Summer Sweetheart Chapter 119 – 120

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Chapter 119

Luther was a little surprised: “You all know my brother?”

He knew that Gerald was an actor, but he did not know that Gerald was so famous in the country.

“Of course I know. Mr. Gerald is a senior in the circle. He is a good acting person and a fan harvester!” Tina took out her mobile phone after speaking, “Mr. Gerald, can we take a picture together?”

“Of course.” Gerald smiled gently: “But you have to keep things a secret for me today.”

“Must!” After Tina turned on the phone’s camera, she pulled Alyssa over again: “Taking pictures together.”

“No, you can shoot…” Alyssa doesn’t chase stars, but simply likes Gerald’s movies.

She didn’t have much interest in taking photos together.

Gerald looked at her with a smile, and said mildly: “Miss Alyssa should give up her life to accompany the gentleman.”

Gerald’s attitude was too gentle, Alyssa no longer refused, so she had to stand over and take a group photo.

The three stood together, and Luther took photos of them.

Gerald stood in the middle, and Tina and Alyssa stood on either side of him.

After taking the photo, Tina took the phone and called. It was the agent’s call. She hung up without answering. She turned to Alyssa and said, “The agent called me. I have to go first.”

Alyssa nodded: “You can go.”

“Then I’ll go first, and see you senior.” Tina waved to Gerald, turned, and rushed out of the restaurant.

Alyssa turned to look at Luther and Gerald, only to realize that they did look a little like each other.

Maybe because it was a close relative, Alyssa felt that Gerald and Karl looked very similar.

She remembered the previous meal in Best Day, Gerald greeted Peter in the past, and saw Karl there, but did not speak to him, thinking about it, he knew about her and Karl’s affairs.

But he was Karl’s cousin, and he helped Karl conceal it, which was normal.

In order to deceive her, Karl really tried his best.

Alyssa couldn’t help but curled her lips, her smile was full of mockery.

Gerald seemed to see her thoughts, his face was slightly restrained, and he said sincerely: “I’m sorry to help Karl deceive you.”

Alyssa pursed her lips and said, “Mr. Cain needn’t say that everyone has different positions.”

Mr. Cain?

Gerald smiled helplessly, and said, “Are you planning to go back now? I will drive you.”

Alyssa glanced at Luther suspiciously. Karl disciplined him so strictly. Logically speaking, he saw his own brother, so he should go directly with him.

However, listening to Gerald’s tone, he still wanted to return to Karl.

Seeing Alyssa’s doubts, Gerald explained, “I’m too busy at work and don’t have time to take care of Luther. It’s better for him to live with Karl.”

Gerald drove Alyssa and Luther back to the villa.

Alyssa and Luther walked ahead, and Gerald followed them, half a step behind.

As soon as Alyssa entered the door, she happened to see Karl coming down from the stairs.

He raised his head and glanced at Alyssa, his expression still natural, but when he saw Gerald who was following her, he narrowed his eyes slightly with an unpredictable expression.

“Karl.” Gerald first explained: “I was eating out, and I met Luther and the Alyssa, so I took them back by the way.”

“Yeah.” Karl replied, sat down on the sofa, and ordered the bodyguard: “Pour tea.”

Seeing the two sitting down on the sofa, Alyssa took Luther upstairs as if there was something to talk about.

As soon as Luther returned to the room, he started to do his homework, but it was not his own, but the primary school homework.

Children really struggle to make money.

Alyssa returned to the room, and after washing out, she received the WeChat message sent to her by Tina.

[Have you and Karl done it? Can he do it? ]

[I think since he is different from the rumors, should he do it? ]

Alyssa smiled helplessly, and returned the message to her: [Go to bed early, don’t talk about the mess. ]

Not only did Tina not listen to her to go to sleep, but instead sent her a voice.

Alyssa opened up and listened.

“I’m not talking about messy things, I’m talking about serious things, although Karl’s approach is a bit excessive, but you have to take him down first, otherwise if you are known by the little b!tch Isabel ‘Luther’ is Karl, do you think if she will not pounce on…”

Tina’s words reminded Alyssa.

Isabel had been playing the idea of ”‹”‹”Luther” before. If she knew that “Luther” was Karl, she would definitely not give up.

“What happened to her when she pounced, Karl must not even look at her more.”

The former “Luther” she didn’t dare to say that, but now that he is Karl, it is even more unlikely that Isabel can be restrained.

As soon as she uttered this voice, she heard Karl’s voice coming from the door: “Really? Know me that way.”

Alyssa looked up stiffly in Karl’s direction, her mind was in confusion.

When did he come up?

Did he hear the content of her chat with Tina?

Ding Dong––

Facing Tina’s second reply, Alyssa pressed the lock screen button in no hurry to see new news.

“When did you come up?”

“I heard everything that should have been heard.”

Karl did not answer her question head-on, but his answer was sufficient to show that he heard everything.

The embarrassment on Alyssa’s face couldn’t be covered, Karl curled his lips, with a slight joy in his tone: “I’m going to take a bath, so think about it for yourself.”

“What do I think?”

“Think about how to take me down.”

“……”Ha ha.

Because of Karl’s secret help, Hunt’s swept away the haze that had been plagued by black materials before, and started normal operations. There are too many to count on the cooperation of asking for financing.

Colin felt that the Hunt’s was about to usher in a rise in quality. He was so happy that he was busy with socializing every day, and even wanted to take Alyssa out to meet those partners.

Alyssa refused directly: “No, Dad should take my sister. Karl doesn’t like me to go to dinners.”

Now whenever something happens, she uses Karl as an excuse, which is still very useful.

She and Colin had different ideas. She knew Karl. Although he helped Hunt’s, she always felt that things were a little weird and not so simple.

“Also.” Colin nodded and asked her: “When will Karl have time, you can take him to Hunt’s house for a meal.”

Even “Karl” was called. Are you trying to curry favor with this son-in-law?

Although she would not take Karl back to Hunt’s house, she still replied, “Okay.”

On the way back, Alyssa asked the driver to stop, and she got off to buy things.

Most of the daily necessities area in the supermarket is affixed with Hunt’s trademark.

Alyssa walked over and heard someone next to him say: “Why is this brand still not broken, and still has the face to put things on the shelves?”

“That’s not the case. The backstage is hard. If the product goes wrong, it will affect the news and it will be disgusting!”

Alyssa stood in front of the shelf for a while, bought something and went out.

She knew Karl’s plan.

In this “factory exposure” incident, the Hunt’s didn’t have much sincere apology, and didn’t suffer any due punishment.

Not only that, but they also suppressed all negative news, which would make the public even more disgusted.

Chapter 120

As the saying goes, the embankment of a thousand miles was destroyed by an ant nest.

What’s more, it is a company like Hunt’s that has been exposed to black material.

Alyssa had a foreboding that this was not for the Hunt’s family to overcome difficulties, but the beginning of disaster.

Even if you get more investment and cooperation, but in the end the product is put on the market, no consumers are willing to pay, everything is in vain.

In this era of rapid development of network information, the influence of network information dissemination cannot be underestimated.

Once Hunt’s wants to make a big move, someone will turn out the black material that Hunt’s used to be, and then people will resist it together.

With such a big market, so many competitors, and so many choices for consumers, Hunt’s is nothing at all.

After realizing Karl’s purpose, Alyssa felt cold all over the more she thought about it.

Karl’s face was to help the Hunt’s family, but his real purpose was to put it to death.

As soon as the car stopped at the door of the villa, Alyssa quickly opened the door and jumped down.

It was already deep winter, and the weather was getting colder day by day.

A cold wind blew, Alyssa shuddered, and her complexion became paler.

She walked into the hall without seeing Karl’s figure.

The bodyguard on the side stepped forward with a wink: “Madam, Sir is in the study.”

Alyssa heard this and went directly to Karl’s study.

He seems to have just returned, before he can take off his coat, he is reaching out to type books on the bookshelf.

Hearing the opening of the door, he turned his head and saw Alyssa. He gently curled his lips, as if smiling, but not like it.

“You’re back.”

After he finished speaking, he turned his head and went to the bookshelf to continue looking for books

Alyssa walked to him, held his arm, and pulled him to face him.

She stared at Karl’s eyes and said word by word, “What are you trying to do? Where did the Hunt family offend you?”

Karl retracted his arm and stretched out his hand to cover Alyssa’s hand: “So cold?”

He grabbed Alyssa’s two hands and put them in his own hands.

His palm was wide and warm, so warm that Alyssa didn’t even have the idea of ”‹”‹pulling his hand back.

It is too easy for a man like Karl to put down his posture and softly to impress a woman.

Alyssa was only slightly stunned before she woke up. She took out her hand and repeated the previous question: “Where did the Hunt offend you?”

“Are you asking for a crime?” Karl stared at her and dropped his hand for two seconds. The expression on his face gradually became cold.

“You know what I mean.”

Karl turned around and sat down on the chair, and said casually, “Let the paparazzi go to Hunt’s factory to shoot shady scenes. I think you have no feelings for them.”

Alyssa looked at him in astonishment, he even knew about this?

Karl seemed to be very satisfied with her expression, a pair of mo-like eyes locked her tightly, and there was a dark floating inside, making it difficult to see the emotions inside.

After a while, she heard his slightly gloomy voice: “Your business, as long as I want to, there is nothing I don’t know.”

What he meant was that she was completely transparent in front of him.

He can easily know what she does.

He was threatening her again.

“Is it interesting? Staring at me makes you feel very fulfilled?” Alyssa’s voice was a little sharp.

She thought that Karl might really be a lunatic! Watching her every move at any time made her feel like a little pet being served.

“I care about you.” Karl seemed to be unaware of Alyssa’s fierce emotions, and continued: “Otherwise, you were tricked by Colin and Isabel to save your mother from being kidnapped. At that time, how could I rush to save you?”

Although she was mentally prepared, Alyssa’s eyes widened in shock.

He really knows everything!

She has no secrets in front of him.

Maybe he didn’t mean to her, but his desire to control is too strong.

“Don’t show this look, I don’t like it.”

Karl stood up suddenly and stretched out his hands to cover her eyes. He lowered his head and lightly branded a k!ss on her lips, his low voice with the mellow texture of old wine: “You just need to be obedient, you can do it. Up.”

His lips were as warm as his hands, but Alyssa shuddered severely.

Karl hugged her into his arms, palms through her waterfall-like hair, and his voice was dull and affectionate: “Don’t be afraid, I won’t deal with you the way I deal with them. You are the one who wants to spend life with me, I too can’t hurt you…”

Alyssa stiffened her body and dared not move. Such Karl made every cell in her body clamoring to escape.

After a while, Alyssa found her own voice: “Mus…”

“There will be nothing wrong with the Hunt’s family, isn’t there still Elder Hunt?” Karl let go of her and touched the scattered bangs in front of her forehead for her: “Go eat.”

Father Hunt?

Alyssa was led downstairs by Karl and followed passively, but her thoughts had already flown far.

From the information disclosed by Tina before contacting, Mr. Hunt is a key figure regarding the reason for the sudden marriage between the Hunt family and the Adams’ family.

After Elder Hunt went abroad for retirement, he never came back.

Alyssa hadn’t seen him in more than ten years, and she wouldn’t remember that she still had a grandfather unless someone mentioned it.

Karl mentioned him just now, so his purpose is…

Alyssa figured this out, and stopped abruptly, looked at Karl and said, “Are you trying to force my grandfather to return to the country through this?”

Karl turned his head to look at her, a trace of appreciation appeared in his eyes: “So smart.”

“What do you want to do when you force my grandfather to return to the country? What is your purpose?” Is it because there are other unknown things behind the engagement between the two families?

And this matter is very important to Karl?

Since the kidnapping case, Karl had hidden his identity and no longer showed up in front of him. Why?

There are too many things that she can’t figure out, and Alyssa’s mind is even more confused.

In the restaurant.

Luther was already sitting there, but because Karl and Alyssa hadn’t arrived yet, he didn’t move his chopsticks first.

Seeing two people coming in holding hands, he curled his lips and muttered: “Flower stuck in cow dung.”

Karl opened the chair for Alyssa, and said without raising his head: “Luther, your teacher said you can’t keep up with your studies, I’ll enroll you in a cram school.”

“No need!” Luther’s expression changed, and he said very spinelessly: “You are really handsome and beautiful, you are a natural pair.”

Sinister villain!

Let him go to a cram school, it is better to let him die!

Luther glared at him quietly, then turned to give Alyssa food with a smile: “Sister Alyssa, you eat this.”

“Thank you.” Alyssa held the bowl and took the food he had picked for her, feeling that she and Luther were two people who had the same illness.

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