to have touched Douglas’s bottom line. He pointed to the door and roared: “That’s what I want to go abroad! What does it have to do with you! You go out, this is my company, you’re not welcomed here anymore!”

“As long as I am happy, tomorrow this can become mine.”

Karl squinted his eyes slightly, his face was bitterly cold: “Don’t think that Trevor or the other people in the Adams’ family can help you. They are already overwhelmed.”

Douglas’s complexion changed drastically, his lips were opened as if he had been tapped on the acupuncture points, and he froze there for a while, unable to speak a word.

He had seen Karl back then, but he took a hasty look at that abandoned warehouse.

At that time, Karl’s face was stained, and his eyes were dull, as if he was scared and stupid.

He felt that this child might have been abandoned at the time, and later he asked to marry the family. The Adams’ family also felt that Karl’s situation was not optimistic at the time, so he agreed to it hastily.

He didn’t expect that after fifteen years, the child who seemed to him to be abolished would sit in his office and threaten him calmly.

After living for most of his life, he was the first one to look away from him, that is the child back then, and now Karl.

Douglas shook his head and fell back on the chair with a hoarse and old voice: “don’t know anything else. I only saw a woman outside that abandoned factory. She looked a bit like your father. Your father’s sister.”

Karl raised his head fiercely, the wind suddenly rose in his ink eyes, and he said gloomily, “Do I look so foolish?”

He did not believe what Douglas said.

Trevor’s younger sister is Lina Adams, Gerald’s mother and his aunt.

Lina and Karl’s mother had been friends for decades. After his mother’s accident, Lina was also depressed for a few years.

Besides, Lina was abroad when his mother was in trouble.

“Mr. Adams, I’m so old, I have nothing more to ask for, I just want to keep the family’s property.” Douglas looked tired, leaning back in his chair, and sighed.

He didn’t need to fool Karl again.

Chapter 184

Douglas’s words were similar to expressing sincerity, and it didn’t make Karl’s complexion better, but it became even more ugly.

Karl stood up, his voice as cold as his expression: “Alyssa will not come to Mu’s work tomorrow.”

There was no negotiating tone at all, and he was as arrogant as to send a notice to himself.

Douglas did not speak.

What else can he say?

Karl hadn’t been able to fight against him. He originally thought that the most difficult person to deal with after returning to the country should be Trevor, but he didn’t expect it to be Karl.

Karl opened the door and saw Alyssa standing at the door.

Alyssa listened at the door for a while, but didn’t hear clearly what they were talking about.

“I…” She wanted to explain that she didn’t come back to eavesdrop on purpose, but when she spoke, Karl suddenly leaned over and hugged her.

His strength was a bit strong, and her arm was strangling her waist, but she could bear it.

Alyssa took a breath, feeling that the breath on Karl’s body was not right, and asked him in a low voice, “What’s wrong with you?”

Karl hugged her for a few seconds before letting her go, straightening up and holding her hand to the front: “Go and collect your things, they won’t be used tomorrow.”

Alyssa was a little curious about what Karl and Douglas had said, but Karl’s expression and the low pressure on his body indicated that it was not time to ask more.

Alyssa quickly put away her things, holding the cardboard box and saying to Karl, “It’s okay.”

Karl looked down, took the box in her hand and held it with one hand without saying a word, and took Alyssa with the other hand that was free.

Alyssa felt sweet in her heart, even if she was in a bad mood, he would be so careful to help her hold the box.

Fortunately, there are no more people in the company at this time, and those who are still working overtime are all high-level employees with their own independent offices.

The two went to the elevator entrance and waited for the elevator to come up.

Alyssa thought that there was a special elevator for Karl at AdamPic Media, and couldn’t help turning his head and asked him curiously, “Have you ever waited for an elevator?”

Karl just glanced at her and handed her a look of “what do you think”.

She feels…

She felt that Karl must have never waited for an elevator.

The elevator finally came up.


The elevator door opened, and Alyssa was about to walk inside. As soon as she looked up, she found that it was not someone else who came out of the elevator, it was Isabel.

She returned to the office because she was worried that Isabel and Karl would run into each other.

In the end, Isabel really saw Karl!

Alyssa subconsciously stood in front of Karl, and squeezed back slightly.

Karl had to take two steps back, and said indifferently, “Why?”

When Isabel saw Alyssa, her eyes were already full of anger, but when she saw Karl who was standing behind Alyssa, the aura of her whole body suddenly changed.

The voice of speaking also made people get goose bumps all over.

“Mr. Adams, we’re seeing each other again.” Isabel said while pulling her coat unconsciously.

She likes to wear a low-cut dress under her coat. As soon as the coat is opened, it reveals the white and tender grooves drawn by the “V” neckline inside, which looks a bit seductive.

At the same time, the elevator on the other side also came up.

But Karl didn’t even look at Isabel, and directly pulled Alyssa into the elevator on the other side.

Isabel’s face became stiff, unwilling to follow her into the elevator on the other side.

She deliberately rubbed against Karl’s side, pinched her throat and said, “Mr. Adams, I’m a little claustrophobic, can you…help me…”

The words “help me” were spoken slowly and slowly, as if they were about to die.

“I’ll help you.” Alyssa walked over and squeezed Isabel away, strongly supporting Isabel’s arm: “I didn’t know you had claustrophobia before!”

Isabel was so angry that her face was about to deform, and she gritted her teeth and said with a voice that only the two of them could hear: “Get out of here!”

“You s3duce-lead my man, still want to get away, do you treat me as a fool?” Alyssa stared back unwillingly.

“Yours?” Isabel sneered: “Don’t forget, I am the one who has the marriage contract with Karl!”

“But his wife is me!” Alyssa felt that Isabel simply had a brain problem.

She is now Karl’s legal wife, and when Karl was still “Luther”, she made it clear that he was not interested in Isabel, but Isabel seemed to have automatically blocked the information, and she was still immortal in heart!

Isabel looked smug: “Really? Where’s the marriage certificate? Show it?”

In this place, where could Alyssa show her marriage certificate to Isabel.

Speaking of it, she seems to have not seen the marriage certificate of her and Karl.

“If you can’t get it out, just roll aside!” Isabel finished speaking, before Alyssa was not paying attention, she stomped on Alyssa’s foot.

Alyssa didn’t notice for a while, so she was stepped on Isabel’s high heels abruptly.

Isabel’s high-heeled shoes are very thin and the area of ”‹”‹force is small. Even with such a hard effort, even the snow boots worn by Alyssa still sucked in pain.

Although Karl hadn’t made a sound, he had been paying attention to Alyssa’s movement.

In fact, when Isabel leaned over, he could directly push her away.

However, seeing Alyssa protecting him, his mood will become particularly good, and he will let her go.

At this moment, Isabel used a secret trick, and his face became cold.

Alyssa’s feet hurt, but she didn’t let go. She lifted her foot and wanted to kick Isabel to get revenge, but she was coldly stuffed by Karl’s box in her arms.

She looked at Karl blankly.

With a long finger, Karl pressed several keys on the elevator, pulled Alyssa and went out.

The elevator doors closed behind them.

Alyssa didn’t realize what was going on yet, and looked back at the elevator door with a dazed expression.

The next second, Isabel’s scream came from inside: “Ah—-“

Then there were a few “bangs”.

“The elevator… fell?” Alyssa asked Karl, turning her head uncertainly.

There’s an underground parking lot, and downstairs there are negative first and negative second floors.

Karl responded indifferently, “Yes.”

Alyssa remembered that when she came out, Karl had pressed a few keys on the elevator…

Wouldn’t it be those few, let the elevator fall down, right?

There is this? ? ?

Alyssa felt her scalp numb for a while.

I would rather offend the villain than Karl.

When the two returned to the car, Karl said to Alyssa, “Take off your shoes.”

Alyssa was stunned for a moment, and then realized that Karl should have seen Isabel step on her.

“I’m fine.”

Karl ignored her words, stretched out his arm to hold her ankle, lifted her leg to the chair, and personally helped her take off her shoes…

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