Summer Sweetheart Chapter 129 – 130

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Chapter 129

Alyssa took a taxi to the community where Gerald was located.

At the gate of the community, she called him.

Gerald answered the phone very quickly, probably just after exercising, and his voice was a little panting: “Wait for five minutes.”

Gerald really came out in five minutes.

He is wearing a black sports suit, his hair is slightly damp, and his smile is gentle like a big brother next door.

When he put his gaze on Alyssa, the smile on his face became deeper.

He waved to Alyssa: “Alyssa, come with me.”

After that, he seemed to realize that he was wrong, and asked her a little apologetically: “You follow Karl and call me eldest brother, can I call you Alyssa?”

Alyssa choked at his words and nodded in embarrassment: “…Yes.”

Gerald took Alyssa to his house, entered the door and brought her a pair of disposable slippers from the shoe cabinet.

“It’s a bit messy. The aunt who cleaned this week has something to do at home, so she didn’t come over. I was too busy to clean.” Gerald explained to her as he walked inside.

In fact, the room is quite tidy, but the things are arranged out of order.

Alyssa smiled and said nothing.

Gerald took her to the sofa and let her sit down, and then helped her pour a glass of water: “I was abroad for a while, and there is nothing at home. There is only water. You will be the same.”

“It’s okay, thank you.”

Speaking of Alyssa Gerald is not very familiar, she is still a little uncomfortable sitting in his house like this.

She took a sip of water and directly explained the purpose of coming here today: “Have you picked up Hunt’s product endorsement?”

“Well, I took it, but the contract has not been signed yet.” Gerald sat down opposite her with a gentle smile: “They sent you over to talk about the contract with me?”

“Yes.” Alyssa laughed and put down the water glass in her hand: “Are you really sure you want to endorse Hunt’s Products?”

“Not sure, that’s why they sent you to talk to me.” Gerald’s casual look was a bit like Karl’s.

Alyssa was stunned for a moment, can cousins ”‹”‹look so alike?

“However, you don’t seem to agree very much with my endorsement.” Gerald’s smiling eyes were shrewd and wise.

When Alyssa saw him speak so directly, she didn’t twitch: “It’s not that I don’t agree. Although I belong to the family, I must admit that if you take this endorsement, it will affect your acting career. Cause a bad influence.”

Gerald leaned back lightly, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he looked a bit like Karl.

However, his tone was not as gloomy as Karl, and he was still very gentle: “Are you so honest with everyone?”

“…” Alyssa couldn’t speak.

Suddenly, he took away the smile on his face, and said with a straight face: “Don’t be too kind, you will be bullied by Karl.”

Alyssa felt that Gerald said a lot today.

Hearing Karl from Gerald’s mouth, Alyssa was taken aback for a while before reacting.

“Luther is also quite afraid of him, does he like to bully people?” Alyssa was really curious.

Gerald paused: “No, at least before he was eleven years old, he was a very good and obedient child.”

Very good and obedient.

These words are used to describe Karl, which is very against the peace.

It wasn’t until Alyssa left that she remembered that the purpose of her coming to visit Gerald today was to talk about endorsements. As a result, the two people talked about the endorsements, and directly left the endorsements behind.

Alyssa was a little helpless, but did not show it.

She always felt that it was not that simple for Gerald to take over Hunt’s endorsement.

Take one step at a time, let’s talk about it then.

In the afternoon, Alyssa did not return to the Hunt’s, and there was nothing serious to do when she returned.

She called Tina to come out for coffee.

She told her that Gerald had accepted Hunt’s endorsement, and Tina was as shocked as her.

Tina’s first reaction was not to believe: “How is it possible? Fake?”

“I went to Gerald today. He didn’t deny it.” Alyssa added sugar to the coffee in front of her, and paused and said, “But the contract has not yet been signed.”

Tina was reading Twitter. Hearing what she said, she raised her head and looked down at the screen of the phone. Suddenly, a popular Tweet ran into her eyes.

As she read it, she read aloud: “A certain black-hearted company was so obliterated that it used extraordinary means to threaten a certain great movie king to endorse its products…”

The more Alyssa listened, the more she felt that the black-hearted companies mentioned in this Tweet were very much like Hunt’s.

She reached out and took the cold cell phone: “Show me.”

The more Alyssa looked, the deeper her brow furrowed, and then she looked down at the comment. The first content of the hot comment was to mention Gerald and Hunt’s.

“Do you still remember the tumultuous Hunt’s factory a while ago? I suspect that this Tweet is about Hunt’s.”

There are many comments below.

“But, who is the actor who was threatened?”

“The fact that the daily necessities company owner can suppress the news on the Internet in such a short period of time indicates that he has a very strong backstage. If the backstage is strong, if he wants to threaten the actor to endorse the products, he must find the most in-game person with fans and most traffic. The most influential actor! Tell me loudly, this actor is…”


“Upvote +1”

“It must be Gerald!”


Because of the conscious guidance of the previous hot comment, the comments that followed were basically cursing Hunt’s.

Alyssa returned the phone to Tina, took out her phone, opened Twitter, and went directly to Hunt’s official Twitter to read comments.

When she clicked in, she saw Hunt’s official Twitter posted a Tweet one minute ago: [Looking forward to the cooperation of the only King Gerald.]

Because of the last incident, Hunt’s official Twitter was turned off by netizens many times, so they disallowed the comments.

As soon as this was posted, it was reposted over a hundred in less than two minutes, and the number of reposts continued to rise.

Those who reposted this Tweet basically scolded Hunt’s.

“Oh, our actor will accept the endorsement of this garbage company? A joke.”

“Last time, even the international big-name XX endorsement was recommended by Gerald. Why would you accept the endorsement of a bad company like this? What did you do to Gerald, don’t you know?”

“Closing early!”


Tina also leaned over and saw the Twitter sent by the family.

She asked Alyssa, “Do you believe there is such a coincidence?”

“I don’t believe it.” Alyssa shook her head solemnly.

Gerald would say to accept Hunt’s endorsement, which may have been a game from the beginning.

Alyssa probably understood what was going on.

This is another attempt to use the celebrity effect to push the Hunt’s to the edge of the abyss.

––Isn’t there still Old Man Hunt?

What Karl had said suddenly broke into Alyssa’s mind.

Chapter 130

Karl’s purpose was to push the Hunt family to the edge of the abyss, until Colin couldn’t hold it, and let Old Hunt return home.

It has been eleven years since Mr. Hunt hurriedly went abroad for retirement.

Eleven years ago, he had never returned to the country.

Even if the family were to be reunited, Colin took the family abroad to meet him, but Alyssa had never been taken abroad by him.

Alyssa also suspected that the matter of Gerald might be related to Karl.

After all, AdamPic couldn’t really let Gerald take over Hunt’s endorsement, and Peter had a close relationship with Karl.

But if it has something to do with Karl, then why does he deliberately force Elder Hunt to return home?

Alyssa raised her head to look at Tina: “If the marriage contract between Isabel and Karl is related to the kidnapping case at that time, can you assume that the reason why Karl has always wanted to force grandfather back to the country? , Because grandfather is also related to the kidnapping case back then!”

Tina shook her head: “But if your grandfather is related to the kidnapping case of Karl and his mother at that time, why would the Adams’ family let him go abroad for retirement and let the two marry?”

Alyssa felt that Tina’s words made sense.

The series of things that Adams’ did give people a feeling of pleasing Hunt’s…

An inspiration flashed in Alyssa’s mind, frowning and saying, “My grandpa was in good health, and he doesn’t need to go abroad for retirement ten years ago. There must be some reason for him to go abroad, and Isabel and Karl’s marriage contract is weird, and these two things come together…”

After a pause, Alyssa continued: “I don’t believe there is such a coincidence in the world. I suspect that my grandfather must have known the secret secrets of the Adams’ family and reached a marriage agreement with the Adams’ family. Hunt’s family is cautious, so my grandfather must go abroad, and he is not allowed to come back.”

After she finished speaking, she saw Tina looking at her with a dazed expression.

Alyssa also felt that her brain was too wide open: “Do you think I guessed wrong?”

Tina shook her head: “No, I think you are making too much sense. Moreover, dad also had some contact with that case back then. Your grandfather did have a little connection with that case, but it had no effect on the case…”

at night.

Alyssa unscrewed the faucet while holding her mobile phone to watch the online Twitter discussion about Gerald being threatened.

“Sister Alyssa!”

Luther’s voice came from outside.

His voice is from far to near: “Sister Alyssa, are you cooking!”

Alyssa put down her mobile phone and looked outside the kitchen, just in time to see Luther running over here.

As soon as he ran in, he was about to uncover the lid: “What are you doing, it’s delicious!”

“Broiled chicken.” Alyssa patted his hand gently: “It’s not ready yet, go out and wait.”

“Okay.” Luther retracted his hand with a smile, and ran out in a swift smoke.

When eating, Karl did not come back.

Alyssa looked at the place where Karl usually sits, slightly lost.

Luther took a piece of braised chicken and stuffed it into his mouth. He ate his mouth full of oil, and said vaguely: “If you want cousin, call him.”

“Who missed him?” Alyssa gave him another piece of meat: “Eat yours.”

“Oh.” Luther obviously didn’t believe her.

After the two had eaten, Karl still did not come back.

Alyssa returned to the room to take a shower, sat on the bed and looked at the empty room, always feeling that nothing was right.

Is it because Karl is not there?


Suddenly, her mobile phone on the bedside table vibrated.

Alyssa took it over and saw that it turned out to be a call from Karl.

She hesitated for three seconds, then reached out and picked it up.


It was not Karl’s voice that rang on the other end of the phone: “Alyssa, I’m Peter, something has happened to Karl, now come to Best Day, I’ve asked Smith to pick you up.”

Peter’s tone was particularly anxious, which made Alyssa get a sense of anxiety in her heart.

She remembered the gunshot wound on Karl last time…

Feeling a little flustered, she ran upstairs quickly after changing her clothes.

Just when the Smith had come, he saw Alyssa panicking, his eyes flashed slightly: “Madam, to Best Day.”

Smith drove the car fast, and it didn’t take long to arrive at Best Day.

When she got out of the car, Alyssa remembered and asked him, “What happened to Karl?”

“Madam will know if you go and see.” Smith lowered his head, looking very respectful.

Alyssa’s heart was suspicious, and she didn’t see him too nervous.

As soon as she entered Best Day, she saw Peter.

As soon as Peter saw her, he walked up directly: “Alyssa, you are here.”

“Where is Karl?” Alyssa asked him aloud.

Peter coughed slightly: “I will take you to find him.”

The two entered the elevator, and Peter was still explaining to her: “Karl had an accident. He didn’t talk to anyone else, and I don’t know who to look for except you.”

“Oh.” As if she and Karl were very close.

At the door of the room, Peter opened the door: “Karl is inside, you can go in.”

The room was dark and the lights were not turned on.

Alyssa felt something was wrong: “What happened to Karl?”

Peter sighed, “You’ll know when you go in and see.”

Alyssa looked at Peter for a few seconds, then raised her foot and walked in.

As soon as she entered with her front foot, the door was closed with a “bang”.

Alyssa reached out and pressed the light switch, glanced at the door of the room, and continued to walk inside while calling Karl’s name.


She called several times without getting a response.

Karl lived in a suite, and Alyssa walked towards the bedroom without seeing him in the hall.

Alyssa turned on the bedroom light and found that there was no Karl in the bedroom. Just as she was about to go out, she heard the patter of water coming from the bathroom.

She walked to the bathroom door and knocked on the door: “Karl? Are you inside?”

There was no light in the bathroom, and Alyssa did not hear any response from inside, so she was not sure whether there was anyone inside.

Just when she was about to turn around and go out, a depressed and gloomy voice came from the bathroom: “Get out!”

It was Karl’s voice!

His voice doesn’t sound right.

“Karl, what’s wrong with you?” Alyssa patted the door: “I am Alyssa.”

The next moment, the bathroom door was suddenly opened.

Karl appeared pale in her sight. His whole body was dripping with water, only wrapped in a bath towel, Alyssa stood a step away from him, feeling the coolness radiating from him.

Alyssa reached out and touched his arm, and found that it was frighteningly cold!

Karl quickly opened his mouth: “Who asked you to come? Go back!”

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